Chapter 69. This doesn't make us friends

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I waited at the police station with Alex until 6 in the morning until an officer finally called my name. 'Hailie Darcy?' He asked as he entered the room. 'Yes?' I answered, jumping up immediately thinking I was finally going to see the boys. 'We've got a couple of questions for you, if you don't mind.' He responded. I frown and followed him, looking back at Alex who had a look of worry on her face.

I followed the officer into the room where only a table and two chairs on opposite ends were. 'Have a seat.' He said, pulling out the chair for me. 'I'm Officer Hawkins, I just want to ask you a few questions regarding the brawl that broke out between you're friends and the other men.' He explained as I took a seat. 'Okay.' I mumbled quietly. I was nervous, I didn't know what he was going to ask me and even more so, how I was going to answer them.

'Tommy says he doesn't know why the fight started, Nikki and Izzy won't co operate but you're brother tells me a different story.' Hawkins tells me. 'What did he tell you?' I asked curiously, thinking Paddy had told him everything that happen to me. 'Well he said it's not his story to tell, but they all had a very good reason for this fight.' Hawkins replied. I didn't respond and just sat there, staring at the table in front of me.

'Hailie, if one of those guys did something to you, you can tell me. I won't say anything to anyone unless you want me to. But I can't help you're brother, you're boyfriend or you're friends unless you help me.' Hawkins explained. He raised an eyebrow at me as I signed deeply and looked up at the ceiling. 'Yes, he did something.' I finally replied.

'Can you elaborate for me?' He asked. I took a deep breath as I tried to stop the tears coming out of my eyes but it wasn't enough. I broke down crying and told the officer everything he did to me. The bruises were very faded but still there as proof but it was clear my mental scars weren't going away. 'Would you like to press charges?' He asked me sincerely and I shook my head. 'I can't face him.' I croaked.

'If you aren't ready then that's completely fine, but I don't want him to do this to another girl.' Hawkins said to me. I sat there in thought about what he said, tears running down my face. 'Can I see Nikki please?' I finally asked. The officer nodded his head and lead me out to the holding cell where they all were and open the door for me. 'Hailie!' Nikki exclaimed, running over and wrapping his arms around me. I don't think I could've hugged him back any tighter. 'Are you okay?' He asked, holding my face to his. 'Yeah.' I simply replied with a small smile.

I hugged Izzy and Tommy before taking a seat next to Paddy. 'Are you mad at me?' Paddy asked, nervously. 'No, I told the officer everything. He thinks I should press charges.' I explained. 'What for??' Tommy asked, confused. 'Shit.' I said under my breath, realising now I had to tell him.


'I'm so sorry that happened to you H.' Tommy said sadly, giving me another hug. 'That guy's dead next time I see him.' He added coldly. 'Are you going to press charges?' Izzy asked. 'I don't know...' I trailed off, looking at the ground. 'You should do it.' Paddy said. 'Yeah H, we will be with you every step of the way, I promise.' Nikki said, squeezing my hand. Something in my mind clicked and I decided that I was gonna do it, that asshole deserves to go to prison after what he did to me.

An hour later, the guys were free to go and I planned on telling Hawkins the news. Nikki held my hand as we followed him down to his office. 'What can we do for you?' He asked, looking like he already knew what I was about to say. 'I'm gonna file a report against him.' I said firmly as Nikki squeezed my hand. 'Alright, I'll need you to make a statement, we will also take pictures of the evidence. If you're uncomfortable with anything just let us know.' Officer Hawkins explained. 'Thank you.' I replied with a smile.

'Oh and Sixx? You and you're buddies are off on any charges, I can understand why you did it.' Hawkins said firmly. 'Thanks man, appreciate it.' Nikki answered. After making a statement, taking pictures and getting information about the court dates, we finally left the cops station and went back to reality. We had to leave for Knoxville, Tennessee straight away.

After venting to Alex about everything that went on, I sat down next to Slash absolutely exhausted. 'You all good dude?' He asked. 'Yeah, I just need a fucking drink.' I laughed, picking up the bottle of vodka on the table and taking a swig. The bus was travelling to Tennessee all night so we would be partying on the bus tonight.

An hour in and I could see Nikki was fucked up already from pill popping and whiskey but I was pretty tipsy myself. I was playing King's cup with the Guns guys and Vince when Erin, Axl's girl started screaming at him and going on about how long the tour was and how she was over it. We laughed it off but she kept going and after a while she was really starting to piss me off.

Ashleigh was looking over at me, giving me an annoyed look as Erin went on and on. Finally I had enough. 'Shut the fuck up! If you don't like Axl and his job then leave!' I yelled across the room at her. She scoffed as she took a couple steps towards me. 'Excuse me?! Like this is any of you're business?!' She screamed at me. Everyone on the bus went quiet as I stood up and got right in her face. 'You're making it everybody's god damn business, you sure don't complain that you get everything you fucking want with Axl's money.' I said quietly, looking at her straight in the eye.

'Hailie come on.' I heard Nikki say and grab my hand but I pulled away. 'I don't like you, you're a skanky whore who thinks her shit don't stink.' Erin cackled in my face. 'And you're an uptight cunt who relies on her boyfriends money to live on unlike the rest of us who are working our asses off.' I spat back. 'Are you gonna let her talk to me like that?!' She yelled at Axl. 'Yep, I'm not going up against Hailie.' Axl said with his hands up in the air as everyone chuckled.

'Ugh I hate you all!' Erin screeched, walking off to the bunks as everyone laughed. 'You okay babe?' Nikki asked as I took a seat next to him. 'Yeah, I guess I had some steam to blow off.' I chuckled. 'Thanks H.' Axl said, appearing next to me. 'This doesn't make us friends.' I warned him. 'I know.' He said with a smile before heading back to his seat.

The rest of us spent the night drinking, doing drugs and going nuts until we passed out like you would on a normal 10 hour bus ride.

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