Chapter 21. An unwanted visitor

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'It has one line.' Alex told me, holding the stick up. 'Negative. You're not pregnant.' I replied. We both signed in relief and laughed. 'Alright we better go before Vicky comes banging on the door.' I told her, walking out back to the van.

We drove the rest of the distant and finally got the the hotel. I was keen to see Nikki, but when I ran up to my room, he wasn't there. I put my stuff down and walked back into the hallway where Alex and Imogen stood. 'Sixx not there either?' Alex asked. 'Nope. No Tommy or Steven?' I asked. They shook their heads. 'Oh girls, they've gone down to the bar just down the street.' Doc's voice came from behind me. 'Of course.' Alex chuckled, as we made our way down to Ash's room to get her and go to the bar.

On the walk there, Ash and Imogen walked ahead, so I took the opportunity to talk to Alex. 'You okay Al?' I asked. 'Yeah, just shocked I was in a situation that's so scary.' She replied. 'No matter what happens, I'm always there for you.' I told her. 'I know.' She said, smiling at me. We reached the bar finally and I was so excited to see Nikki, I was gonna run over and jump on him. That was until I walked in and saw something I never thought I would. 

The boys were sitting in the booth, minus Paddy and Duff and Nikki had some girl sitting on his lap while he looked completely strung out. She turned her head towards Nikki and I realized it was Vanity. I saw red, how fucking dare she? 'No Hail-' Alex tried to stop me but I over powered her and stormed over there. The boys looked up and their faces dropped as they realized what was about to go down. I walked right up behind Nikki and Vanity, she noticed me there and her face dropped but before she could do or say anything, I grabbed her hair and pulled her out of the booth by her weave. 

'What the fuck you psycho?' She cried, as I let her go, waiting to confront her. 'Oh I'm the psycho? Bitch you not with him anymore, it's me now!' I yelled at her. Izzy and Vince appeared beside me, trying to prevent something from happening. 'Excuse me? I'm still his girlfriend, he never broke up with me!' Vanity yelled back. 'Bullshit!' I screamed. 'Well it definitely didn't seem like it when we were in bed together earlier.' She said with a smirk. I ran at her before Vince and Izzy could stop me and pushed her up against the wall with my arm across her chest so she couldn't move. 'If you ever go near Nikki again, you will regret it. Now I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I beat you're junkie slut head in.' I whispered to her, looking straight at her. 

'Cmon H let her go now.' Vince whispered as Izzy gently pulled my arm away. I didn't look away from Vanity, I saw the fear in her eyes. She didn't say anything, just grabbed her bag and left. 'Fucking hell Hailie, I didn't know you had it in you.' Vince told me. 'Nobody fucks with H.' Alex said, grinning obliviously enjoying the scene that just unfolded. I walked over to Nikki, once again, he couldn't even function. Probably didn't even notice I was standing right in front of him. 'What the fuck did that bitch give him?' I asked the guys. 'Pretty sure it was a couple of speedballs.' Tommy replied. I took one more look at Nikki. 'I can't fucking do this anymore, I'm not playing these fucking games. Fuck this.' I said out loud, slamming my fist down on the table. 

'H-' Slash started. 'You guys can get him home since you let him get like that.' I scowled. 'And where the fuck is Paddy? I swear to god if he saw Nikki like this-' I raged. 'He went to the strip club with Duff and Mick. He didn't see any of this.' Izzy said, cutting me off. 'You're fucking lucky.' I replied quietly. 'I'm going out on my own, you coming?' I asked Alex. 'Hell yeah.' She replied. 'I'll come too!' Ash chirped up. We started walking out when someone called out my name. 'Hailie, can we come too?' Slash said as him and Izzy ran over. 'We didn't mean for things to go that far but it wasn't our place to say no.' Izzy told me. 'I know, yeah you guys can come.' I said, smiling at them.

I took one more look over at Nikki who hadn't moved at all, rolled my eyes and left. Of course he was talking to fucking Vanity behind my back. She's got something I don't, drugs. We ended up going down to the strip club to meet Paddy, Mick and Duff there. Alex and I decided it would be a good idea to snort as much coke as Izzy had on him and go on a rage, smashing car windows and slashing tires. My hand was still bandaged from punching the glass door but it was healing pretty well and didn't hurt much now. We got to the strip club and I ran over to Paddy. 'Hey what are you doing here!' He yelled over the music. 'Just wanted to come hang out!' I yelled back. 

We spent majority of the night doing shots, sculling drinks and dancing with the strippers. After a few hours I decided I needed a cigarette and went outside to sit down on the curb. I lit one up and my mind instantly crossed over to the thought of Nikki. I thought about the first time I saw him and even though I tried to deny it, I knew something was there instantly. I thought about the first time he kissed me, and ever since I knew it would always be Nikki. With him, I felt like I was on top of the world. He makes me feel like the only girl in the world, so why does he do the shit that he does? It hurts and I don't understand. 

I wasn't going to put up with this shit anymore, I deserved better. I didn't know what I was gonna say to him but just like every other time, I had to wait for him to be decent and not strung out. I can't believe Vanity showed up, I can't believe he let her come here. My hands were shaking just at the thought of it and I was getting angry all over again. I was so mad that I hadn't notice Izzy sit down beside me. 'You alright H?' He asked. I suddenly realized he was there and look up at him. 'Yeah, just angry about what happened tonight.' I groaned. 'Here, have another bump. It'll calm you down.' He said, offering me the baggie. 'Thanks dude.' I smiled, as I got up to make my way to the bathroom. 

I locked myself in the stall and did a lot more then just a line. I wanted to completely forget about Nikki and what happened tonight. It kicked in and I instantly felt amazing, I walked out and joined the others, just wanting to dance. I was loud and vibrant with loads of energy. After a while, I figured something was wrong. My heart started going a million miles an hour and I started to become paranoid. I thought people were out to get me and started freaking the fuck out and screaming. 'What the fuck?' Slash yelled over the music. 'Hailie, look at me!' Paddy yelled as he grabbed my arms and looked straight into my eyes. 'She's on something, she's having a psychotic episode, we have to get her out of here.' He yelled to everyone.

We left the club, Paddy on one side of me and Alex on the other, holding me up and making sure I wasn't going anywhere. I was still freaking out and becoming increasingly paranoid. They hurried me to the hotel and carried me into Paddy's room where I started throwing stuff at imaginary people and knocking stuff over. All of a sudden, Nikki and Vince were at the door to see what was going on. The second Nikki saw me, he ran over to me. 'Baby what's wrong??' He asked, grabbing me. 'Go away! Go back to Vanity!' I screamed at him. 'What?' He asked, confused. Suddenly I saw her, standing by the bedroom door. Smirking at me. 'She's right fucking there!' I yelled, as I picked up a vase and threw it at her, it smashed to pieces on the floor and then she disappeared. Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do. 'No one's there Hailie.' Vince told me.  'She was right fucking there.' I spat. 

'Cmon, I'm taking you back to our room.' Nikki said, trying to pull me up. 'I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying right here.' I said bluntly. 'I don't care if I have to sleep on the couch, you're coming with me and that's the end of it!' Nikki demanded. I suddenly didn't have the energy to fight anymore, I let Nikki pick me up and promise Paddy he'd look after me then left for our room. We got back to the room and he laid me on the bed where I could feel myself passing out. 'Goodnight princess, I love you.' Nikki said as he kissed me on the forehead. That felt nice to hear, we hadn't said I love you much to each other. I didn't have the energy to think about all the other shit that went on tonight. I just focused on him telling me he loves me before passing out. 

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