Chapter 28. Tattoos of us

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Nikki's fist connected with Sebastian's jaw before anyone realized what was happening and Sebastian fell to the ground, spitting blood out of his mouth. Paddy grabbed me and pulled me well away to the corner of the room as Nikki jumped on Sebastian, throwing more punches as Sebastian fought back. 'Nikki fucking stop it!' I repeatedly screamed at him as I tried to fight against Paddy and run back over, but Paddy was too strong.  

Vince and Izzy jumped in trying to break them up, Vince pulled Nikki off and dragged him away while Nikki was still yelling at Sebastian, calling him every name in the book. 'This would so be worth it if I get to fuck Hailie tonight!' Sebastian yelled at Nikki while being held back from Izzy, blood all over his mouth. Nikki's face dropped and he saw red as he tried to get out of Vince's hold and jump Sebastian a second time but Vince was too strong for him.

'Sixx look at me! Leave it he's not worth it!' Vince screamed in his face. Nikki looked away from Sebastian to Vince, his face dropped as he saw me and pushed away, walking towards me. 'Come on Hailie let's go.' Nikki said as he walked past me trying to grab my hand. I flinched and stood closer to Paddy. 'Oh come on you know I would never hurt you.' Nikki stated, still holding his hand out for me. 'Go on, I know I can trust him when it comes to that.' Paddy said quietly as I looked to him. I hesitated for a moment but as I looked up in Nikki's eyes, I instantly grabbed his hand and walked out of the club with him.

We started walking down the main street, neither of us saying a thing. Just walking in silence, Nikki had his arm around my waist and kept me close to him. After about a minute of walking, I decided to break the silence. 'Why do you do the things you do?' I asked him. 'What do you mean?' Nikki replied, looking at me. 'Why do you crack it over the smallest things and then ignore me the whole night, then try and make me jealous with girls. That's why I did what I did with Sebastian!' I explained. 'I know, I don't mean to crack it and push you away.' He said quietly. 'I'm really sorry Hailie, I'm such a dick.' He added. 

'Nikki, I did the wrong thing too. I should have never gone near Sebastian, I should have know what was gonna come.' I cried, with tears flowing down my cheeks. 'Hey baby look at me.' Nikki whispered, as he stopped walking and put his finger underneath my jaw softly lifting my face to look at him. I looked straight into those green eyes, 'you were only retaliating to my actions, I should have never ignored you. Please don't cry, I love you.' He said as he wiped away my tears. 'I love you too Nikki.' I replied, smiling. He played with my promise ring and a smirk plastered across his face. 'I'm so lucky to have you.' He whispered. 

We kept walking down the street, making small talk and laughing. I was still drunk and Nikki was no doubt still high. We were talking about the craziest things we had ever done when we came across a tattoo shop that seemed to be open. 'Speaking of the craziest things we've done' Nikki started as he looked at the tattoo shop and back to me. 'Remember that song you wrote called Smile?' He asked. 'Yeah what about it?' I asked back. 'The lyrics, the part that goes 'I woke up with a new tattoo, you're name was on me and my name was on you. Maybe we should do that?' Nikki asked as his raised his eyebrows at me, smirking. 

I thought about it for a second before saying 'fuck it, let's do it!' 'That's my girl.' Nikki said smiling as he kissed me before leading me into the tattoo shop. As I walked in, the place was lit up with neon lights and posters of bands/tattoos everywhere. There was two people sitting in chairs getting tattoos even though it was 2am and Aerosmith blasting on the stereo. 'Can I help you?' A guy covered in tattoos asked standing behind the desk we were in front of. 'Yeah, we want to get tattoos of our names on each other.' Nikki told him. 'Woah you're Nikki fucking Sixx! and you're Hailie Darcy! Holy shit dude!' The guy stated getting excited. 'Yeah man we're in town for the tour.' Nikki chuckled as I smiled up at him. 'Come on in! We'll get you're sketches done right away!' The guy replied ecstatically.  

I decided to get 'Nikki Sixx' in small font written on my ribs, just under my bra line and Nikki was getting 'Hailie' with a tiny red cherry at the end on his chest under his left collarbone. The cherry apparently symbolized a 'cherry bomb' as I am referred to a lot. Nikki went first, it didn't take long and he sat there talking the whole time with the guy about the band. It looked fucking sick and Nikki was really happy with it. 'Now you're on me forever.' Nikki said winking at me. 'Hailie you're up!' The guy said, motioning for me to sit down in the chair. 

I was nervous, I had got a tattoo before, I've got a tiny rose on the side of my wrist which didn't really hurt but I heard that the ribs do hurt. Luckily I was still drunk so hopefully I wouldn't feel it as much. He started tattooing and it only really hurt when it was on the bone, Nikki held my hand and kept smiling at me as I got through it. 'Alright it's done.' The tattooist said, as I stood up to go look in the mirror. I looked at the black ink that ran across my ribs that read 'Nikki Sixx'. 'Do you like it?' Nikki asked. 'I love it!' I replied, kissing him softly on the lips and looking back at my brand new tattoo. 

We walked back to the hotel, talking about how crazy we were that we had just done this but I didn't care, I was so in love with Nikki and I always would be. I wanted him to be marked on me forever. We walked into the lobby just as Alex and Tommy did too, 'Hey where did you two go??' Tommy yelled walking over to us. 'Dude you'll never guess what we just did.' Nikki chuckled. 'What did you do??' Alex asked curiously, as if she was expecting something terrible. 'You wanna show them?' Nikki asked me with a grin. I looked at Tommy and Alex with a smile as I lifted my shirt and showed them the tattoo on my ribs just as Nikki yanked at his neck line and showed them his tattoo under his collarbone. 

'No fucking way!' Alex gasped as she ran towards me to get a closer look. 'That's so fucking sick!!' Tommy yelled with laughter. 'Is it real??' Alex asked as she ran a hand over the cling wrap which caused me to flinch. 'Yes it's real you moron.' I said rolling my eyes and chuckling. 'Well would you look at Bonnie and Clyde go!' Alex stated as she giggled. We laughed it off and went our separate ways, I was excited to get some sleep, I was exhausted. 

Now Nikki was on me forever and I was on Nikki forever, whether we liked it or not.

Tattoos of us. 

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