Chapter 25. Zombie dust

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We finally arrived in Philadelphia and went to check into our hotel rooms. Same shit, different town every day. We had two shows here the next two nights and I was having so much fun on this tour. The girls and I had to dump our stuff and run out to the van outside waiting for us because we were running late for soundcheck. 'Don't have too much fun without me.' I winked at Nikki, kissing him on the cheek before running out the door, with Tommy walking in at the same time. 'We'll try not too!' They both yelled out at the same time. 

I ran up behind Alex who was walking ahead of me with Ashleigh and Imogen and jumped up on her. 'What the fuck!' Alex yelled until she realized it was me. 'Well you're happy H!' She chuckled. 'Aren't you? I'm having the time of my life right now!' I exclaimed. 'Yeah me too!' Imogen agreed, as we walked out and got in the van. 'Hey remember you're promise to me?' Alex whispered in my ear as I sat next to her. 'What was it?' I asked confused. 

She pulled out the bag of Zombie dust she showed me the other night. 'You forgot to do this with me the other night, so you're doing it tonight. No ifs or buts girl.' She told me. 'Alright fine, I won't forget okay!' I laughed. 'By the way girls, we gotta go through Hailie's lyric book. She's got some awesome material in there, our next album is gonna be fucking sick!' Alex exclaimed. 'Awesome!' Imogen answered. 'Thank god we have you H.' Ash said, smiling. 'I'm just lucky to have you girls in my life.' I answered honestly. 'Awwww' They all cooed in unison. I rolled my eyes and chuckled at them. 

We finally got to the venue and meet up with a hostile Vicky. 'Girls get in there now! You're running behind on schedule.' She huffed. 'Aye aye captain!' Alex hollered, putting her hand to her forehead. We all laughed and grabbed our equipment before running on to do our soundcheck. We wanted to do a different setlist today and with Vicky not paying attention, we were able too. We put 17 on there and some other songs we hadn't being playing on tour just to fuck with her, she was gonna be fuming tonight.

It was now 7pm and everybody had got dressed, done hair and makeup and was hanging out backstage ready to go on except for Motley, who were getting ready now. I wore a leather skirt with a Guns n Roses crop t-shirt with my black heeled boots and stockings. I felt and looked good tonight, I was in the mood to fucking party. 'Pretty Poisons, you're up!' Vicky yelled. 'Catch you boys!' I called out, getting up and walking out. 'Good luck!' Slash and Izzy sanged together, I laughed as I walked out the door.

As we were walking to the stage, Motley were walking the other way. 'God damn it you look hot tonight.' Nikki said with his jaw to the floor, looking me up and down. 'Only for you Sixx.' I winked at him. He grabbed me and planted a big kiss on my lips, 'You're mine and only ever mine.' He growled. 'Of course, always.' I whispered, smirking up at him. 'Come on girls let's go!' Vicky scolded, as I realized Alex was all over Tommy too. 'Goodluck H!' Mick called out. 'You kill it as always girls.' Vince said grinning. 'You're gonna send me crazy up there.' Nikki said, still staring at me. 'You're gonna have to control yourself.' I replied, winking at him before walking away. 

We finished the set and I was buzzing with energy. 'Thank you Philadelphia! Now let's make some noise for Guns n Roses!' I screamed into the microphone as the guys ran on stage. 'Thanks H!' Axl yelled over the crowd. I smiled at him before following the girls off stage and greeting a very unhappy Vicky. 'Aw what's wrong Vick?' Alex teased, putting a pout on. 'Pull that shit again and I'll take you off this tour. I'm dead serious.' She said glaring at us. 'It's just a couple of different songs, why do you get to decide what we play?' I huffed. 'I am you're manager and you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me so do what I say!' She yelled. 'Well I think as long as you're making money off us, you do what we fucking say!' Alex yelled back. 

Vicky rolled her eyes and lectured us one more time before walking off. 'She gets on my fucking nerves.' Imogen spat. 'Tell me about it.' I mumbled, rolling my eyes. 'Hey girls! Awesome show.' Vince said greeting us. 'Yeah man you kicked ass!' Tommy yelled, picking Alex up in the air. 'You are the hottest thing when you're up on stage.' A voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Nikki and flashed him a smile. 'I want you right now.' He gritted through his teeth. 'Well baby you're just gonna have to wait.' I said, batting my eyelashes at him. I kissed on and bit his lip which I knew drove him crazy before walking away. 'This ain't over!' Nikki called out after me as I laughed with the girls.

We walked into the room backstage and immediately started doing shots together. Vodka was good if you knew how to handle yourself but Alex pulled out the tequila and I knew I was gonna end up on my face either way. After a while Guns walked in and we were doing shots with them too. 'Okay H, let's do it. Izzy and Slash are in on it too.' Alex grinned, holding up the bag of Zombie dust. I signed, 'Alright let's get it over and done with.' I replied. 'You ever tried it?' I asked Slash. 'Nope, it's my first time too.' He answered with a grin. I was nervous to try something I had never heard of before but fuck it, you only live once. 

Alex set up lines right there in front of everybody, her and Izzy went first. They snorted it and immediately reacted to it. 'Holy fucking shit dude!' Alex yelled. 'How good is it.' Izzy replied, leaning back into the seat and letting the drug take over him. 'Hailie, Slash! You gotta do it right now!' Alex exclaimed. Slash and I looked at each other before doing a line each together.  As soon as I snorted it, the euphoria hit me instantly and I couldn't believe how good it felt. 'Fuck dude.' Slash laughed. 'How fucking good is it!' Alex asked, yelling at us. 'This is fucking sick!' I yelled back. 

After a while, we decided it was a good idea to trash the room. Everybody sat there laughing at us while Izzy, Alex, Slash and I trashed the room. Suddenly the door opened and Paddy stood there. 'What the fuck?' Paddy asked, looking around. We stopped in our tracks and Paddy looked over to the table with Zombie dust all over it and looked back at me. 'Hailie?' He asked, with disappointment in his eyes. Suddenly Motley walked in behind them. 'What's up?' Vince asked as he noticed everybody was quiet. 

'Have a look man, she has a go at me for doing drugs but she's quiet happy to do them herself!' Paddy yelled. 'Paddy wait!' I yelled as he walked out the door. 'Hailie what the fuck!' Nikki yelled at me. 'What?!' I yelled back. 'What are you doing that shit for?!' Nikki screamed at me. 'Excuse me Mr I can do whatever fucking drugs I want? Are you seriously gonna be a fucking hypocrite right now?!' I screamed back. 'I can handle it, you can't!' Nikki yelled. 'Don't treat me like a fucking kid, the amount of times I've found you strung out I beg to differ!' I spat, every one watching me. I scoffed and walked out of the room to find Paddy. 'Hailie wait!' Nikki called out after me, I just kept walking. I couldn't give a fuck about Nikki right now, I just wanted to see Paddy.

I looked for him everywhere and couldn't find him, I found Doc and Vicky instead. 'Have you seen Paddy anywhere?' I asked, out of breath from running. 'Yeah he left the venue, he looked like he was in a bad mood.' Doc told me. 'Fuck!' I yelled. 'What did you do?' Vicky asked. 'Nothing.' I mumbled, as I walked out of the venue. I waved down a taxi and went back to the hotel to look for Paddy. I knocked on his hotel room a thousand times but no answer, I slid down against the door and just cried. I was still high but I knew I fucked up big time. 

I walked back to Nikki and I's hotel room, as I walked in I saw Nikki sitting on the couch. 'What you still mad at me?' I asked after a moment of silence. 'Just disappointing to see you be a hypocrite towards you're brother.' He replied quietly. 'Fuck off Sixx, you're the biggest hypocrite I know. Why don't you go shoot up again?' I spat, walking into the bedroom and collapsing on the bed. pulling the covers over my head. 

I was so worried, what if Paddy left and never spoke to me again? Or what if he went on a heroin binge because of me? I cried my self to sleep, forgetting about everything else and just thinking about Paddy. 

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