Chapter 67. 3 minutes and 55 seconds

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(Small smut, again*;)

I couldn't stop thinking about last night, how fucking good it was and how good Nikki makes me feel. I want it everyday for the rest of my life.

I thought about it all the way to Jackson, Mississippi on the tour bus, before the show at the venue and now backstage while Guns played. 'Wow H, you're glowing today.' Alex smiled. 'Sixx is fucking her so good.' Vince chuckled. I rolled my eyes with a smirk as Nikki had a proud look on his face, giving everyone a thumbs up.

I grabbed myself a drink and decided I was gonna get drunk again tonight. By the time Nikki had kissed me goodbye and Motley went on stage, I was a drunken mess. Guns came in and I instantly looked for Izzy with our stuff. He immediately came over with Slash, taking a seat next to me and making lines on the sliver tray. 'Finally!' Paddy exclaimed from behind me. I knew he was doing coke more often but I was just as bad so I didn't want to be a hypocrite.

A few lines down and a couple drinks more you could say I was even more fucked up. Izzy insisted that we play truth or dare which  we didn't declined. 'Slash true or dare?' Alex asked him. 'Dare.' He answered with a smirk. 'Chug the rest of that bottle.' She demanded, pointed to the bottle of jack that had three quarters left in it. Slash pick it up and within 20 seconds the entire thing was gone. 'Fucking Hell!' I exclaimed as everyone cheered. 'Easy.' Slash chuckled before burping.

'Alright, truth or dare Hailie?' Izzy asked me. 'Dare.' I replied. 'Make out with Ashleigh, unless you're chicken.' Izzy laughed. 'Pfft.' I answered before grabbing Ashleigh's face and smashing her lips against mine. We started making out heavily, it wasn't anything we hadn't done before. She moved herself on top of me and we were getting pretty into in, not gonna lie. 'Holy shit!' Someone yelled and we pulled away to see Tommy with his eyes bulging out of his head and Nikki standing next to him with a smirk across his face.

'That's fucking hot.' Nikki stated. 'We just watched them make out for like 5 minutes.' Slash laughed. 'What? No it wasn't that long.' I giggled. '3 minutes and 55 seconds.' Izzy said proudly, looking at his watch. 'Haha fuck yes!' I yelled, hi fiving Ash. Nikki came over to me and pulled me onto his lap. 'That's turned me on so bad.' He whispered in my ear. 'You're gonna have to wait till later Sixx.' I said with a smirk. I looked over to Ash and seen Vince had sat down next to her and put his arm around her neck, Wow it really does get guys going.

We left for another night out at the local club, I spent most of the night sitting on Nikki's lap, dancing or doing more coke in the bathroom with Izzy. Paddy had found his chick of the night and I gagged at the sight of him nearly fucking her in the booth. 'Get a room for fuck sakes!' I yelled at them while everybody laughed and cheered them on.

After another bathroom break with Izzy, we resorted back to the dance floor. I was having a great time, I looked over at Nikki who had some groupie sitting next to him. I watched on as the chick tried to kiss him and Nikki was clearly and repeatedly saying no. I was about to go over there and ripped her off him when she started hitting him and going psycho.

I strutted over there, Izzy following closely behind and as she kept hitting him in the face I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her out of the booth, slamming her on the floor. She started hitting and screaming at me which only made me angrier. 'Hailie let it go!' Izzy repeatedly said in my ear trying to calm me down but it wasn't happening. I put my hand around her throat and held a tight grip on it, keeping her head down on the ground.

The more she tried to fight me, the tighter my grip got until she barely could breath and she gave up. Before I left go, I leaned down to her ear. 'You ever touched Nikki again and it'll be the end of you.' I promised as she struggled to catch some breath. Izzy pulled me off her and I let go, walking over to Nikki. 'Woah.' Tommy said as I sat down in the booth. 'Remind me to never fuck with you.' Mick chuckled. 'You alright?' I asked Nikki. 'That turned me on even more.' Nikki stated, with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and took his drink, having a sip.

'Don't even think about it drummer.' Mick said as Tommy went to take his vodka to give to Alex after she asked him to get her a drink. I laughed and I could see out of the corner of my eye, Nikki was staring at me. 'What do you want Sixx?!' I exclaimed finally. 'I wanna fuck you.' He said lowly, staring at me intently. I went to declined but I looked into those eyes and his face and realised I wanted it just as bad.

I lead him out of the booth quietly without anyone noticing except for Mick, who didn't saying anything. Nikki took the lead and went to leave the club. 'Um what are you doing?' I asked him. 'Leaving?' He asked. 'No I need you now!' I growled, grabbing his shirt and pulling him towards a door around the corner. I opened it and dragged him in, shutting the door and turning the light on to find a broom closet. 'This will do.' I said hurriedly before kissing him.

Nikki lost his balance and we both fell on the floor but that didn't stop us. I didn't know whether it was the coke, the alcohol, my love for Nikki or all of it but I needed him right fucking now. I ripped his shirt off and quickly took his pants off exposing himself before taking my clothes off.

He moaned as I put him in my mouth and wrapped my tongue around his member. It turned me on so much, I was already dripping wet. There was a knock on the door but we ignored it and kept going.

I didn't care if they walked in, I couldn't get enough of him.

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