Chapter 79. If it's meant to be it will be

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'Hey H.' Paddy said as I approached him. 'Hey P what's up?' I asked suspiciously. 'Not much.' He replied flatly. He followed us into my lounge room and sat down signing. 'I'm sorry H.' He said, looking at the ground.

'About what?' I asked, curiously. 'About Nikki breaking up with you.' He answered. 'How did you know?' Mick asked as we all waited eagerly for his answer. 'Doc told us last night.' Paddy said. 'What?!' We all yelled. 'What the fuck are you on about? What's going on?' I asked getting annoyed now.

'Look Hailie there's something I've gotta tell you.' He said looking guilty as hell. 'Go on.' I replied. He took a deep breath before carrying on with what he was about to say. 'I was with Nikki when he overdosed.' He stated. 'Dude are you fucking serious?' Tommy asked, shocked. Paddy nodded his head in response.

'I was with Slash and Steven at the Ritz hotel at some party, Nikki rocked up and we all partied together. Some dealer showed up and started preparing to inject in his arm and I couldn't object and say he couldn't.' Paddy explained. 'And then he put the needle in his arm, shot him up and he passed out just like that. Hailie you have to believe me we tried everything to wake him up, he was just gone!' Paddy cried, tears coming down his face.

'Hey it's okay, please don't get upset.' I said softly, sitting next to him and grabbing his arm. 'This still doesn't explain how you found out about Sixx breaking up with Hailie.' Mick said. 'I'm not finished.' Paddy answered. 'So here we all were, thinking Nikki was dead and in a panic not knowing what to do until Doc rang. That's when he told me everything.' Paddy finished.

'What did Doc say?' I asked. 'He said that Nikki's going to rehab and he doesn't want to hurt you anymore then he already has so he's leaving you.' Paddy said quickly. I signed and leaned back into the couch. Even though I already knew he left me it still hurt to hear someone else say it.

'So what the hell do I do now?' I asked out loud. Everyone just looked away or at the ground because no body had any answers. 'Slash and Izzy are on their way over.' Paddy said quietly. 'Please tell me that means that we're gonna get fucked up tonight so I can forget everything that has just happened.' I groaned. 'Fucking oath!' Tommy said estactically.

It wasn't long before Slash and Izzy walked through the door. 'Hey dudes!' Tommy greeted them. 'Hey man how you doing?' Slash asked, sitting down next to me. 'Not good.' I replied honestly. 'Well lucky we've got just the stuff to get our cherry bomb back.' Izzy grinned, throwing a bunch of drugs of the table. 'Thank fuck for that!' I called out making everyone laugh.

A couple of hours went by, I had fully indulged myself in vodka and drugs and didn't notice that my house was now a full on party. There was people everywhere, Vince, Axl, Duff and Steven had rocked up with Ashleigh and Imogen plus a bunch of other people I didn't know. 'When the fuck did they get here?' I asked out loud.' 'I don't know dude.' Tommy laughed hysterically next to me as I did another line and joined in the laughter.

'Hey it's so good to have a party and not have Sixx ruin it for once!' Vince yelled from behind me. Oh damn it, I had forgotten about Nikki for a hot minute. Now i won't be able to get him out of my head! I did another line trying to force Nikki out of my head but inside I felt like I was gonna vomit.

I ran outside into the back yard and blew chunks into my garden. 'Whoospys.' I said laughing to myself, as I laid back on the grass trying to catch my breath. 'Hey how you doing pretty lady?' A voice said from behind me. I looked up to see Izzy taking a seat on the grass next to me. 'Better then ever!' I said sarcastically.

'It's all for the best H.' Izzy said. 'What is?' I asked. 'You and Sixx, you're better off without him.' Izzy explained. Even though I knew he was just looking out for me and trying to make me feel better, I went from happy to fucking angry.

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