Chapter 12. Crazy stupid madly

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(Smut warning! ;) 

We got back to our hotel room and Nikki shut the door behind us. 'You wanna tell me what the fuck's going on now or you still not gonna talk?' I asked him, frustrated. 'What the fuck was that?' He spat out. 'What Nikki?! You can hook up with whoever you want but I can't?' I glared at him. 'I'm not hooking up with anybody!' He yelled at me. 'Are you actually going to treat me like I'm stupid right now?' I half laughed at him, my eye was twitching. 'Uhh..' Nikki started. 'I FUCKING SAW YOU WITH THAT GROUPIE ON YOU'RE LAP!' I screamed at him. 'Hailie!' He tried to interrupt. 'NO THIS IS FUCKED, YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING WHEN I'M NOT AROUND HUH?!' I cut him off screaming again. 'WHY DO YOU CARE?!' He finally screamed back at me. I didn't reply straight away, I was so mad that I was shaking. I glared at him before saying, 'I never stopped you from getting with anybody. You did, so the question is why do you care?' I said, trying not to see red. 

I had never felt so controlled in my whole life and if there was one thing I fucking hated, was people trying to control me. Here was Nikki thinking he could do whatever he wanted but I had to stay 'loyal' to him even though we were just friends. 'I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. I don't like seeing you with other guys.' He said. 'How do you think I felt when I saw you with that girl tonight? It made me feel like fucking shit.' I winced. 'Then why did you go and get with somebody else?' He asked looking up at me. 'Seriously Nikki? I did it to piss you off. I heard what you said to Mick today but then you go do that shit.' I grunted. 'I'm allowed to do what I want.' He mumbled. 'Well guess what, so am I. And if you think I'll be controlled by you, you have got it so fucking wrong!' I spat at him. 'If you cared about me you wouldn't have fucking done that Hailie!' Nikki yelled at me. I turned around and stared at him with the dirtiest look on my face. 'You have got to be fucking kidding me Sixx, ARE YOU KID-' Suddenly I was cut off by Nikki grabbing me and pushing his lips against mine. I tried to fight it but I knew it was useless, Nikki will always have a hold on me. 

He pushed me up against the wall in the kitchen and we started making out. I was drunk, coked out and unbelievably turned on. It had being a while since I had sex, and Nikki was doing all the right things. His hands tugged the bottom of my shirt and I let him to pull it off, I knew I shouldn't have being doing this but I was in a pure bliss moment and I didn't give a fuck. I wanted Nikki, no I needed Nikki right now. He took a step back and admired my body when he took my top off and I took the opportunity to rip his clothes off. We were both in our underwear when Nikki picked me up and carried me into the bedroom, still making out aggressively. I pushed him down on the bed and undid my bra, letting it fall to the floor. His eyes went wide while I got on top of him. 'Now this is how you fucking straddle someone.' I hissed in his ear referring to the girl back at the bar as I grinded on his dick. He moaned before flipping me down onto the bed. 'I need you right fucking now.' He growled. He quickly got up to put a rubber on but couldn't find one. 'Hurry up Sixx I need it right fucking now!' I winced. He finally got one on, then getting back on top of me, ripping my underwear off and slipping himself inside me.

My back arched as the pleasure hit me and I moaned loudly. 'That's it baby, just like that.' He groaned in my ear. He grabbed the side of my face and connected my eyes with his, pressing his forehead against mine and just looking straight into my eyes as he thrusted in and out slowly and passionately. I had never had so much chemistry with somebody before, I now realized that I would never ever forget about Nikki Sixx, even if he moved on and forgot about me. I knew that no matter what happened, if he wanted me in any way I'd always give in. He was my weakness. His arms wrapped around my body tighter as he became closer and closer. 'Fucccck!' He moaned as he eventually came, sweat dripping off the both of us, breathing heavily. He looked at me again after he finished and kissed me one more time, something I'll never get tired of.

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