Chapter 49. Spitball

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We've finished up our shows in Denver and catching a flight to Salt Lake City today. It's being two days since I slept with Nikki and he's been with me ever since. Izzy hasn't spoken to me and I hate it, every time I see him Nikki is always by my side and he just rolls his eyes walking away.

I woke up a little depressed today, I'm having so much fun but I didn't realise I was hurting people. I don't like Izzy in that way at all but just because he likes me that shouldn't mean I can't do what I want. I packed everything up quietly while Nikki slept and walked out into the kitchen to find Paddy making some coffee. 'You want some?' He asked. 'Yes please.' I replied. I signed and leaned up against the fridge, still thinking about Izzy. 'What's up H?' Paddy asked, handing me the cup of coffee and following me to the balcony for a cigarette.

'Izzy.' I mumbled. 'You should talk to him.' Paddy told me. 'He doesn't wanna talk to me.' I said sadly. 'Plus what would I even say to him?' I added. 'That you're madly head over heels in love with Sixx and it's not gonna change.' Paddy laughed. 'This isn't funny.' I groaned at him. 'Well it's true, Izzy can't hold that against you. You're not doing anything wrong, it's not like you're hooking up with him and Sixx at the same time.' Paddy explained. 'Will you try and talk to him for me?' I asked Paddy. 'Yeah alright, he's gotta come around sometime.' Paddy signed.

We finished our coffee and smoke before heading inside to wake Nikki up for the flight which was a hard task. We sent Nikki back to his room he was sharing with Mick to get his stuff and walked down to the lobby to meet everyone. 'Can you believe that we fly back home tomorrow?!' Alex asked, excitedly. I suddenly remember we were shooting our music video for I always get what I want in a few days back in L.A before shows in California. 'Fuck I'm so keen!' I exclaimed. 'Surprised to see Sixx isn't attached to you.' Izzy said walking past me with his bag. 'Sorry dude, he's in a mood.' Slash apologised. 'We need to talk about him by the way.' I told him. 'Agreed.' Slash said before walking off after Izzy.

We jumped in the van, now just waiting on Nikki and Mick. 'Wow you're not late for once H.' Vince teased. I stuck my tongue out at him and gave him the finger. Finally Nikki and Mick arrived but something was wrong. Nikki was so out of it that he couldn't walk straight and Mick had to guide him, I had a spare seat next to me but Nikki walked past me and sat right down the back putting his head in his lap. I signed as Mick gave me a sympathetic look before walking down to sit near him. I rested my head on Ash's shoulder while she slept and tried to catch some sleep myself before getting to the airport.

We're arrived at the airport and Duff helped me with my suitcase while I held onto his smokes and vodka, nearly drinking it all. We had an hour before the flight so everyone went to grab something to eat except for Nikki and I. I stared at him and he had his head into between his knees looking like he was about to fall on the ground. 'Fuck sakes.' I said to myself before making my way over there and taking a seat next to him. 'Nikki come on sit up.' I told him, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him up. 'I had t-to get rid o-of it.' He stuttered. 'Oh you're dope? Yeah well you didn't have to do it all, could of just chucked it out.' I said rolling my eyes. He looked at me like I was crazy then went back to nearly puking on the ground.

Paddy, Slash, Vince and Izzy came back and sat down. 'Here I got you another coffee.' Paddy said, handing it to me. 'You're a legend!' I exclaimed, taking a sip. 'How is he?' Paddy asked. 'He's fucked.' I chuckled as Nikki put a thumbs up. Mick came back and I went and sat by Alex to talk about ideas for the music video. We were deep in conversation and I noticed the boys were laughing but I didn't pay attention. Suddenly a spit ball landed right on my cheek and the boys erupted into hysterical laughter. I looked at Paddy who had the straw in his hand, 'don't be fucking childish.' I said to him sternly. 'Sorry sis.' He replied with a laugh.

I went back to my conversation until another spitball landed on me, this time it was on the back of my neck. 'Do it again Paddy and I'll smash you're fucking face in!' I yelled at him in front of everyone. Paddy slid back in his seat with a smirk on his face while everyone else tried not to laugh, including Izzy. Finally it was time to board onto the plane. We were getting a private jet thank god, maybe they'll have bunks I can have a sleep in. We boarded and I took the first seat there was near the door while everyone made themselves comfortable. Suddenly Izzy sat down next to me. 'Hey.' He said. 'Hey? Is that all you have to say?' I asked him.

'No, I'm sorry. I've being meaning to talk to you.' Izzy told me. I could see Nikki who was sitting diagonally across from me with Tommy, eyeing us off as the stewardess came around with everyone's favourite poison. 'Yes?' I asked him curiously as the stewardess gave Izzy coke and vodka for me. 'I've being a massive dick, I'm sorry I lost my shit the other night. I know you love Sixx and it's not gonna change.' He explained. 'You talked to Paddy didn't you?' I asked him, as I saw Nikki and Tommy snorting what looked like zombie dust. As if that boy needs more fucking drugs in his system. 'Yeah I did just before, he made a lot of sense and I realised I was in the wrong.' Izzy replied. 'Well I'm glad to have you back Iz!' I cheered as I put an arm around his neck and pulled him in for a small hug.

We were finally up in the air and Slash had joined us with Alex while we did lines of coke and shots of vodka and Jack Daniels. Nikki and Tommy were being loud as usual but we just kept to ourselves, talking shit and drinking loads. I got up to use the bathroom, walking past Nikki who stared at me as I did. I finished my business and opened the door to find Nikki standing there. 'Yes Sixx?' I asked. 'What happened with Izzy before?' He said with a straight face. 'Nothing.' I replied, smiling. 'Don't lie to me.' He muttered.

'Fine, we had an argument the other night when you and I came back from fucking.' I said quietly. 'What did he say?' Nikki asked. 'That he doesn't know what I see in you and it hurts him to see me with you.' I said even more quietly, scared to see Nikki's reaction. 'That little fucking bitch.' Nikki growled, as he went to walk back out there. 'Hey!' I yelled pulling him back. 'No Hailie he's getting what's coming to him!' Nikki hissed. I pushed up against the wall. 'Look at me Nikki!' I hissed back as his eyes connected with mine. 'We have sorted it out. And I don't want him!' I yelled. Nikki looked at me as he calmed down but before he could say anything I kissed him. 'I wouldn't be kissing you if I wanted him.' I said, pulling back.

Then I walked away leaving him against the wall speechless with a smirk on my face.

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