Chapter 45. Always fucking will be

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We walked back into the club and out of habit I looked around for Nikki. There was no sight of him so he must of left, whatever. I'm feeling fucking rad right now. Izzy and I went over to the bar greeting Paddy and Slash. 'Are we gonna get fucked up or what?!' Paddy yelled over the music. 'Let's do it!' Slash yelled back, handing us all a tequila shot.

We chucked it back and Izzy started coughing aggressively. 'Geez dramatic much?' I chuckled. 'Man I fucking hate tequila.' He managed to get out while having a coughing fit. Walk this way by Aerosmith blasted through the speakers and Paddy instantly pulled me to the dance floor. 'Dude do you remember when we were like 14 and got on the roof of the house, blasting it on the radio for the neighbours to hear?' Paddy laughed as we started singing along to it. 'Yeah, I also remember the cops rocking up!' I said, laughing. 'Man remember all the fun shit we used to get up to? Good times.' Paddy replied. 'Now we're here in America doing even more fun shit!' I told him excitedly. 'Wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else.' Paddy said grinning at me.

We belted out the song then decided to join the gang back at the booth. 'So what's on the agenda tonight for the terror twins?' Mick asked as I sat down next to Alex. 'Man where's Nikki at?!' Tommy asked as he groaned at Mick calling us the terror twins. 'Who cares.' I muttered quietly. 'Don't you worry Mick, we don't plan our chaos, we just do it.' Alex answered Mick, grinning like mad.

'What's going on with Sixx?' Tommy asked me as Alex continued her conversation with Mick. 'No idea.' I answered honestly. 'Man you're always on or off, you're lucky we're all used to it by now.' Tommy said winking at me. 'Shut up T-bone, we're just friends.' I said laughing. 'Yeah yeah tell that to you're heart.' Tommy replied with a sympathetic look. I groaned as I realised he was right. I knew from the start that this would never be really over. I got Izzy's attention and pretended to snort something on my hand and he immediately knew what I meant. Paddy looked at me with a frown and a concerned look but I pretended like I didn't see it. I needed another hit to forget about the fact that I was still in love with Nikki and always fucking will be.

Izzy quickly slipped me another baggie as I followed Alex to the toilet. We went into the cubicle and I held the baggie up to my face with the devil's grin as she sat down to pee. 'Oh fuck yes you read my mind H!' She yelled. 'Shusssh!' I slurred, realising there was other people in the bathroom. 'Where did you get that?' Alex asked. 'Izzy, I go to Izzy for anything I need.' I chuckled. 'Anything? What does that mean?' Alex asked again curiously. 'Oh fuck off it's not like that, I meant drugs!' I moaned. 'I know babe, we all know it's all about the Sixxter.' She laughed as I roll my eyes.  

We put the toilet seat down and started doing lines again. We kept going until the bag was empty. 'Oops.' I said sarcastically. 'Let's get our terror on!' Alex yelled out with a crazy look in her eye. 'Fuck maybe we did too much.' I said to myself. You know what? Fuck it, I deserve this.

We walked out and ran a muck on the club. Getting up on random people's tables and dancing to whatever song was on, then we over took the cover band which everybody seemed to be happy about. I sang covers of Cher and Joan Jett while Alex shredded the guitar. Paddy and Slash joined us on stage, dancing and jumping around like crazy. By the end of it I was going mad, I was talking so fast and hypo as fuck. Alex was even worse then me, Duff keep trying to get Tommy to calm her down but he was just as fucked up.

'Thank you for letting us takeover this stage mother fuckers!' I screamed into the microphone as everyone in the club cheered. Suddenly a drink was thrown at my head and I was covered in whisky. 'Get off the fucking stage you stupid slag!' Some chick called out from the dance floor. 'You wanna fucking go!!!' Alex screamed at her and before I knew it, Alex had stage dived and jumped straight onto her, and starting punching straight away. I decided it was a good idea to join in and grabbed one of the three girls that was kicking Alex and pulled her down to the ground by her hair. She came at me and I had so much adrenaline that I punched her square in the nose, breaking it immediately. Alex kept fighting even thought it was three on one and before I knew it, it was a brawl.

The boys who were watching on in shock and horror decided it was time to do something. Vince and Mick tried to pull Alex off some chick while Paddy and Izzy were screaming at me to stop, but I completely ignore them. Hitting anyone and anything that came in my way. Suddenly I was punched really fucking hard in the face and I was knocked on my ass. I laid on the floor not being able to get up because I couldn't see anything. Whoever punched me jumped on top of me to keep going but was dragged off me. I felt myself being lifted onto somebody's shoulder and walked out of the club. I still couldn't see a damn thing and I was completely out of it.

'Woah you're really strong.' I mumbled, as I felt whoever's arm it was. 'Man you smell fucking good.' I said again before everything went black.

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