Chapter 56. Phoenix pt. 2

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I woke up to the voice of Vince at the door. 'Wake up lovebirds we're in Phoenix!' He called out before walking out. I was instantly aware of the arms around my waist and looked over to see Nikki who was lying there looking straight at me.

'Hi.' He simply said. 'That was you this whole time?' I asked him. 'Yeah, I came back to see if you wanted something to eat but saw you panicking instead so..' Nikki explained trailing off. We sat there for a moment, just looking at each other. 'Thank you.' I said with a small smile finally before getting up and joining the others, Nikki dragging his feet behind me.

'Finally we're here!' Alex shouted out to us girls. 'Remember what happened the last time we were here?' Imogen asked. 'Don't remind me.' I said, remembering Nikki making me bunk with him and then finding him in the bathroom with a needle in his arm. We got off the plane and I raced Izzy and Slash to the limo, easily beating the both of them since they were drunk out of their minds and staggering all over the place.

I got in with Slash sitting on one side of me, I expected Izzy to be sitting on the other side but when I looked I came face to face with Nikki. 'Why fancy seeing you here.' He chuckled. 'Uh Yeah.' I laughed nervously. I didn't know what he was up to but I know I didn't want to be apart of it. 'Will you bunk with me like the last time we were here?' He asked me. I looked over to Paddy for help who was just as drunk as Slash and yelled 'you can room with her Sixx!' I glared at Paddy as Nikki mumbled a victory 'yes' to himself.

'So much for being 'friends'. I mumbled to myself. I grabbed the bottle of jack that Vince had in his hand and chugged some down. 'Woah someone's planning on getting fucked up.' Axl chuckled. 'Bloody oath mate.' I replied with a smile. 'Again with the Aussie slangs.' Izzy laughed. I didn't know why I wanted to get drunk but Nikki was making me nervous and I wanted to let loose. I drank the remainder of Mick's vodka before arriving to the hotel to meet with Doc in the lobby.

'Okay guys so you don't have seperate rooms, I got you the penthouse suite on the top floor together.' Doc told us. 'Fuck Yes!' Tommy yelled. Everyone seemed excited except for Nikki who seemed less then impressed, I gave him a weird look before drunkenly following Izzy up the stairs trying to hold onto him while he did the same with Paddy.

We got in the penthouse and the apartment was absolutely huge. There was 10 rooms so two had to sleep on the couch but no body minded. Izzy, paddy and Slash took the biggest room with the king size bed and everybody else shot gun the other rooms which left Nikki and I to sleep on the pull out sofa which I didn't mind at all, although Nikki did. 'Aw what's wrong? The big boy didn't get his room of choice?' I said pouting at him. 'Shut up you idiot.' He laughed, throwing a pillow at me. We all settled in and then left to go to the venue for the show.


The people of Phoenix were definitely happy that we came back, I was amazed at how well people knew us and the lyrics to our songs. It was an amazing show and the adrenaline ran through me which put me in my usual partying mood. I wished the guys luck before going back to my dressing room and freshening up, I had a shower and decided to wear a tartan skirt and a little leather crop top with sheer tights and my boots since it was still summer and warm.

By the time I made it back to the green room, Guns had finished their set and were all sitting down drinking and doing drugs while Motley was well into their set. I sat down next to Paddy who handed me a shot of vodka and off we went. 'Woah Hailie you're looking killer tonight!' Ash yelled from across the room which put everyone's attention on me. 'Well hello there.' Duff said as he put his arm around me. 'In you're dreams Duff.' I laughed. I noticed Izzy was staring at me, I gulp and I tried to look anywhere but at him.

Finally Motley finished up and I was already pretty drunk. Nikki found his way next to me, surprise, and I handed him the bottle of Jack Daniels sitting on the table. 'Wow look at you, wifey material.' He chuckled. I looked at him with my nose scrunched up. 'Most definitely not, I don't need a man.' I told Nikki sternly as I stood up to walk out with everyone for the clubs. 'But you need me, by the way you are smokin hot tonight.' Nikki whispered in my ear as he followed me. I rolled my eyes and ignored him but I couldn't help the little smirk that spread across my face.

As usual we all had to squish into the van, Nikki and I were the last ones in which mean we had to sit on the floor and I basically had to sit on his lap since there was no room. We got to the club and as usual I ran straight to the bar for a drink, in desperate need to get absolutely hammered since my feelings for Nikki were definitely not leaving my mind. Izzy joined me as I had 4 vodka lemonades put on the bar for me. 'Need some help drinking those junior?' He asked with a chuckle. I gave him one and walked off with the others while he pouted at me. Like I said, I was getting smashed.

We all sat in the booths, drinking, talking and having a great time. I sat down next to Slash and Paddy while Alex and Ash sat on the other side. At some point in the night I decided it was time to dance, I dragged Alex and Paddy onto the dance floor with me and we started dancing. The alcohol was all hitting me at once and I felt pretty good. I felt hands on my hips and Alex gave me a smirk while Paddy rolled his eyes and pretended to vomit. I decided to lean back against whoever it was and dance with him. Sure enough their hands started roaming and I had to pull them back to my hips, whoever it was didn't listen and grabbed my ass. Paddy instantly pushed the man away as I was pulled away by Alex.

Nikki was suddenly by my side. 'Are you okay??' Nikki asked frantically. 'Yes Nikki I'm fine, calm down.' I said reassuring him. 'Hailie what were you doing?!' Nikki asked me annoyed. 'Dancing with somebody.' I said bluntly. 'Do you want what happened in Dallas to happen again??' He screamed at me. 'Nikki-' I started with my hand against his chest. 'What happened in Dallas?' Paddy shouted. Alex and I both looked at Paddy, not knowing what to say before Nikki decided to answer for us. 'Somebody tried to rape her and she's out here like it never happened!' Nikki yelled. 'What the fuck?!!' Paddy yelled at me. 'Fuck you Nikki!' I screamed at him before running out of the club.

I kept running and running, I heard voices calling out my name but I ignored them and just kept running until I got to the hotel. I found my way to the top floor and found the exit for the roof, I didn't want anyone around me right now. He had no right to tell Paddy, how fucking dare he. I can not believe Nikki right now, he's just fucked things up again. I bawled my eyes out and I was struggling to breathe.

Suddenly I felt really dizzy and it all went black.

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