Chapter 41. Groupies

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'Knock knock!' I heard as I woke up. The door open and Izzy's smiling face appeared behind it. 'Wake up sleepy head, family breakfast downstairs. Tommy and Duff are cooking.' He told me. 'Sorry what did you just say?' I asked him in shock. 'I know I know, I can't believe it either.' Izzy replied laughing. 'Now get up before I make you!' He added before shutting the door behind him.

I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes before getting up. I was still in my bikini's and remember Nikki putting me to bed last night. I rolled my eyes at myself as it all rushed back to me. 'What am I going to do with you?' I said as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I put on my silky pj short and singlet set with lace on it before venturing on downstairs. 'Finally she's up!' Tommy hollowed as everyone at the table looked up. 'Always late, always last one to rock up.' Alex  laughed. 'Shut up you.' I chuckled as I sat down next to her, Nikki was sitting opposite me and shot me a small smile before looking away. Oh my heart, I miss that smile.

'Order up!' Tommy called out as him and Duff started plating food up onto the table. There was eggs, bacon, baked beans, sausages, onion, toast, you name it. 'Wow didn't know you guys were top chefs!' Imogen told them. 'Just one of our many secret talents.' Duff winked at her. We all started digging in, I wasn't that hungry so I only had a sausage and some bacon. I'm really not a morning person, hell hanging out with Motley and Guns had got me waking up past lunch time these past few months. The boys seemed to scoff down as much food as they could, Nikki and Paddy already on their third plate of food.

Alex and I finished up and offered to do the washing up when everyone was finished, then went outside for a cigarette. 'How's things in Tommy land?' I asked her. 'Really good, Tommy's everything I've ever wanted.' She replied with a grin. 'Good I'm glad.' I answered. 'How's the Sixx situation?' Alex asked. 'Blergh.' I came out with. 'So I shouldn't have asked?' Alex said with a chuckled. 'Nah man I don't know, we're being civil but I still fucking love him and he knows it.' I told her as I watched him through the glass doors still scoffing his face with food.

'He put me to bed last night and told me he loved me.' I added, looking back at Alex. 'Do you think you'll ever get back together?' She asked me. 'No. He cheated on me I can't ever come back from that.' I told her adamantly. 'Yeah but it seem like faith keeps pulling you together.' Alex said softly. 'I don't want to look stupid. I listen to actions not words.' I answered bluntly. 'Okay H, as long as you're happy.' She replied sadly. I signed and looked at the ground. We finished our smoke and headed inside to do the dishes.

Finally our first show in Dallas, Texas is about to kick off. I decided to wear a leather skirt with a cropped Woodstock shirt and my docs. 'Good luck girls.' I heard from behind me and saw Motley standing there. 'Thanks.' I replied simply. Nikki gave me a grin while looking me up and down. I smiled a little and rolled my eyes at the same time as I turned around to walk out on stage. We introduced ourselves but it seemed like the crowd already knew us, we started off with I always get what I want:

Every now and then we all want something
Even if there's no way of getting it
If I stomp my feet could that make me
Be the way around it
Could I get myself around it

Get me what I want!
Everything I don't got
Get me what I want!
Cause I'm a big shot

Don't wanna always have to be so nice
Don't wanna hear you say well that's just life
I'll try it out when I open my mouth
And make my way around it
I always make my way around it

So just give me what I want
I always get what I want
You don't want to see me when
I don't get what I want
It's not what you want

It's not too lovely
It can start to get ugly
It really bugs me
If I don't get what I want!

The crowd went mental, I must have misjudge how big this song was getting. We played about 4 more songs before handing the stage over to Guns. 'Man I love watching you on stage Hailie, you get me pumped up to go on and do my thing!' Vince said as Motley greeted us. 'Glad I can help you.' I chuckled. 'Not bad kid.' Mick said giving me a nudge. 'That's our Hailie!' Nikki smiled, ruffling my hair. 'Hey! No touchy!' I yelled at him as he laughed walking away to set up his bass.

The girls and I sat back stage waiting for Guns to finish up when Vicky appeared. 'Great show girls!' She exclaimed. 'Now I've got an exciting opportunity for you.' She started, we all stopped what we were doing and started paying attention. 'Geffen records want you to record a music video for I always get what I want and release it as a EP single for the tour!' She told us with excitement. 'Aw Yeah!' Imogen said hi fiving me. 'That's fucking sick!' Alex yelled. We all laughed at her, Tommy was really rubbing off her on.

'When do they want to do the music video??' Ashleigh asked. '1st of October.' Vicky replied. 'You don't have a show that day but you won't be getting a day off unfortunately.' She added. 'Doesn't matter we wanna do this right girls?' I asked them. 'Yeah!' They all replied. Vicky want to ring back the guys at the record label with the good news just as Guns walked in. 'So what are the plans for tonight?' I asked them. 'I think we're just going back to the house, have a party of our own again.' Izzy replied. 'Awesome!' Alex said before pouring herself another drink and telling them the good news. 'You'll be the biggest girl band on the planet in a few years, you watch.' Axl told us. 'Yeah even bigger then the runaways!' Duff added. 'Joan Jett is the ultimate Queen of rock, I could never be on her level.' I laughed.

We waited for Motley to finished up their set and headed back to the house. I thought it was just gonna be us again which I like, that was until a bunch of groupies rocked up and went straight over to Vince and Nikki. One of them went and sat on Tommy's lap which set Alex off.

'Who the fuck invited these sluts?' Alex yelled at the boys. 'Who are you calling sluts whore?!' One of them yelled back at Alex. 'Oh sorry, I meant groupies which is another word for sluts!' Alex yelled again. 'Babe calm down!' Tommy called out to her. 'Shut up Tommy!' Alex yelled at him. The girl walked up to Alex and smacked her drink out of her hand, getting vodka all over Alex.

Before anyone realised what was happening, Alex punched the chick in the face then twisted her arm around to her back and pushed her in the pool. 'Babe what the fuck!' Tommy screamed at her. 'Alright it's okay that's enough.' I said calmly, pulling Alex away as the girl swam to the surface, blood running from her nose and into the pool. Ashleigh took Alex inside who was shaking with anger as I went back outside. 'Normally it's you that's punching on.' Vince chuckled at me. 'Not now Vinnie, who invited them?!' I yelled across the yard at the boys. 'Sixx did!' Tommy told me. 'Man What the hell?' Sixx yelled at him. 'Of course you fucking did Nikki, you're a pig.' I yelled before walking back inside to Alex.

Of course he has to go ruin a good night, typical Nikki Sixx for you.

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