Chapter 70. Who's doing the H then?

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I woke up in the bunks next to Nikki on the tour bus, I looked at my surroundings as I tried to wake up. Alex and Tommy were below us, Ash and Vince were opposite them with Slash on top and Izzy was passed out on the floor using my leather jacket for a pillow.

I chuckled as I kissed Nikki on the cheek and headed for the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth when all of a sudden there was loud banging on the door of the tour bus. Expecting someone else to answer, I kept brushing away. Until it got louder and I could hear Vicky and Doc going mad out there.

I shook my head as I saw no body even woke up and open the door for them. 'Yes?' I asked annoyed. 'Do you have any idea what time it is?!' Vicky screeched. 'Uhhh..' I started. '3pm!! Get you're asses to the venue now!' Doc yelled, cutting me off. 'Fuck!' I said to myself as I ran over to everyone waking them up.

Doc followed me on the bus as we woke everyone up, they all groaned and whinged until they realised we were running late. The only person who wasn't getting up was Axl. 'Axl get you're fucking ass up now!' I yelled, shaking him. 'Hey leave him alone!' Erin said, coming out from the bathroom. I ignore her and kept shaking him. 'Go away' Axl mumbled as he turned the other way. I huffed in frustration as I grabbed his arm and pulled him off the bed and onto the ground which literally shook him up.

'What the fuck is wrong with you!' Erin yelled as Nikki and Alex laughed at what I just did. 'We're running late, I had no choice.' I simply replied, in too much of a rush to bother arguing with her. All of us gathered our things ready to leave while Axl started getting dressed. 'You make sure he leaves this bus in 10 mins or I'm coming back to kick his ass!' I called down to Erin who just scoffed at me. 'Why you being so hard on him?' Nikki asked. 'We're getting paid to do our job, and I don't want to get the blame for people not showing up.' I explained.

We all get to soundcheck, hungover, tired and annoyed. I was starving and decided to pig out over at the food trays for once. 'Hey Hailie!' I heard someone say. I turned around to find Robbin Crosby smiling down at me. 'Robbin! What are you doing here man?' I asked as I gave him a big hug. 'I've come to see you're rock star boyfriend play tonight, also you guys too.' He told me. 'Hey dude you made it!' Nikki voice came from behind me as he ran over to Robbin giving him a bear hug. I watched as they walked off somewhere, out of view.

I knew Robbin and Nikki were close mates but I also knew Robbin was a heroin user. Was he here to hook Nikki up? Nah surely not, he wouldn't do that. I stood there in my train of thought, frowning at nothing while some chicken hung out the side of my mouth when Izzy and Slash came off stage from soundcheck. 'Now that's a look!' Izzy exclaimed as Slash started laughing. 'Shut up idiots.' I chuckled, wiping away the chicken and walking off to start soundcheck.

Pretty Poisons finished up and I followed the girls backstage expected to see all the guys there. Only Duff and Vince sat on the couch in deep conversation. 'Hey where's Tommy?' Alex asked, interrupting them. 'Yeah and Nikki?' I added. 'Uh I'm not sure darlin.' Vince answered, half smiling.

I looked at Duff who was looking straight down at the ground. 'Duff?' I asked. 'Uhh I don't know.' He said nervously. 'You're a terrible liar, you know that right?' I chuckled. He signed in defeat. 'Fine they're in one of the rooms back there.' He said, pointing to the corridor as Vince gave him a look.

'Thanks Duff Man!' Alex said cheerfully as she grabbed my arm and dragged me down the corridor. She knew all too well what those boys were getting up to. 'Paddy better not be in there.' I said, realising he was missing and getting worried. 'Hope not H.' Alex said with a sympathetic look as we raced around looking for any sight of the guys.

Finally I opened a door and there they all sat around a table, Nikki, Tommy, Robbin, Mick, Slash, Izzy, Paddy, Steven and Axl. 'What's going on?' I asked concerned. No one answered me, I looked over at Paddy who had a guilty look on his face. Alex and I walked over too see all different types of substances on the table.

Coke, Acid, pills of every kind, speed, heroin you name it. 'What the fuck!' I yelled, causing Izzy to flinched next to me. 'What the hell is wrong with you guys?!' Alex screeched. 'Paddy did you do this again?' I asked him with tears forming in my eyes, pointing to the heroin melted in the spoon.

'No H, I-i swear!' He stuttered, obviously high of his face on something. I looked at Nikki who was not with it at all. I check his arms, no track marks. 'Hailie they took acid.' Slash told me. 'Who did the H then?' I said bluntly.

Nobody answered me, just looked at the ground which made me angrier. I grabbed the spoon and the baggie. 'No leave it!' Robbin yelled from across the table. 'Enjoy you're party!' I spat and ran out of the room to the nearest bathroom to flush the shit. I can't stop them from doing it but I sure as hell can try.

Finally it was time to get on stage for the show, I was still so mad I couldn't even look at Nikki or Paddy. Paddy was coming down and vomiting in the toilet but Nikki was running around like a mad man, not giving a fuck who or what was in his way. I didn't wanna deal with it so Doc did, as usual.

After what I call a flat show from my shitty mood I decided I was gonna drown my self in vodka, Alex had the same idea since she was mad at Paddy and Tommy too. We were 3 drinks in when we heard yelling coming from the corridor. We immediately got up to see what was happening, and saw Axl leaning Ashleigh up against the wall.

'Let go Axl, I don't want you!' She barked. 'Hey get the fuck off her!' Alex yelled as we ran over to pull him away. Mick and Vince popped their heads out of the dressing room and I knew it was on. Vince started going off and Mick tried to calm him down while I pulled Axl away from the scene. 'Hailie I w-wasn't t-trying to h-hurt her, I-I miss her!' Axl cried as I tried to hold him up.

'You ruined you're chance, plus you have Erin now.' I told him, swinging his arm around my neck and pulling him out the door to a small area outside. 'She's nothing compared to Ash.' Axl mumbled. I sat him down on the curb and took a deep breath as he leaned his head up against my shoulder. Normally I'd object but I knew he was fucked up on drugs.

'Hey who's that over there?' Axl suddenly said after a few moments of silence. I look behind us to where he was pointing, and could make out somebody sitting on the ground with someone on top of them.

'Hey this is a restricted area, you're not allowed in here!' I yelled at the couple. As I got closer I noticed the black messy hair and those green eyes that were rolling back into his head. My instincts made me react fast and I pulled back whoever was on top of him, some groupie that I had never seen before. 'What the fuck? Get out of here before I kick you're head in!' I roared at her as she scattered and jumped the fence.

I looked back at Nikki who was oblivious to what was going on, he just laid there not even noticing I was there. 'Hailie I'm sorry.' Axl said from behind me. I didn't say anything, just walked off to find somebody else to deal with that cheating asshole and Axl.

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