Chapter 39. Drugs and other things

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*The girl above is who I imagined Hailie to be*

I sat uncomfortably the whole ride to the club, leaning against Izzy while Nikki was talking to Duff opposite us and giving me side looks with that stupid beautiful smile of his. As soon as we arrived I let Nikki go first, he got out and held his hand out for me but I ignore it, dragging Izzy with me and walking straight past Nikki.

'Hailie where you taking me?' Izzy shouted over the music in the club as I dragged him to the unisex bathrooms. I opened the door and pushed him in before locking the door. 'Woah.' Izzy smirked. 'That was hot!' He added. 'Calm down I just need a hit.' I replied, checking his pockets until I found the bag with that lovely white powder that I found myself craving more and more lately. I pulled it out and immediately started making lines for the both of us. 'Help yourself.' Izzy laughed as I was fixated on getting that powder up my nose. 'I'm not playing his fucking games man.' I said as I snorted a line and instantly felt the euphoria fly through me. Izzy did a line and leaned against the wall taking it in.

'This is what he does Hailie, it's his way of getting you back, don't let him win.' Izzy told me. 'Don't worry, I'm pretty stubborn when I want to be. Even more stubborn then Sixx.' I replied as I did another line. Izzy did the last one and we packed it up before meeting everyone out in the club. 'Hey where did you guys go?!' Vince called out as we approached the booth everyone was in. Nikki immediately shot us a look. 'We saw an old friend.' Izzy replied with a smile. Nikki scoffed and looked away while I gave him a dirty look.

'Come on you two, let's get a drink.' Vince said to us, noticing the tension between Nikki and I. 'Yes please!' I exclaimed. I'm not gonna lie, I felt fucking great. It's like I never even broke up with Nikki, I wanted to stay like this forever. I saw Paddy giving me a look of concern but I ignore it and walk to the bar with Izzy and Vince. 'So how you holding up?' Vince asked as I chugged down the drink he just handed me. 'I'm fucking fantastic Vinnie.' I grinned. He realised I was high and just chuckled, letting it go. 'Don't let Sixx find out.' Vince said in my ear. 'Fuck him! Let's dance!' I yelled, dragging them to the dance floor meeting Alex and Ashleigh.

I dance and danced, loosing track of time. I was having the time of my life! Vince was dancing with Ash while Izzy was doing more lines with Alex right in the middle of the dance floor. I didn't have anymore cause I didn't want to over do it like last time. Tommy called out to Alex and I turned around to point her out to him, then my heart dropped in my stomach. Behind Tommy, Nikki was heavily making out with some groupie in the booth. I stood and stared at them for what felt like forever until Nikki looked straight at me and gave me a smirk.

I looked at the ground not knowing what to do, I just knew I had to get the fuck out of there. I ran off the dance floor and Tommy who had being watching it all unfold, called after me but I kept running and running until I was back at the hotel which was a good 5 blocks away. I knew if I went back to my hotel room, everyone would come looking for me there so I did what I always do when I'm really upset. I found my way to the roof of the hotel, and sat there. I was starting to come down from the high and I just started bawling my eyes out. What did I do to deserve all this? I've done nothing but love Nikki with all my heart.

I sat there for a good 45 minutes, just looking at the stars in the sky and wishing I'd never fell in love with Nikki. 'So Paddy was right.' I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to find Nikki standing behind me. 'What are you doing here?' I grunted. My face had tear streaks all over it, I would have looked like an absolute mess. 'Paddy told me to try the roof, he really knows everything about you.' Nikki chuckled. I didn't say anything, just sat there staring into space.

Nikki sat next to me, but I didn't move or look at him. 'Hailie, I'm sorry.' He said sincerely. I scoffed. 'Nikki all you ever do is apologise, but this, you can't fix this.' I answered, still not looking at him. 'Hailie I only kissed that girl because you were with Izzy in the bathroom.' He replied. I looked at him with a surprised look on my face. 'Yeah I saw you.' He muttered. 'Nikki I was doing fucking coke with him because I wanted to forget about this whole fucking breakup!' I exclaimed. 'Wait so you didn't hook up with Izzy?' He asked curiously. 'No!! I don't self destruct like you do, I'm not into hooking up to forget about you. Drugs make me forget about you.' I signed.

'Well I really fucked up then' Nikki groaned. I didn't say anything, and we just sat in silence for about 10 minutes. 'Come on, I'll take you back to Paddy and Slash. They're worried about you.' He said quietly. He held out his hand for me and I took it, getting myself up then following him back to the hotel room. 'I don't forgive you, you know.' I told him while we were walking. 'I know, I don't ever expect you to.' Nikki replied. 'Can we be friends or civil at least?' He asked as we approached my hotel room. 'Sure.' I said with a small smile after a moment of silence. 'Thanks H. See you later.' He winked at me as he walked down to his hotel room.

After I watched Nikki disappear, I walked into my room where Izzy, Paddy and Slash were all waiting for me. 'How was the roof?' Paddy asked. 'How was Sixx?' Izzy asked. 'Did you forgive him?' Slash added also asking. 'It was fine, he was fine and no I didn't.' I replied to them all at once. 'So what happened then?' Paddy asked. 'We've agreed to stay civil for the rest of the tour. Also he hooked up with that girl cause he thought I hooked up with Izzy.' I explained. 'Oh fuck.' Izzy replied. 'Yep.' I answered.

'Alright I'm going to bed.' I told them. 'Yeah I'm coming too, night guys.' Slash told them. We walked into the bedroom and I quickly shoved down some Valium down my throat without Slash seeing before getting into bed.

'It'll be okay H.' Slash told me quietly. 'As long as I have you guys I'll be fine.' I replied with a smile.

I rested my head on his shoulder and fell into a deep sleep, once again, thinking about Nikki.

I rested my head on his shoulder and fell into a deep sleep, once again, thinking about Nikki

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