Chapter 77. Prepare to get your heart broken

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It's being a week since Doc called me to say he and Nikki were staying behind in Japan. I've being alone in my room for most of this time since Alex's has being hanging out with Tommy and Paddy's being out with the Guns and Roses guys.

I've tried so many times to call Nikki but he just doesn't pick up, I feel so rejected and unwanted. There's no point in calling someone who doesn't want to even talk to me so I've given up. It's a couple of days before Christmas and I've got no idea if Nikki wants to spend it with me or not. Today I actually had to get out of bed and go to the recording studio with the girls to start planning our next album which I had no energy to do.

'Come on Hailie I know you're not feeling the best but this is you're career we're talking about, you've gotta come down.' Vicky said over the phone as I groaned. 'Fine I'll be there.' I said bluntly before hanging up. I threw on some black jeans with a hoodie and converse, looking in the mirror to fix my hair I looked like absolute shit. I tried to stop myself from crying and went downstairs to leave.

I arrived at the studio and meet the girls in there along with Vicky. 'Hey H!' Imogen said cheerfully, trying to get my moods up. 'Hey.' I answered softly. 'Well you look like shit.' Alex said to me. I chuckled at her honesty, that's just who she was. We got into it straight away, we used my lyrics book and started putting together songs and riffs on the guitar. It went on for 3 hours and too be honest it was a really good to distraction, I was concentrating on something other then fucking Nikki.

As we were packing up to go home, Tommy walked through the door. 'Hey dudes!' He yelled greeting us. 'Hey T-bone!' I smiled back. 'Where's wifey?' He asked. 'Right here babe.' Alex responded from behind me. He went over and gave her a kiss before embracing her and it made me think about Nikki. I turned away before I got all sad again.

Tommy, Alex and I all went out for a cigarette after Ash and Imogen left. 'So you going to see Sixx after this?' Tommy asked me. 'After what?' I asked curiously. 'After you leave here.' He answered. Alex and I looked at Tommy in complete shock. 'What?' He asked all panicked. 'H-he's back??' I stuttered. 'Yeah he came back two days ago. I thought you knew H.' Tommy replied, just as shocked as I was.

I threw my smoke on the ground and marched inside to the phone, ringing Nikki instantly. I didn't even fucking see him come home and I lived right across the road and being watching his house like a god damn hawk. I shook my foot impatiently as the telephone rang and then went straight to the answering machine. 'Hey it's Nikki, leave a message.' His voice said. 'Fuck you Nikki!' I yelled into the phone before slamming it down the receiver.

I grunted in frustration and lent against the wall as I started crying. Why won't he just fucking talk to me?? 'Hailie? Do you wanna come home with us?' Alex asked me, sympathetically. Without Nikki around and Paddy being out with Slash and Izzy I knew the house would be empty. 'If that's okay, I don't really wanna be alone right now.' I sobbed. Alex helped me off the floor as Tommy patted me on the shoulder for comfort.

'I'm sorry H, you don't deserve this.' He said sadly. We got to Tommy's house and I sat on the couch with Tommy while Alex went to make some coffee. 'Listen H, there's something you should know.' Tommy said seriously. 'What is it T-Bone?' I asked curiously. 'Nikki, h-he's got back on the heroin big time, I've never seen him use so much.' Tommy stuttered. 'What?!' I screeched. 'Yeah he was using in Japan.' Tommy replied. I sat there for a moment thinking about it.

'Well that explains why he's be MIA.' I muttered, tears rolling down my face. 'I just thought you should know.' Tommy expressed. 'Yeah thanks Tom.' I said gladly. I was so upset right now, I didn't know what to think. But despite everything that has happened since Nikki went to Japan, all I wanted to know was if he was okay. That was it.

Suddenly the phone rang next to Tommy as Alex handed me my coffee. 'Hello?' Tommy asked into the phone. 'What do you mean Doc? Okay okay I will, bye.' Tommy said, before hanging up. 'What was that about?' Alex asked as Tommy grabbed the remote to turn the tv on. 'Doc said to turn on channel 9 news.' Tommy said. Before Tommy even changed to the channel I fucking knew deep down that this wasn't good, and as soon as the new flash came on, I literally died inside.

'It's a sad night for rock n roll' as we have just received unconfirmed reports that Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx has died of a heroin overdose in Hollywood this evening.' The new reporter read out. 'No no no no no no no!' I screamed, sinking to the floor. I couldn't help myself and started sobbing hysterically as Alex tried to comfort me. 'Oh my god dude this can't be true! Not my fucking brother!' Tommy screamed in pain as he joined me on the floor.

I grabbed Tommy and held him as tight as I could, I might have lost my boyfriend but he literally has lost a family member. 'I can't believe this H, I can't.' He sobbed into my neck. The phone rang again and this time Alex answered it. 'Hello?' She asked. 'Okay we'll be there right away.' Alex said before hanging up. 'That was Mick, Nikki's alive and at the hospital, we have to go right now.' Alex panicked, getting her things.

'He's alive?!' Tommy asked shocked as I waited for her answer speechless. 'Yes! He needs us right now so let's fucking go!' She yelled at us, as we quickly followed her to the car. We got in and she started the car, speeding off in the direction of the hospital. I was going through so many mixed emotions right now, I thought Nikki was dead and now he's alive and I just don't know how to fucking feel. All I know is that I need to see him right bloody now.

We get to the hospital after what felt like forever and we rushed in to find Mick. 'Mick what happened?!' I asked in a panic. 'He died but they gave him two shots of adrenaline in his heart and he jolted awake.' Mick explained. 'Fucking hell.' Tommy cried. 'Where was he when it happened?' Alex asked. 'Some hotel hanging out with friends.' Mick replied simply. 'Is he okay? Can I see him?' I asked quickly.

'Yeah that's the thing, he walked out. Just ripped the cords out of his arm and walked out, said he was going home.' Mick told us. 'Fuck me! What the fuck is going on!' I cried. 'You should probably go and see him H.' Mick said quietly. I signed, I realised he was right. Although I wanted to see Nikki more then anything, I knew it wasn't gonna be a pretty sight.

'Well I'd come with you H but I think you've gotta do this alone. We'll wait out the front.' Tommy told me. 'Yeah okay, let's do this then.' I said before taking a deep breath and walking out towards the car with Alex, Tommy and Mick all following closely behind.

I was so fucking nervous to see the mess I was about to stumble in on.

Prepare to get you're heart broken all over again Hailie.

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