Chapter 5. First show

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A week had gone past and it was the morning to leave for the world tour with Guns and Motley Crüe. I was so excited to rock this thing but I still had a problem. I still like Nikki Sixx. And it wasn't going away anytime soon, if anything it was getting bigger. We hadn't spoken since we went and got pizza so today was going to be interesting. I hope Vanity does not come, ugh. 

I got changed into my bike shorts, an oversized led zeppelin t-shirt, docs and grab my suitcase. I was the last one out of the house, Vicky was out the front in a van waiting to take us to the tour buses. It was 6.45am and everyone was so tired and not talking yet except for Alex. 'I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS IS FINALLY HAPPENING AHHHH' she screamed as she got in the van. 'Alex please use your inside voice you're giving me a head ache' Ash told her rubbing her head. 'HOW ARE YOU NOT SCREAMING, I'M SO EXCITED!!' Alex shouted. 'Alright! Calm down, we're all excited!' Vicky said laughing at all.

I giggled but kept quiet. I actually was nervous to see Nikki. I didn't know how this tour was gonna go with him on it. Nikki lives with Tommy and the night Alex went to stay there, she was there when Nikki called me, Vanity heard the whole thing and went absolutely psycho. Apparently it was pretty funny. He kicked her out, but they're probably back together now knowing Nikki.

We pulled up to the venue with the tour buses and I saw Guns and Motley standing around waiting for us to arrive. We got off the bus and I walked straight up to Mick and gave him a hug. 'It's finally happening! Better get used to me for the next 6 months.' I joked. 'It'll be a pleasure miss Hailie.' He replies smiling. Mick and I have grown quite close in the last few weeks. Not as close as Slash and I, but he's a really cool dude.

I let go of Mick and run up behind Slash and jump on him. 'Guess who?!' I asked, covering his eyes. 'Hailie!' He cried, giving me a big bear hug. 'Dude I haven't seen you in a while I've missed you!' He told me. 'I missed you too dude, now we'll be together for 6 months!' I replied smiling. 'Wow someone's grumpy.' Izzy said behind Slash, looking over to where Nikki stood. He just stared at us, giving us daggers before walking off.

'What's Sixx's deal?' Slash asked me. 'Ugh, I'll tell you on the bus, it's nothing really.' I replied, giving Nikki a look. 'Well I fucking hope not.' Slash replied frowning. 'Don't worry you goose I'm fine.' I smiled at him, wrapping my arm around his neck and walking towards the bus. Plus no sign of Vanity.

'Hey Hailie, wanna come on our bus?' Vince yelled out to me. Nikki looked around to see what my answer would be. 'Nah I'll go with Guns, got some catching up to do!' I replied smiling. Nikki rolled his eyes and got on his bus. Alex and Imogen jumped on their bus too. Oh yeah, Tommy and Alex are now kinda a thing. She's so happy, and I love seeing that. Ash came on the Guns bus with me as her and Axl have also progressed. We got on the bus and she sat on Axl's lap while I went to the back with Izzy and Slash. Steven and Duff decided to go sleep on the bunks.

'So what happened with Sixx?' Izzy asked. Both him and Slash looking at me concerned. 'Well...' I started. I told them everything, I never keep anything from those guys, they are my brothers. 'What a fucking dick.' Slash growled. 'It's okay honestly, we weren't anything anyways and I want to be civil with him for the sake of the tour.' I told him. 'So you kinda listened to what I said at the bar that night?' Izzy asked.

'Mmm not exactly. I wanted too, but I couldn't help myself.' I replied looking at the ground. 'Yeah he does that.' Slash said. 'As soon as I found out about Vanity it was done.' I said. 'Good girl, proud of you.' Slash smiled at me. 'Thanks dude.' I said hugging him. 'Now lets do some tour shots!' I said pouring some vodka. Our first show was tonight in Tucson, Arizona. And boy were we all gonna give them a show.

We arrived and all got off the bus to check into our hotel rooms. Everyone had to bunk with someone, so I was bunking with Alex. We put our stuff in a rooms then headed straight to the venue for soundcheck. We went first, then Guns and Motley. I kept walking past Nikki, he said hey to me eventually and I said it back but that was it.

A couple hours went past and it was finally show time. I was in the dressing room with the girls, wearing a leather pants, another AC/DC crop top and my docs. Looking into the mirror checking my makeup I was so nervous. 'You ready H?' Alex said coming up to me smiling. 'Hell yeah let's do this girls!' I yelled out. We were playing to 20,000 people, the biggest crowd we've play in front of.

As we walked on stage, everyone wished us luck. I smiled and as I was about to walk on, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back. 'Good luck out there, you'll kill it.' Nikki told me, his green eyes connecting with me. 'Thanks.' I gave him a warm smile. I was too excited to be harsh. 'Here it goes.' I said to myself and took a deep breath before walking on stage with the girls.

We absolutely killed our set, everyone went crazy for us. I was so happy right now, I walked off stage and wish Guns the best of luck before kissing Slash and Izzy on the cheek. I walked back stage, where Motley were sitting. 'You guys absolutely rocked it!' Tommy jumped up hi fiving all of us. 'Thanks dude! It was amazing!!' Imogen replied excitedly. 'Darling you're singing was on point and Alex you know how to play that damn guitar!' Vince said to both of us. 'Thanks Vince!' We both said estactic.

'So what are the terror twins up to tonight?' Mick asked Alex and I. 'Terror twins? Surely you mean Tommy and I?' Nikki piped up. 'Nah pretty sure those two are giving you a run for you're money!' Mick replied laughing. 'Yeah that's right dude!' Alex said smiling. 'Ohh we'll see about that.' Nikki replied smirking at me. Oh god, that smile. 'We'll be right here waiting for you guys to finish before we terrorise the town.' I told the guys, bumping Alex. 'Damn straight you will!' Said Vince. 'Well we better freshen up, good luck!!' Ash told them.

We started walking towards our dressing room, I hugged Vince and wish him good luck, when I saw Nikki standing there looking at me. Out of generosity, I walked up to him, hugged him and wish him good luck to. He hugged me back tightly. 'Thank you.' He told me. 'We're gonna have fun tonight.' He winked at me and walked off before saying anything.

What the hell does that mean? He's got another thing coming if he thinks he's getting any. God he can be an asshole.

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