Chapter 60. Motley Cruise

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The show last night kinda sucked. I just wasn't in the head space for it even with some drugs and alcohol in my system. Tommy managed to get Nikki on stage with the help of Doc but he just looked like he didn't want to be there, he didn't even look at me.

We now had two days off, Paddy and I were moving into our house today then later on we had to attend the Motley Cruise. Some bullshit boat ride on the beach with some fans that won a competition, I wasn't looking forward to it but it was in my contract. I got dressed as I saw the truck pull up and started picking up some boxes to take to the truck.

'I can't believe you're leaving H.' Ashleigh said looking at me sadly. 'I know but you know you guys are welcome anytime!' I told them cheerfully. Alex followed me out to the truck, holding some boxes as well. 'I know you'll be over 24/7.' I laughed. 'Bitch you ain't getting rid of me that easy.' Alex said which made me chuckle.

We packed everything up, Paddy and I jumped in the van along with Alex. 'What I'm coming to see your new pad!' She complained. 'She's definitely moving in.' Paddy chuckled. 'I don't care, she can come.' I said, grabbing her arm and smiling.

We finally got to the beautiful house and I was in awe that this was the place where Paddy and I would be living. 'Holy shit this is amazing!' Alex yelled out as we stepped out of the truck. 'Babe?! What are you doing here?' A voice yelled out from across the road. We turned around to see Tommy and Vince standing out the front of a house directly across from us.

They ran over and gave us all hugs before Alex answered his question. 'This is Hailie and Paddy's new house! I thought you said you were going to Nikki's? Alex asked puzzled. 'Oh boy.' Vince managed to get in, I gave him a look of concern. 'Uh Yeah that is Nikki's house over there.' He chuckled nervously, pointing in the direction of the house he just came from. Everyone turned to me and I felt like I was gonna pass out.

'You're fucking joking right? Haha very funny Tommy, you got me.' I started laughing. My face dropped when no one answered and I started to panic. 'Wait you're serious?' I asked as Vince nodded his head sadly. 'H, he's standing at the window looking at us right now.' Alex said quietly. I looked over and surely enough, the silhouette of Nikki stood in the window on the second floor.

'Fuck this man I'm out.' I mumbled, grabbing some boxes and walking towards the house. I can't believe I've just brought a fucking house across the road from Nikki, what are the chances of that? I opened the door and immediately forgot all about it, this place was absolutely beautiful. 'Wow H, you've pick a winner!' Vince said from behind me. 'You can say that again.' I replied with a smile on my face.


It was almost time to leave for the Motley cruise. We spent all day unpacking and setting up furniture so you could say I was exhausted. I saw Nikki leave a few hours ago, looking up at the house the entire time. Vanity was no where to be see which was a good sign. It was warm outside so I chucked on my bikinis with high waisted denim shorts over the top. 'You ain't gonna wear a top?' Paddy asked. 'Nope.' I answered, popping the p. 'Well everyone can clearly see your Nikki Sixx tattoo.' He laughed.

I looked in the mirror and realised he was right. 'Man fuck it, it's tiny anyways probably just looks like mud.' I told him, grabbing my bag and chucking some converse on. 'Let's go!' I said pushing him, as Steven beeped impatiently outside with the other Guns guys.

We got to the loading docks on the beach after the long drive of all the guys teasing me about the tattoo and I couldn't have being more glad. I just wanted to get drunk and have a good time. We walked towards the boat with a shitload of people on there, I could already see Nikki. He was wearing a black and white stripe button up shirt with jeans, he looked fucking good. He seemed to be having a good time as well. I was still mad at him for the night before so I didn't have plans on speaking to him.

We climbed on board and I noticed Ash sticking by my side. I was about to ask where Vince was until I saw him on the other side of the boat with Sharise, his supposed wife. 'Here have this.' I said to Ash, giving her a cup of vodka and squash. 'Thanks I'll need a lot of it.' She said before taking a sip.

The night went on and I was having so much fun. I was pretty drunk and spent most of it by Izzy and Ash's side as we meet all the fans that were obviously here for Motley Crue. I keep catching Nikki's eye but I'd look away every time, I didn't want drama tonight I just wanted to have fun.

We all heard commotion and I looked over to see Nikki's arms around a model in her bikinis as he pretending to help her fish. I rolled my eyes and the jealously bug caught up with me so I decided it was time for a bathroom break. I got some narcotics off Izzy and made my way downstairs.

I was into my third line when there was a knock on the door. I choose to ignore it and keep going with what I was doing. The knock came again, this time more louder. 'Go away it's occupied!' I yelled out. 'Don't think I can't hear you snorting in there!' The voice yelled out from the other side. I realised it was Nikki and groaned, is he fucking serious?

'Don't be a fucking hypocrite Sixx especially after last night now fuck off!' I yelled back. There was a moments silence and then I heard footsteps walking away. 'Finally.' I mumbled to myself, making up another line. As I snorted another line I heard the door unlocking and I looked up to see the green eyed beauty standing in the door way. 'Wow you're a fucking mess.' He said quietly. 'Oh and you're so much better.' I shot back. 'So I see you've brought a house across the road from me.' Nikki half smiled. 'Apparently, don't worry I had no idea.' I replied, as his smile faded.

'I'm sorry for last night.' He said quietly. I didn't say anything, just stared into space behind him. 'Hailie come on, you should know from me that this isn't good for you.' Nikki said, pointing to the coke. 'I am fine, I don't have a problem.' I said glaring at him. 'Go back to your model out there.' I told him, making up another line. 'Hailie Stop!' He yelled, pushing the coke off onto the ground. Before I could react he stood in front of me and pushed me up against the wall as gently as he could.

'I could never forgive myself if something happened to you.' He whispered, looking straight into my eyes. 'Why do you think I flushed the heroin down the toilet last night then?' I asked him, tears starting to stream down my eyes. 'I know.' He said quietly. Then he quickly leaned in and kissed me, long and hard. I knew I was going against everything I said I wasn't gonna do but I didn't care. The way he made me feel was something I absolutely could not deny.

We made out heavily until he pulled away and lead me out of the bathroom to a bedroom upstairs on the boat. I knew what I was getting myself into and I didn't care. I just wanted Nikki, it's all I've ever wanted.

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