Chapter 66. Kiss me baby

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(Warning* Smut ahead)

It's being a couple days since we resumed the tour and tonight we're playing in New Orleans, Louisiana. Nikki is doing really well after getting off dope and recovering, I think it helps that's we're all supporting him.

After my mother's visit a couple of days ago I had being down in the dumps, but with Nikki's help and returning to the stage my worries quickly left me and I realised what was more important. People who loved me and supported me no matter what. I unpacked my stuff in the hotel room I shared with Nikki when we got to New Orleans while he smoked a cigarette on the couch.

There was a knock on the door and I opened it to find Alex, Ashleigh and Imogen standing. 'Hey girls what's up?' I asked smiling. 'We're going to have some much needed girl time.' Alex replied. 'Finally!' I exclaimed. 'Babe I'm going out with the girls.' I called out to Nikki as I grabbed my jacket. 'Have fun!' He yelled back as I left while Tommy walked in.

The girls and I went to grabbed some lunch down the road, the restaurant being almost empty and a private booth to ourselves I was stoked. We talk about the upcoming album we'd be recording after the tour, which songs to put on it and what to name it while sipping on martini's and eating plenty of good food. Never in a million years did I think I'd get this far with these girls right here and we've being together since day one of Pretty Poisons. It's nice to think that all those people who laughed at us and said we'd never make it back home are eating their words now.

After a couple of hours it was time to head to the arena for our show. As usual we were all in our pumped up state of minds. I got a bag of coke off Izzy and ran off with Alex before Nikki or Tommy could see us and had ourselves a little party in our dressing room before the show. I absolutely loved the feeling it gave me, the adrenaline, the rush it just made me feel so alive and was perfect to pump me up before a show.

'Don't forget me!' A voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Paddy walk over and make himself a line before snorting it. 'All yours bud.' Alex laughed. Finally it was time for our show, we left Paddy behind and headed for the stage.

We finished our show and I introduced Guns before running off stage. 'Good luck guys!' I called out with a cheerful smile. 'Thanks floss.' Steven smiled as he walked out. Izzy followed him and caught my eye, he smirked at me while looking at me up and down. 'Hot.' He said with a stupid grin on his face. 'Don't you start Stradlin.' I warned while he laughed before running out on stage.

I caught a glimpse at myself in the mirror, I was wearing plain white tshirt with holes in it showing my waist and high waisted leather pants, my make up had melted off and my hair was a mess. How do I look hot right now? I saw Nikki talking to his bass tech out the corner of my eye and without thinking, ran over and jumped on him. 'Woah babe you okay?' He asked chuckling. 'I'm brilliant!' I said ecstatically, kissing him everywhere. 'H let's go!' Alex called out. 'Gotta go bye!' I said quickly, running over to Alex. 'Man she's really buzzing.' I heard Vince say as I walked out of ear shot.

We walked into the dressing room and found Paddy and no coke left. 'Dude What the fuck?!' Alex yelled. 'What?!' Paddy asked. 'You did all our coke?' I asked, shocked. 'Oh shit.' Paddy laughed. 'Great now we gotta wait till Izzy gets off stage.' Alex said flatly. I don't know about her, but I was still buzzing plenty and didn't really need a hit. I grabbed the bottle of vodka on the table and poured us shots, waiting for Guns to finish.

After we got what we needed from Izzy and drank some more, Alex and I decided to watch Motley's last few songs. We arrived just in time for Take me to the top which was always a killer song. I watched as Nikki jumped around like crazy on his bass rocking out, it was so hot. I suddenly had an urge to fuck him really badly. As time went on it got worse and worse to the point where I had to walk back to the dressing room cause I was gonna pounce on him. 'Dude you're fucked.' Alex laughed as I tried to keep it under control. 'I don't know what the fucks going on.' I said and started laughing hysterically, until Alex and I were on the floor in fits of laughter.

After some more coke and vodka, Motley had finally finished the show and we were heading to the nearest club as usual. We piled into the van and I was the last one in, suddenly it took off and I fell onto Izzy.'s lap. 'Fuck!' I screamed as everyone started laughing. 'Enjoy that Izzy, it's the closest to her you're gonna get!' Nikki yelled out from the back. I gave him a scowl while Izzy looked at the ground. 'Don't be a dick Sixx.' I told him. 'Just for that, I'm gonna sit right here.' I teased, not moving from Izzy's lap.

'Ohhhhhhh shit!' Vince and Tommy said together while Nikki leaned back in his seat with a frown on his face. 'Hope you don't mind Iz.' I said smiling at him. 'Not at all.' He replied with a smirk. I know I probably shouldn't have done it but Nikki pissed me off. We got to the club and Nikki walked straight inside, disappearing. 'Where's he going?' Slash asked. 'Who cares, let's get drinks!' I yelled, grabbing onto his arm.

After a couple of hours I was feeling pretty fucked up. I just danced and danced with the girls on the dance floor until I couldn't feel my feet. I grabbed a glass of water and sat down to catch my breath. I realised I hadn't seen Nikki since we first got here and looked around the club trying find him. Finally I saw him with Tommy at the bar talking to some guys I didn't know. I was about to look away until I noticed Nikki yelling at one of them, I sat there watching as the conversation got more intense and the guy shoved Nikki.

I quickly ran over as Nikki went off and Tommy tried to prevent anything else from happening, until the guy shoved both Tommy and Nikki to the floor and things just escalated. 'NIKKI STOP!' I screamed as Nikki lunged at the guy, knocking him to the floor. 'Hailie get out of the way!' Paddy yelled, picking me up and pulling me away. 'Don't just stand there do something!' I yelled at Slash and Duff as Paddy held me back. Duff and Slash ran in, pulling Nikki off the guy and dragging him outside. Thank fuck for that!

I followed them outside at Duff tried to calm Nikki down. 'Don't worry about them Sixx it's not worth it.' I heard Slash say as Nikki tried his best to get out of their grip. As soon as he eyes laid on me, he stopped fighting. I signed as I pulled him in for a hug, Nikki hesitated but then wrapped his arms around me. 'You scared the fuck out of me.' I mumbled as I held him tight.

'It'll be alright boys I've got it from here.' I said to Duff and Slash. 'Alright H, see you tomorrow.' Slash said, patting me on the back before heading back inside. Blood was running from Nikki's nose and dripping all over the ground. 'Put you're head back babe.' I said softly. 'Only if you kiss my cheek.' He replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and went to kiss his cheek but he turned his face and I met his lips instead.

He kissed me long and hard, I didn't even care about the blood going all over my face. Suddenly my urge came back again and this time, I couldn't stop it. 'Let's go, now!' I growled at him, slapping some tissues from my bag in his hand for his blood nose and dragging him towards the hotel. 'Someone's antsy.' Nikki smirked.

We got back to our hotel room and I immediately pushed Nikki down on the bed. 'Kiss me baby.' Nikki whispered and I smashed my lips against his. We veered off as much clothes as we could without breaking apart, I never wanted him to stop touching me, every kiss and touch from him sent sparks through my entire body.

He laid me down gently and lined himself at my entrance. 'Wow baby you're already dripping wet.' He teased. 'Jesus Christ Sixx just fuck me already!' I hissed. He immediately slammed himself into me and I moaned in both pain and pleasure. 'Fuck you're so tight.' He groaned before sucking on my neck and picking up the pace. Everything just felt so good, I could feel that familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach as I was getting closer to climax.

I traced his tattoo on his collarbone that said my name as I let myself go into an absolute state of bliss. I moaned loudly and dug my nails into Nikki's back as I climaxed which sent him over the edge, moaning even louder as he was climaxing himself.

He collapsed on top of me as we both tried to catch our breath. 'Fuck I love you.' He said, looking at me with a smirk.

'I love you too Sixx.'

(A long chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! X)

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