Chapter 76. The world's most crazy and destructive rock n' roll girl band

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It's being a couple of days since the incident in Japan happened. I've managed to get a hold of Nikki, he says we're fine but somethings up, he doesn't seem like himself.

I've just being in bed the last few days, not having the energy to really do anything. 'Hailie look!' Alex screamed coming into my room. She held up the Rolling Stones magazine with our band on the front. 'Pretty Poisons, the world's most crazy and destructive rock n' roll girl band.' It read. 'What the fuck?' I asked shocked. 'They're trying to make us out to be idiots!' Alex said angrily.

We flipped to the section where our photo shoot and interview was. Everything was just how they showed us, just the front page that was different. 'I mean, we could look at this as a good thing.' I said trying to stay positive. 'Yeah I guess, people seem to like us and we are dating some of Motley Crue.' Alex laughed. 'Vicky's going off her head though, told me she's gonna do something about it.' Alex added. 'Yeah I believe that.' I chuckled.

We continued looking through the pages, right at the end of our interview was a photo of Alex and Tommy on their wedding and then Nikki and I somewhere on tour. I smiled at the sight of it, damn he looked good standing next to me. 'Hailie and her on and off boyfriend Nikki Sixx.' I read the caption out loud. 'Well they aren't wrong.' Alex giggled. 'True that.' I replied simply. 'Then I noticed a photo of Paddy and I on the other side and looked at it curiously. 'Hailie and her twin brother Paddy who is a recovering heroin addict, joined the tour with her from Australia.' The caption read.

'Oh get fucked!' I raised my voice in anger. 'What??' Alex asked. I showed her and her face dropped. 'How the fuck did they know that H?' She asked, concerned. 'Let's fucking find out.' I spat, making my way downstairs to the phone with Alex not far behind me. I found Paddy sitting on the couch, looking glum. 'Hey H.' He said blankly. He had obviously seen the photo in the Rolling Stones magazine.

'Don't worry P I'm sorting this out.' I told him adamantly before dialing Vicky's number. 'Hey it's Hailie.' I said into the phone as soon as Vicky picked up. 'Hey what's up?' She asked curiously. 'Did you see what they said about fucking Paddy?!' I asked her in frustration. 'Yes darl, I know it's fucked up.' She signed. 'So they don't say anything about Nikki still being a fucking heroin addict but they kick my brother while he's down when he's fucking sober! Unbelievable!' I raged.

'I know H, don't worry I'm on it. They won't get away with this.' Vicky assured me. Thanks Vick.' I answered before hanging up the phone. 'Well on the bright side, I spoke to Tommy before. The boys will be back tomorrow!' Alex said cheerfully. 'Oh my god really?!' I asked excited. 'Yeah, their last show got cancelled so they're flying back soon.' Alex told me. I was so excited that I jumped back on the phone and call Nikki.

After several attempts I got no answer, I started frowning. He usually picks up after the second ring from being woken up. 'Don't worry about it H I'm sure he's just getting ready to jump on the plane.' Alex assured me. 'Yeah you're probably right.' I replied. We all decided to go do something fun tonight and go to a bar, we invited the Guns boys with us as well as Imogen and Ashleigh.

I got dressed up in my usual Joan Jett style of leather and we headed out to the bar on the strip. I was excited to see the boys, it felt like forever since I'd seen them and I missed them terribly. 'Hailie!' Someone yelled at me as soon as we entered the bar. I suddenly saw a big bundle of black hair run towards me and I realised it was Slash. 'Dude I missed you!' I cried out as he gave me a bear hug.

'Miss you too H!' He said smiling big. 'What about me cherry bomb?' Izzy's voice came up from behind Slash. 'Izzy!' I screeched, running into his arms. 'Ha I missed you too.' He laughed. After greeting the rest of the boys along with Imogen and Ash, we wasted no time getting into the partying.

After a couple of drinks and a few lines down I laid my head up again Slash's shoulder. 'You alright darl?' He asked. 'Yeah I'm great!' I responded. 'Hey I heard about what happened to Nikki in Japan.' He told me. 'Oh yeah, good times hey.' I replied sarcastically. 'Has he being treating you well?' Slash asked. 'I guess it's still the same.' I told him after thinking for a moment.

'You deserve better Hailie and you know it.' Slash said quietly. He wasn't the one to try and tell people what to do with their own lives but he meant it when he told you something, meaning he was worried. I didn't bite back because I knew it came from the goodness of his heart. 'Yeah I do. But you know what, leaving him and not being together would be 100 times worse then anything he has put me through before.' I replied adamantly.

'You love him that much?' Slash asked a little surprised. 'I've never known a love like it.' I said sadly. 'If it's meant to be then it will be, I just want you to be happy.' Slash told me. 'Thank you, I appreciate you being protective of me.' I said with a smile. 'Always H.' He said smiling back.

'Hailie, there's a phone call out back for you.' Axl interrupted. 'What?' I asked, looking over at Axl who stood with the owner of the bar. I figured something was up and immediately got out of my seat to follow him. 'Here you go.' The man said, handing me the phone. I slowly raised it up to my ear. 'Hello?' I asked into the phone.

'Hailie, it's Doc.' The voice said. 'Hi, is everything okay?' I asked nervously. 'Yeah, I just thought I let you know that Nikki has decided to stay a couple of more days in Japan. Don't worry I'm gonna stay with him and make sure he stays out of trouble.' Doc explain. My heart dropped into my stomach, something was definitely wrong, now he didn't even wanna come home.

'Can I talk to him Doc?' I asked almost crying. 'Ah, look I've tried to get him to talk to you, he just doesn't wanna deal with any responsibilities. He's at a bit of a dead end at the moment but I'm sure he'll pull through.' Doc assured me. 'Okay.' Was all I said, trying not to choke on my own sobs. 'Take care of yourself H.' I heard Doc say before the phone line went dead.

I hung up and slid down against the wall sobbing hysterically. What have I done to make him not want to come home? Why does he have to shut me out like this?

I had no idea when Nikki was coming home or what he was up to.

And it fucking hurts.

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