Chapter 19. Twin brother

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After finding Paddy his own room and having sex with Nikki, I sat down in the lounge room while Nikki took a nap and took a moment to regain my thoughts. Nikki kept quiet in the bedroom not letting Paddy know he was there under my request.

How the hell was I gonna keep Paddy away from Nikki? Or better yet what would he do if he found out I was dating someone who was addicted to heroin? I was scared. Nikki promised to cut down and only do it in private but my instincts knew better then to fully trust him. I got a call from Vicky to meet her and the girls downstairs for soundcheck, kissed Nikki goodbye and left.

I got Paddy on the way, there was no way I was leaving him here with any of the boys. 'I can't wait to see you kill it tonight!' He told me as we were about to get in the car. 'Oh who's this?' Imogen asked, then her and the girls faces dropped as they realized who it was. 'Paddy?' Alex asked. 'Uh.. yeah. I know you probably hate me.' Paddy said, looking at the ground. 'Hate you? Come here!' Alex told him as she pulled him into a bear hug. Alex and Imogen hugged him as well, 'it's great to see you!' Ash told him. 'I'm glad to be here.' Paddy replied, smiling.

'Now does anyone wanna tell me if the rumors are true?' Paddy asked, raising his eyebrows at me. 'What do you mean?' I asked. 'You and Nikki Sixx, are you together?' He asked with a smirk. 'Oh um yeah we are.' I mumbled while blushing. 'As long as he makes you happy.' He said, grinning at me. 'I'm dating Tommy!' Alex interrupted. 'Fuck, you're dating the Tommy Lee?!' Paddy asked excited. 'Yep!' Alex replied. 'He's a big goof ball just like you P, you'll like him.' I told him, smiling. 'I can't believe I'm gonna meet Tommy Lee!' He yelled. We all laughed at him.

We arrived at the venue and started doing our soundcheck while Paddy watched on the sidelines. During one of our last songs, I could see Guns making their way over and introducing themselves to Paddy. I knew I didn't have anything to worry about but I still was nervous. As soon as our soundcheck finished, I raced over to where Slash and Izzy were standing with Paddy. 'Hey dude! We just met you're twin, he looks exactly like you!' Slash told me laughing. 'Hey!' Paddy and I both said frowning. 'Oh that is too funny.' Izzy joked. Ash had walked off to the dressing room, so she didn't have to see Axl and Imogen was all over Steven. 'Am I missing something?' Paddy asked nudging me. 'I'll fill you in soon.' I replied.

Guns went to do their set and Paddy, Alex and I went back stage to hang out while Imogen went to go find Ash. 'So, Axl and Ash were dating at the start of this tour.' I began. 'What really?!' Paddy interrupted. 'Wait there's more!' Alex told him. 'Yeah, Axl cheated on her and when she confronted him about it, she slapped him and he punched her in the jaw right in front of us all.' I told him seriously. 'Fuck! What happened after that?' Paddy asked. 'Oh Sixx knocked him out and we haven't let Ash go near Axl since.' Alex explained. 'Ah right. What a fucking coward.' Paddy said. 'Oh and also, Imogen is with Steven.' I told him smiling. 'You guys are all dating someone here!' Paddy said laughing.

Just as he said that Motley walked in. Nikki and Tommy walked over to Alex and I, giving us a kiss. 'Babe, this is Paddy, Hailie's twin brother.' Alex told Tommy, grinning. 'Hey dude how's it going!' Tommy asked, shaking his head. 'Holy shit it's really you!' Paddy said, star struck. We all giggled at him. 'I'm Nikki dude.' Nikki told him, holding his hand out. 'Ah yes, you're dating my sister. Don't hurt her.' Paddy said half joking, shaking his hand. 'I wouldn't dream of it.' Nikki replied, grinning. Paddy met Vince and Mick, making small talk about Mick's guitar playing until they had to go for their soundcheck.

'I can't believe you're dating Nikki fucking Sixx and Tommy fucking Lee!' Paddy half whispered, sitting back down with us again. 'I know, I can't believe it myself sometimes.' I said as Alex chuckled. We hung out with Guns back stage waiting for the show to start. We're were drinking and I was talking to Nikki after he had come back, about how hard I was trying to keep Paddy away from drugs when Izzy pulled out a bag of coke, again. I saw Paddy's eyes go wide as hell as he looked at the bag then up at me. I was frowning at him and shaking my head. 'Cmon H, just one line, please.' Paddy pleaded. Before I could say anything, Nikki interrupted. 'Izzy, come here.' He demanded, leading him away from everyone.

I sat down next to Paddy as I saw Nikki and Izzy talking out the corner of my eyes. 'Sorry lil bro, I just don't want you going down that path again.' I told him. 'I understand I guess, I put you through hell.' He replied. 'And you're only a minute older then me!' He added. 'Still my little bro.' I said, smiling at him. Izzy sat back down as Nikki tapped my shoulder. I got him and pulled him away, 'what happened?' I asked. 'I just told him about how he's a recovering addict and you're really scared he's gonna go down the same path. He said he understands but it's just coke, it's not addictive and he would make sure he'd never touched heroin.' Nikki explained. 'No I don't want him doing anything!!' I complained. 'I know babe, but he's a grown adult. Look out for him sure, but he's gonna do what he likes. If he cares about you, he won't go overboard.' Nikki told me.

I looked over at Paddy, who was smiling and laughing with Slash and Izzy. He was happy, I could tell. I groaned and leaned into Nikki, who then wrapped his arms around me. 'It'll be okay princess, we're all watching him. He's safe.' He told me. It was finally time to go on do the show, I asked Slash to look after Paddy while I went to get dressed. 'Always hun.' He replied, smiling. 'Thank you!' I told him, rushing out the door. We got changed into our outfits and went to the side of the stage about to go on. 'Good luck out there, you'll kill it!' Paddy said, appearing next to me with the guys. 'Thanks!' I replied, kissing him on the cheek. I kissed Nikki before running on stage and introducing ourselves.

'That was fucking awesome!!' Paddy yelled as we all had come off stage after finishing our set. 'Thank you lil bro.' I replied, smiling. 'You're so good at guitar!' He told Alex. 'Yeah I am!' Alex yelled, matter of factly. We laughed as we wished Guns good luck before they went on stage. 'I wanna watch Slash shred the guitar and then see Tommy beat the shit out of the drums!' Paddy told us. 'Okay we will watch with you!' Alex replied.

We watched Guns and Motley's set. Paddy was so excited to be here. Once again, I couldn't keep my eyes off Nikki. He looked so damn good playing the bass. He knew I was watching him and winked at me before sticking his tongue out. I giggled at him. It wasn't long until the show had finished and we were all on our way to party on at a club, this was gonna be fun!

Or so I thought. 

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