Chapter 29. Birthday

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A week and a half had gone by and we were back in New York playing our biggest show yet at Madison Square Garden. Today was also my 21st birthday and I hadn't said anything to anyone about it, so it would be interesting if anyone says something. I never told Nikki when it was so I wasn't expecting anything from him at all.

I sat on the couch in the hotel apartment Nikki and I were sharing while he slept, with a cup of coffee. I was way to nervous to sleep, the fact that we were playing to a crowd of 20,000+ people were driving me insane with nerves. I was also very excited, this is the best birthday present anyone could ever give me even though no one knew about it. 'Hey H.' Alex said as she walked into my room, not bothering to knock, 'The nerves got you up to huh?' She added. 'Yep, I can't contain them.' I chuckled. 'Either, also Tommy was snoring and dribbling up a storm, I had to get out of there before I whacked him over the head.' Alex complained as I laughed. 'This is fucking nuts I can't believe we made it Hailie. I only dreamed that we would go this far!' Alex told me ecstatically.  

'You guys deserve it you've worked so hard.' A voice came from behind me making Alex and I both jump. I turned around to see Nikki, shirtless with his hair a mess and sleepy eyes. 'Aw thanks Sixx, it's all thanks to you though.' Alex replied with a grin. I got up and kissed his cheek while he put his arm around my shoulders. 'Morning princess.' He croaked in his morning voice, damn that was hot. 'What are you guys doing up so early?' He asked us. 'Nerves.' Alex replied, signing. 'Trust me, Madison Square Garden is the fucking raddest place to play at, the atmosphere is unbelievable! You'll love it.' Nikki rambled to us. 'Okay rock star we know you play sell out shows all the time.' I teased. He stuck his tongue out at me before walking in to the bathroom. 

'We better start getting ready, Vicky wants us there in half an hour.' Alex told me. 'I'll meet you in the lobby in 15 minutes.' I replied. 'Okay sis see you then!' Alex squealed, walking out the door. Ha, no mention of my birthday, ah well. I got dressed into my usual black skinny jeans and a over sized Bon Jovi T-shirt then headed for the bathroom. The door had being locked and I realized Nikki was still in there. 'Nikki can you open up please, I just need to brush my teeth.' I called out. 'Ah can you w-wait just a-abit?' Nikki stammered from behind the door. 'What the fuck are you doing in there Sixx come on!' I complained. When I didn't get an answer, I did my usual stunt and kicked the door in, I wasn't waiting on anybody, especially today.

I walked in and saw Nikki sitting up against the wall with a needle hanging out of his arm, he looked at me and waited for me to say something. Instead I just rolled my eyes, signed and walked over to the sink to brush my teeth. 'Hailie I'm s-s-sorry.' He stuttered, looking up at me. 'Yeah yeah I know you are Sixx, the usual. It's fine I'll see you later.' I replied, finishing up and walking out. He watched on speechless as I walked out of the bathroom and the apartment down to the lobby. Like I said, no one was ruining this day for me. 

'Happy Birthday Twin!' A loud voice appeared from behind me as I was walking to the elevator. I turned around to see Paddy with a massive grin on his face. 'Shush! No one knows, but happy birthday to you too darlin.' I smiled back as I gave him a hug. 'Ah you keeping it a secret?' He asked me. 'Yup, wanna see if anyone remembers.' I replied. 'Well I got you something.' Paddy said, as he pulled out a present from his jacket. 'Oh Paddy you didn't have too! I didn't get you anything.' I answered, sadly. 'Hailie are you kidding me! You let me come on this tour and travel all over the place with you, that's a big enough gift!' Paddy replied cheerfully. 'Aw okay then.' I said with a smile.

'Go on open it.' He motioned. I unwrapped the paper to find a box inside, and inside the box was a beautiful sliver chain bracelet with a heart charm that said Paddy's name on it. 'Oh my god I love it!' I cried, 'it's beautiful.' I added. 'Here I'll put it on for you.' He replied with a smile as he clipped the bracelet around my thin wrist. 'Thank you so much!' I told him, giving him another hug. 'Not a problem H, now go before you miss soundcheck!' He said ushering me into the lift. 

I got out on the ground floor and saw Alex waiting for me by the reception desk. 'Where are the other half of poisons?' I asked as I approached her. 'Their in the van waiting for us, let's go!' She said grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door. We got the the van and as I opened the door, Ashleigh and Imogen yelled out 'Happy Birthday!' and jumped on me, tackling me to the ground. 'Holy shit guys, are you trying to kill me?' I chuckled as I tried to catch my breath. 'Did you really think we'd forget you're birthday?' Alex asked with a sarcastic grin. 'Here, open it!' Ash said, pushing a present into my lap as we all sat back in our seats. 

I unwrapped it and inside was a bottle of vodka and some vintage Harley Davidson T-shirts and band t-shirts that I had wanted to get since forever. 'Aww thank you guys I love it.' I cooed, pulling them in for a group hug. We arrived at Madison Square Garden and did our soundcheck in the biggest arena we had being in, it sounded so empty and it echoed everything I sang. Afterwards, I decided to get started on the big bottle of vodka the girls had given me and it wasn't long until Paddy and Guns had joined us while Motley did their soundcheck.

'Happy Birthday Hailie!' Slash yelled across the room as everyone entered. 'Wait how did you know??' I asked, surprised. 'Oh come on, I know when you're birthday is. Plus I already said it to Paddy.' He grinned at me. 'Wait it's you're birthday?' Steven asked. 'Yeah dude.' I chuckled. They all came over giving me a hug and wishing me a happy birthday followed by doing the same with Paddy. Izzy was no where to be seen although I was sure he would show up some time soon.

Slash and I were just finishing up doing shots of jack when Motley walked in. Nikki walked over and sat down next to me, I gave him a small smile before pouring my self another shot. 'Hey, I'm sorry about this morning.' He whispered into my ear as he nudged me. 'It's all good Sixx.' I replied as I picked up the shot glass and down it. 'It's not...' He started to say before trailing off. I looked back at him to see him fixated on my bracelet. He grabbed the heart to read what was engraved on there, 'Paddy?' Nikki said to himself. 'When did he get you that?' Nikki asked me.

Before I could answer, Izzy shoved the door opened and screamed 'Happy Birthday Hailie & Paddy!!!!' 'Wait... it's you're birthday?' Nikki asked. 'Uhhh yeah...' I trailed off. 'Why didn't you say something?' He asked slightly annoyed. 'Because it's not that big of a deal.' I mumbled. 'It is to me! Now I looked like a fucking asshole.' He replied raising his tone at me. 'Well if you weren't too busy shooting up then maybe you would have paid attention and notice that it was.' I growled at him as I got up to walk away. I walked by Izzy and kissed him thank you on the cheek before getting ready for the show.

I'll deal with Nikki later, my whole focus is on this fucking show. I hope I don't vomit.


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