Chapter 63. Push comes to shove

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2 days have gone by since Mick and I found Nikki passed out in the hotel room and I haven't seen him since. Doc had got him on strict lockdown to detox while we toured, which meant he missed 2 shows, Ashleigh and Duff had to step up in his place for Motley Crue.

I hadn't being myself, I was worried sick about him and was a million miles away. We were playing in Ottawa tonight, and currently on the tour bus there with everybody minus Nikki, who's in Doc's van no doubt being watched like a hawk. I stared into space, I felt so flat and down without him around. Also I'd being pretty hostile towards the others which I didn't mean to be but I couldn't help it.

After a while I decided to go down to the bunks with my guitar and work on some songs to get my mind off Nikki. I found some lyrics I had written a long time ago when we still lived in Australia and decided to work on it some more.

I spent about an hour on it before giving it a good shot on the acoustic.

'Being seeing too much of you lately
And you're starting to get on my nerves
This is exactly what happened last time
And it's not what we deserve

It's a waste of my time lately and I'm
Running out words
If it's really meant to be
Then you can find a way to see

That maybe you should just shut up
Even when it gets tough
Baby cause this is love

And if push comes to shove,
It's gonna take the both of us
Baby this is love

It's really great to be with you
This is how I could spend my life
But I'm capable of taking care of myself
So if you fuck this up then go take a hike

It's a waste of my time shaking him up
Going out to search if it's really meant to be
Then you can find a way to see.'

I finished up pretty happy with it and noticed we were arriving so I packed up my things. I walked out back to the guys and sat down next to Paddy. 'We could all hear you H.' Paddy said quietly. 'I really don't give a fuck.' I said bluntly. 'I was just gonna say that it was a good song you played.' He mumbled as hurt flashed in his eyes before he looked away.

God why am I such a bitch for? 'Paddy I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.' I said, grabbing him to face me. 'I know, I'm sure Sixx is fine.' He assured me with a smile. 'I hope so.' I mumbled with a sign. We got to the hotel and started unloading our things and heading to our rooms. Slash and Izzy checked in to make sure I was alright before heading towards their room and I was sharing with Paddy.

I sat down on the couch shaking my leg anxiously and staring into space for a while while Paddy stood on the balcony smoking. I was about to get ready for the show when there was a knock on the door. I opened it and Doc stood there. 'Hey Hailie, I just thought I'd let you know Nikki wants to see you.' Doc said. 'Okay thanks, I'll be there soon.' I replied as Doc gave me a sympathetic look.

I closed the door and sat on the couch with my head in my hands. All these thoughts in my mind were going a million miles an hour and I felt like I was gonna faint. 'Hailie?' I heard Paddy asked as he sat down next to me. 'What do you wanna do with Nikki?' He asked quietly. 'I don't want to deal with his drug abuse anymore.' I replied flatly. 'Well say that. Be strong and say you won't be around him anymore if he does.' Paddy explained.

I took a moment to think about it, and I realised Paddy was right. I can't keep putting myself through this, Nikki has to want to get help. 'You're right.' I told him. 'Aren't I always?' He chuckled and I smacked him on the leg. 'Wish me luck.' I said signing before walking out the door.

I made my way to Doc's apartment that was a floor above us, I was biting my nails I was so bloody nervous. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door expecting Doc to open it. Instead I got the tall green eyed bass player staring back at me. His eyes looked full of life and his skin had colour back in it, he looked so much better then before.

'Hailie, I didn't think you'd come.' He said in his raspy voice that was so fucking hot. I nearly came undone but got back into fight mode, I know what I came here for. 'I'll always come.' I said quietly, pushing past him and making my way to the couch. 'Look I know I fucked up.' He said, closing the door and facing me. 'But I'm better now, I've detoxed.' He added.

'How do I know it's gonna stay that way?' I asked him honestly. He didn't answer me, just looked at me intently with guilt in his eyes. 'Nikki I can't do this anymore, you either want help or you don't. I'm not sticking around to watch you eventually die from this.' I explained as a tear fell down my cheek. 'No Hailie, please I promise I will never go back to it, just please don't leave me.' He pleaded.

'We're not together.' I stated. 'You know what I mean.' He replied quickly. 'So you really want to get better?' I asked him after a moment of silence. 'Yes, for you. For everyone else that has to put up with my shit daily.' He answered. 'As long as you don't break you're promise Sixx.' I told him sternly. 'I won't, thank you thank you!' He said running over to me and pulling me in for a hug. I couldn't help but smile.

'I'll help you and be there every step of the way, I always will be.' I told him honestly. He locked eyes with me and before I knew it, his lips crashed into mine.

'How did I get so lucky?' He asked pulling away before kissing me again.

(Song isn't mine obvs, thanks for reading xx)

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