Chapter 7. Darlin

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I woke up once again, beside Nikki in the hotel bed. I looked over as he laid peacefully, snoring lightly. Memories of last night came flushing into my head. We didn't go any further then just making out. We didn't seem to want to take any further, just enjoying holding each other.

He recognized the t-shirt I was wearing and told me I looked better in it then he did, then carried me over to bed and kissed my forehead goodnight. It was nice, I hadn't had that in so long, not since I left Australia. I had a boyfriend in high school but he cheated on me all the time and abused me, I didn't really know love to be anything else. I wonder if this actually meant anything to Nikki or if he just did this with every girl he was with. I didn't want to get attached, but I think I have it under control. For now.

Suddenly there was banging on our door. 'Hailie! Get up and open the door!' Vicky yelled on the other side of it. 'What? Who is that?' Nikki mumbled as he woke up rubbing his eyes. 'Vicky' I said rolling my eyes and walking over to the door. 'Yes Vicky?' I asked, opening the door. 'We're leaving in 45 minutes for Phoenix. Wake up Alex and make sure she's ready in time. By the way, Doc can't get a hold of Sixx. Have you seen him?' Vicky asked. 'Uh..' I began before I got interrupted.

'Right here V dog.' Nikki replied smiling behind me. Vicky looked' at Nikki then back to me and stared for a bit. I gave her a nervous smile. 'Right, where's Alex then?' Vicky asked crossing her arms. 'She's with Tommy.' I half chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. 'Bloody hell, you two are always up to no good. Be ready in 45. You too Sixx!' She warned as she stormed down to Tommy's room. 'No problem!' Nikki called out giving her a cheeky smile. 'Right well I better start getting ready, you should too.' I told him, shutting the door. 'Yeah no worries, I just need to use the bathroom.' He said real quick while disappearing into the bathroom.

'Don't take too long I need a shower!' I yelled out. I started to clear my things and pack them into my suitcase, choosing the clothes I was gonna wear today. I picked ripped jeans, my cons and a Beatles T-shirt. I then tried to clean the place up, I felt bad leaving my mess behind. After about twenty minutes, Nikki still hadn't come out of the bathroom. I wondered what he was doing because I hadn't heard the shower turn on. I knocked on the door, 'Nikki?' I called. 'What?' He grunted. 'What are you doing in there?' I frowned. 'Nothing, just go away I'll be out soon.' He grumbled. 'Open the door now SIxx.' I ordered coldly. After no answer, I decided to do the only option left.

I kicked the door down and my eyes went wide at the scene I was witnessing. Nikki was slumped down on the floor with a needle hanging out of his arm looking at me seriously because of the scene I just caused. 'What the fuck Nikki!' I yelled at him. 'I told you not to fucking come in!!' He screamed at me. 'Fucking heroin really?! Why do that to yourself?!' I screamed back. 'You just don't understand.' He said quietly as he looked at the floor. 'Clean this shit up, don't leave anything behind.' I growled before grabbing my stuff and leaving. I knocked on the closest hotel room. 'Oh hey H what's up?' Izzy asked opening the door. 'Can I please come in? I need to have a shower and get dressed.' I asked him desperately.

I was still in Nikki's over sized t-shirt and no pants. 'Sure thing.' He laughed while letting me in. 'So what's wrong with you're bathroom?' Izzy asked as I put down my suitcase on the bed. Duff sat on the other bed. 'Hey Hailie.' He said cheerfully. 'Hey Duff.' I smiled. 'Because Sixx is in there shooting himself up and I'm not dealing with that.' I replied not looking up at Izzy while I grabbed my clothes. 'Oh, yeah it's not the best sight. Seen it a few times myself.' Izzy told me. 'What? He's done this for a while?' I asked Izzy in shocked. 'Yeah you didn't know?' Duff asked me. 'No.. I thought he just did drugs for fun like the rest of us.' I said sadly. 'Sorry H, Sixx is messed up. Don't feel bad, you've got all us.' Izzy told me smiling. 'Yeah.' I said giving him a small smile before heading for a shower.

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