Chapter 54. Girl of the day

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Tonight we had a show in San Diego and I woke up feeling recharged and ready to go. Paddy wasn't beside me so I walked out into the living room to look for him and found him on the floor passed out and Nikki on the couch snoring away.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, it was 11am and no body was up. I made a coffee and stood there drinking it while looking at Nikki. How the fuck can he look so good while snoring away? Ugh this man does things to me. After a little while longer of looking at him in awe, I decided to play a prank. I went into the kitchen and grabbed two pots. With a smirk on my face, I walked over to Paddy and held them up just above his ear and smashed them together. His eyes flew wide open as his body jerked in fear while Nikki only stirred a little. 'What the fuck!' Paddy yelled which now got Nikki's attention as he sat up. I laughed hysterically.

'Good morning boys.' I smiled at them. 'It's too early, more sleep.' Nikki mumbled, as he turned around and faced the other way. 'Nikki get up.' I said sternly as Paddy gave me a dirty look and rolled his eyes, getting up and walking into the bathroom. Nikki didn't answer me so I sat on him and turned the tv on the loudest it could go. 'You think this is annoying me?' He chuckled. 'Isn't it?' I asked with a smile. 'No, I'll always let you sit on top of me.' He winked. 'You're disgusting Sixx.' I said with a smirk as I got off him. 'You love it babe.' He mumbled, getting off the couch and smirking at me.

'Stop it.' I said, pointing at him. 'Stop what?' He replied with a smirk, taking a step closer. 'Hey what's going on here?' Tommy's voice filled the room as he and Alex appeared. 'Sixx is being a smart ass as usual.' I told him. 'What's new?' Alex said rolling her eyes and smirking. 'Let's round the others up before Vicky has a heart attack.' I told them, walking over to Imogen and Ashleigh's rooms as Alex followed. She went into Imogen's room and I decided to make myself known in Ash's room.

'Wake up time!!!' I yelled opening the door  expecting to see Ash snoring away but instead got Vince's bare ass while he was pounding her. 'Jesus fucking Christ!' I yelled, covering my eyes. 'What??' Tommy called out as him and Nikki ran over. 'You like what you see darlin?' Vince sniggered as he continually kept going while Ash laughed her ass off and Nikki and Tommy cheered Vince on. 'Okay that's enough!' I said suddenly, closing the door to let them finish. That was a sight I did not need to see. Wait, since when the fuck was Vince here? I decided not to ask questions and went to get myself ready for the show tonight.

'If it wasn't Ash and Vince it'd be you and Sixxxxx.' Tommy sang, teasing me. 'Knock it off T-bone, you and I both know it'd be you two lovebirds.' I teased back, pointing to him and Alex. I went into my room to get changed and as I had taken my top off to put a bra on, a voice spoke from behind me scaring the shit out of me. 'I'll never get sick of seeing that body.' Nikki smirked as he leaned against the wall. I realised he must of followed me in here and rolled my eyes. 'Don't try and sweet talk me Sixx I'm not in the mood, now get out.' I replied, quickly putting a bra on and shoving him out the door while he made that stupid puppy dog face that made me wanna drop dead because he was just drop dead gorgeous. I finally got him out and leaned against the door smiling to myself before picking up where I left off.

I decided on a Queen band t-shirt and black denim shorts with a belt, a red flanno and my docs. Nothing crazy. I heard the familiar horn out the front and we all gather out the front and piled into the van. 'Are we picking up Guns too?!' Tommy yelled from the back of the van. 'Yes Mr. Lee.' Vicky replied. 'Fucking sick, Izzy's got my stuff.' He said giddly. Alex and I both eyed him with a look. 'Coke. He has my coke.' Tommy laughed. 'Mine too!' I cheered, getting a look from Nikki. 'What?' I mouthed but he just looked away. We picked guns up and a girl we had never seen before jumped in with them. Izzy sat down next to me as I watched the girl sit on Axl's lap.

'Who's that?' I asked Izzy. 'Oh that's Erin, Axl's new girl. Probably won't last it never does.' He told me as I watched her smile and laugh at everything Axl said. I looked over at Ash but she was too occupied with Vince to even care. 'What is this, bring you're girlfriend to work day?' Nikki asked with a snigger earning a glare from Axl. 'Oh well you'll be happy that you'll get to bring Vanity along.' I shot at him as the whole bus 'ooooh'  and 'aaaaah'. 'She ain't my fuckin girlfriend.' He spat. It still hurt that Nikki did that to me and I wasn't letting go of it anytime soon. He didn't say anything else, just rolled his eyes and kept silent.

Izzy gave me a nudge and I saw the little baggie in his hand, making sure Paddy wasn't watching I grabbed it from his hand and slip it into my bra. Alex was watching me and sent me a wink which I knew meant that we would be snorting lines later. I had noticed that I was doing coke on almost a daily basis, but I didn't have a problem. I am having fun and living my life. Right?

We finally got to the venue after 2 hours of driving and I immediately went straight to the bathroom forcefully being dragged by Alex. We did as many lines as we could while Nikki and Tommy banged on the door because we were late for soundcheck. That high hit me immediately and I was in heaven. I walked out and gave Nikki a big smile who stood there glaring at me. 'Don't think I don't know what you're doing.' He said bluntly. 'Oh hush, it ain't heroin is it?' I asked innocently, running off and catching up with Slash and Izzy.

'Woah calm down there cherry bomb.' Slash chuckled. 'Can't wait to kick some ass tonight!' I said excitedly. 'That you will do.' Duff said from behind me with a smile. Paddy titled his head to the side and looked at me, studying my face. 'Is she on something?' He suddenly asked Izzy. 'Nah man don't think so.' Izzy replied quickly. 'Yeah paddy you know me better then that.' I assured him even though I was most definitely on something. He just raised an eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes and walked off towards soundcheck. I don't need him smothering me with his lectures right now I can do what I want.

As usual, the burst of energy surging through mine and Alex's veins made for a kick ass soundcheck and we ended up doing even more lines while Motley were doing their soundcheck. Suddenly it was show time! My outfit tonight was bad ass, ripped Harley Davidson crop t-shirt that I cut into a crop with lace up leather shorts with fishnet stockings and my docs. I took a look in the mirror and was happy with my appearance, then answered the constant banging on the door of some stage guy telling me to get my ass out there.

The show was nuts, I was in such a good mood as I followed Alex and the girls backstage to where the boys sat. There was already groupies everywhere, Nikki was talking to some blonde haired chick in the corner. What's new? 'Don't let it bother you, remember you gotta act like you don't care.' Paddy's voice came from behind me. I was still high as fuck and didn't really care all that much but I knew as soon as I came down, I'd be a mess. 'Well we better get messy!' I said, giving him a grin before grabbing his arm and pulling him over to the drinks at the bar.

I grabbed the vodka bottle and flicked the cap off before skulling some of it. 'Woah classy lady!' Tommy yelled from across the room. 'Uh Hailie?' Paddy asked but I cut him off. 'Here you're turn.' I told him, handing the bottle to him. He signed before taking a swig and almost choking. 'Okay that's enough let's just do shots.' He managed to get out in between coughing. 'Pussy.' I laughed. We continued drinking and doing shots that I hadn't even noticed Motley had gone to do their show and come back. 'Alright let's go!' Vince yelled out to everyone. 'Wait are we going out?' I asked him. 'Hell Yeah, San Diego isn't gonna know what's hit them!' He yelled. I laughed and saw Nikki behind him with the same blonde, his arm around her neck as they walked out.

I rolled my eyes and decided that I was gonna join anyway. Fuck it, if he can do what he wants, then I sure as hell can. I was so drunk and coked up by the time we got in the van, I took one look at Nikki and that girl in the back and decided my plan. I sat down next to Slash and smirked at myself. 'What are you planning devil child?' Slash asked raising his eyebrows. 'I'm gonna find someone to fuck tonight.' I stated proudly. 'Well I know a couple who would want to.' He said obviously meaning Izzy. 'Nope it's not happening, it's gotta be a random. I want to have some fun for once and not have baggage behind it.' I groaned. 'Yeah good plan.' Slash said smiling at me.

We got to the club and as usual, Paddy was helping Slash and I out of the van. 'Come on hurry up!' Nikki yelled from the back of the van. 'I'm trying Dude!' Slash laughed, trying to find his feet. 'The clubs gonna close by the time Hailie's finished getting out of this fucking van!' Nikki yelled again. 'At least it'll give you time to fuck you're girl of the day then yeah?' I shot at him with a chuckle. 'Haha yeah nice H!' Tommy called out as he leaned over and fist bumped me.

Nikki just gave me a scowl and looked away.

Tonight was going to be fun!

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