Chapter 11. Cherry Bomb

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A month had gone by and my friendship with Nikki had become very tight. We fight like cat and dog but we're the only ones that listen to each other and calm one another down. Nikki still insist that I stay with him wherever we go, I hadn't really done a lot of partying since I ended it with Nikki. Mostly because I wasn't ready to see him with another girl and lose my shit. I thought I'd use this month to focus on the band and song writing which I have successfully progressed with, so after every show I might stay around for a drink or two but then I'd take off back to the hotel, mostly when the groupies show up. Alex and Tommy are now dating, he asked her to be his girlfriend the night I broke it off with Nikki, she's the happiest she's ever being and there's a sparkle in her eyes when she looks at him. I want that.

Tonight we were playing in Detroit, we have another show here tomorrow as well. I had asked Vicky to come around and look at some new material I had written with the girls and I. Nikki had left to get something to eat with Tommy and Alex, Ashleigh, Imogen and I were all sitting around in the lounge room talking shit when Vicky walked in. 'Alright girls let's see what you have.' She smiled at us sitting down. 'Shall we do 17 first?' I asked the girls. 'Yeah!' They answered back. We were doing an acoustic version, Alex playing the guitar and I was on vocals. She started strumming and I started singing:

'He was working at the record shop, I would kiss him in the parking lot. Tasting like cigarettes and soda pop, seventeen

He would tell me I was beautiful, sneaking in the neighbors swimming pool. Yeah he taught me how to break the rules, seventeen 

Hey those days are long gone, but when I hear that song, it takes me back 

We were on top of the world back when I was you're girl, we were living so wild and free

Acting stupid for fun all we needed was love, that's the way it's supposed to be


I stopped singing and look at Vicky for her thoughts. 'That was really good, you'll have to put that on the next album.' She beamed at us. 'Alright!' Alex exclaimed, hi fiving me. She wrote the song with me and really liked it. We played a few more songs like Darlin, the song I wrote on the tour bus about a month back and another song called My world. Vicky was really impressed. 'As soon as this tour is finished, you can go back to the studio to record this album!' She told us. 'That's the plan.' Ash said, smiling. 'Alright let's head to the venue for soundcheck girls!' Vicky said walking towards the door. 

We left the hotel and got on Motley's tour bus that was waiting for us outside, Motley Crue and Guns & Roses were all on it. 'Hey dude come sit down here!' Slash yelled grabbing my hand and pulling me down next to him. Nikki looked over and started laughing, 'Slash you already sloshed.' Nikki said. 'Shussssh.' Slash replied, putting his finger to his lip and smiling. 'Come talk to me.' Slash said putting his arm around my neck. 'What's up?' I asked him smiling. 'You all good?' He asked seriously. 'Yeah of course, why wouldn't I be?' I questioned him. 'Just checking up on you dude, you haven't being hanging out with us much.' He answered. 'I'm sorry man, I'll hang out with you tonight after the show!' I promised. 'Good cause we're all going out after.' Slash smiled at me. Eep! It's okay, I think I can handle whatever Nikki does in front of me. 'Alright sounds good!' I replied. 'Finally!' Izzy yelled from across the table. 'Oh shush you!' I poked my tongue out at Izzy. I look over to where Alex was, on Tommy's lap. 'Oi Alex, we're going out tonight!' I yelled across the bus. 'Fuck yes about time H!' Alex yelled back. 'Uh oh the terror twins are back!' Mick said loudly. 'You bet they are!' Alex winked at us. I smiled big and looked at Nikki, who was looking at me with a weird look and then he looked away. What the hell? 

We arrived at the venue and we were up first for soundcheck. 'Pretty Poisons Act 1' Someone called from the stage. We walked on and grabbed all our equipment that was set up for us already and started playing. Halfway through one of the songs, I was singing and twirling around when I tripped over and broke the microphone stand in half. 'Dude it's just like Freddie Mercury has it!' Alex yelled as she stopped playing and the other girls started laughing and then gasped. We were all massive Queen fans, Queen would definitely be number 1 on our list. 'That looks good on you H!' Ash told me grinning. 'See, you were born to be a star just like Freddie.' Imogen teased. 'Alright girls, I'm not about to steal someone's signature style.' I laughed as a tech guy replace the microphone stand. We laughed and pick up on the song again. 

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