Chapter 6. Terror Twins

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We freshen up quickly and walked back stage again to see the end of Guns set. I changed into a my bike shorts and a crop Aerosmith T-shirt with my Docs. I honestly couldn't care less about dressing up, Alex had the same idea. She wore ripped jeans with cons and a Metallica crop t-shirt. Ash and Imogen had dressed up for the occasion though, dresses and heels.

Alex and I poured ourselves a cup of Vodka before heading back stage to watch the guys. Guns were finishing up their last song, My Michelle. The crowd went absolutely wild. I can't wait to hear them when Motley go on. Guns come off the stage and ran over to us. 'Great set guys you killed it!' Alex said loudly. 'Thanks Al, you guys rocked too!' Axl said walking over to Ashleigh and kissing her cheek. 'Yeah man we both played a killer show tonight!' Slash said smiling and putting his arm around my neck. 'Go freshen up and come meet us backstage again to watch Crue!' I told them, shooing them away. 'Okay Mum.' Duff said winking at me. I rolled my eyes and smirked. 'Oi I've got a suprise for you when I get back.' Izzy told me before walking off. I wonder what it is.

Motley Crue started their set and the crowd roared even louder then before. It was crazy! I watched as Nikki jumped around on his bass. He looked so good tonight. As I was staring at him, he looked over and winked at me. Damn it! I blushed and looked away. 'Hailie you gotta get yourself under control.' Alex yelled over the music laughing at me.

I keep watching him out the corner of my eye while watching Tommy beat the shit out of his drums when the guns crew came back. 'Look what I've got!' Slash yelled, holding up two bottles of Jack. 'Oh boy this is gonna be a long night.' Imogen said smiling. 'Ah but also a fun one my love.' Steven replied smiling. Izzy came up behind me and pulled me to the side. 'Wanna see what I've got for us?' Izzy asked smirking, holding the inside of his jacket open. I peeked into his pocket and saw a big bag of coke. 'Fuck yeah!' I replied smiling, hi fiving him. 'Wanna do a line now?' He asked. 'You know me too well.' I answered, walking with him to the dressing room.

I lost track of time and hadn't realized that the concert had ended. I was three lines in with Izzy when there was a bang on the door. 'Oi Hailie you in here?' Nikki called walking in. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of Izzy and I with the sliver tray. 'Well well well what do we have here?' Nikki smirked at us. 'C'mon dude, have a line but don't tell anybody.' Izzy told him, handing him the tray. 'How nice of you to share.' Nikki replied smilling before doing a line. 'C'mon we're all heading out to a club.' Nikki said as he finished, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. 'Uh Hailie?' Izzy asked me raising his eyebrows. 'Don't worry I've got it.' I replied smiling at him warmly while Nikki eyed him, but he didn't say anything.

We left the venue and got on the bus to go to the club. Nikki made sure he sat next to me. Opposite us sat Steven and Alex, who were in deep conversation. I took this opportunity to ask Nikki what he meant before the show. 'Hey Nikki,' I started. 'Yes Doll.' He replied smiling before taking a swig of Jack Daniels. 'What did you mean by we're gonna have fun tonight? Cause I'm not looking to hook up again.' I told him sternly. 'oh what?' He replied with the puppy dog look. I glared at him. 'Only joking Doll. No I meant we were gonna have fun as friends, running a muck on the town.' He grinned. 'Oh I can do that.' I smirked. 'Cheers.' I said holding my bottle of Vodka up and clinking it against his Jack before taking a swig. I was feeling the high from the coke and the buzz from the alcohol. I felt amazing. Izzy and Slash keep giving me looks of concern but I kept giving them the thumbs up to let them know it's all good.

We get to the club and Nikki instantly dragged me to the bar. I was confused why he was clinging to me, but then I remembered when we first went to a club together and what happened. He ordered us shots and then a glass of Jack Daniels. Then he pulled me over to a booth and sat me down. 'So what do you wanna get up to tonight?' Nikki asked me. 'I wanna have fun. Whatever shit we get up to, it has to be fun!' I said ecstatic. 'Wow you're like the female version of me.' He laughed. I frowned a little.

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