Chapter 71. How did we end up here?

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Today we're on our way to Atlanta , Georgia. It's being a couple of days since I caught that chick on top of Nikki and not gonna lie I was expecting him to wake up the next day and beg for my forgiveness while I gave him nothing. Instead, he hasn't spoken to me at all, just looks at me then turns the other way.

I haven't being myself, just distant from everyone and doing my own thing. I sat next to the window in the corner watching the rain pelt against the tour bus window while everyone chattered amongst themselves. Nikki was down at the bunks having a nap or shooting up for all I know. I was so caught up in my own thoughts I hadn't noticed Paddy sit down next to me.

'Hailie?' He said in my ear making me jump a little. 'Oh hey.' I answered as he chuckled. 'Just making sure everything's okay?' He asked. 'Yeah I'm fine.' I replied flatly. He signed and leaned back further in his seat. 'H I'm you're brother I know when you're not okay.' He told me. 'Alright fine I'm not okay.' I snapped. 'Do you want to talk about it?' Paddy asked after a moment of silence. 'Not really P, I'll get over it eventually.' I half smiled at him, obviously talking about Nikki.

Paddy nodded and turned his attention to the guys and I went back to looking out the window. Why isn't Nikki talking to me? I haven't done anything wrong! I signed with frustration as all these thoughts consumed my mind.

'Hey we're finally here!' I heard Vince yell out as I noticed we were pulling into the parking lot of the hotel. 'The zombies awake!' Tommy yelled. I looked over to see Nikki standing by the bunk doors. 'I'm alive!' Nikki chuckled. I turned my head back to the window as everyone started chatting to him.

The door to the bus opened and I quickly made my way out before anyone else. As I got off the bus I suddenly decided I was gonna go somewhere else, I started walking away from the hotel and towards the strip of shops down the road. It was pouring down rain but I didn't care, I needed to get away. 'Hailie where are you going?' Someone shouted after me but I ignored them and kept walking.

I got to the shops and took a breather. It was getting dark but I didn't care, I had to get away from everyone and everything. I noticed a tattoo shop in the distance and thought what the heck. From the outside it looked gloomy and weird but I still went in. I step inside and the whole place was lit up with Bruce Springsteen playing on the stereo. 'Hello how may I help you today?' The guy at the desk said. 'Can I get a walk in tattoo?' I asked politely. 'Of course darling.' He said smiling.

I decided to get symbols down the front of my leg above my knee. After he drew it up and placed the stencil on my leg, he started up the gun and started the tattoo. It really didn't hurt at all but I was lost in my own thoughts about Nikki that I wouldn't have taken much notice of the pain anyway. 'I feel like I know you from somewhere.' The guy said interrupting my thoughts. 'Oh I'm in the band Pretty Poisons, we're here on tour.' I answered honestly. 'Rock on! You're Hailie Darcy, I thought so!' He replied cheerfully.

He finished up and I looked at the tattoo in the mirror. I absolutely loved it. After thanking the guy I decided I better make my way back to the hotel since I had being gone for a couple of hours. As I made my way to the front of the hotel I could see Vicky standing there in the distance with two other people. As I got closer I realised it was Paddy and Doc standing with her. 'Jesus Christ Hailie where have you being?!' Vicky exclaimed as I approached them. 'Relax I just went for a walk.' I told her defensively.

'We've all being worried sick H.' Paddy said sadly. 'Okay I'm sorry, I'm here now.' I replied. 'Good, now go upstairs to bed, we've got a big day tomorrow.' Doc told me. 'So I'm sharing a room with you yeah?' I asked Paddy as we walked into the elevator. 'Uh nah you're sharing with Sixx.' Paddy said quickly as he looked anywhere but at me.

I chuckled as he told me. 'Yeah that's not gonna happen.' I said bluntly. 'You haven't got a choice, he wouldn't budge.' Paddy explained. 'I'm getting my shit and sleeping with you I don't care.' I huffed. Paddy signed defencelessly as we walked out onto our floor. 'I'm down the end with Izzy and Slash, Nikki's in there.' Paddy told me pointing to the door on my right. 'Thanks.' I answered before walking right into the room I was supposed to be sharing with Nikki.

As I walked in the whole room was dark so i assumed nobody was in the room. As I turned the light on I saw Nikki sitting on the end of the bed. I walked straight past him to get my bag on the other side of the bed, ignoring him. 'Hailie.' Nikki simply said. I ignored him and grabbed my bag, attempting to walk past him. 'Hailie wait.' Nikki said again, grabbing my arm.

'What do you want Nikki?' I asked bluntly. 'We need to talk.' He said quietly. 'No we don't!' I exclaimed as I tried to break free from his grip. 'Hailie look at me!' He yelled. I signed and looked at him, his green eyes piercing me. 'I'm sorry for what I did the other night.' He stated. I rolled my eyes and started laughing. 'Really? You think a simple sorry is gonna fix this?!' I exclaimed, still trying to wriggle free. 'No I don't but it's a start.' He said. 'I don't remember doing it, I was fucked up, Tommy told me and I was absolutely disgusted in myself.' Nikki tried to explain.

'That's the thing Nikki, you let yourself get fucked up and get yourself into these situations. And I'm supposed to forgive you everytime?' I scoffed, looking away. 'Hailie I fucking love you, I'm not gonna lose you to this!' Nikki said frustrated. 'I've stayed away from heroin and turned down girls because I only ever want you! You're all I ever think about and I can't live without you.' Nikki explained as his voice cracked like he was about to cry.

I looked over at him as his eyes were tearing up and sat down opposite him in defeat. As soon as I saw his tears I didn't have anymore fight left in me. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it hard. 'I love you so much Hailie you've got no idea.' He cried as he put his head on my lap. I pulled him towards me and held him while he cried in my lap.

How the hell did we end up here?'

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