Chapter 3. Another girl?

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I wake up the next morning in an unfamiliar place. 'What the-?' I thought as I lifted my head to look around. Suddenly I felt an arm tighten around my waist. I look around to see Nikki snuggle in closer behind me. Oh my god! I was in Nikki's bed! 'It's okay Hailie it doesn't mean anything don't get worked up or attached to him.' I tell myself as I look at him.

His hair isn't teased and looks so good around his face, which didn't have make up on it. I kept staring just admiring his beauty and how good he looked. 'Stop it Hailie!.' I scolded myself. I am trying hard to convince myself that this whole thing didn't mean anything. I didn't want to become another one of his 'groupies.' Although I can't deny how intense my feelings were when he kissed me. It was definitely something else. Oh god, why me? He's one of the biggest players in town.

After he kissed me, we just stayed up all night talking about everything. He told me a lot about his parents and childhood. His father wasn't around and his mum didn't care about him, so most of the time he lived with his grandparents. I felt heartbroken for him and I also felt closer to him. He said he hadn't told many people. I told him about my life back in Australia and how much I miss my family, especially my brothers.

I checked the time. 1pm. I realized I had to get to band rehearsal. 'Nikki I gotta run to rehearsal, the girls are gonna kill me.' I whispered shaking him. I was always late to everything. 'Mmm ok' He mumbled, kissing my cheek before turning around to go back to sleep. I quickly threw all my clothes back on but left Nikki's oversized T-shirt on me. I like this, think I might keep it.

I left the house and started walking back to mine. It wasn't that far, two blocks away. I quickly walked back to get changed into black jeans and cons. I knew the girls would have left already, damn it I'm always late. I quickly changed, leaving Nikki's shirt on and heading out to the car. As I start driving my mind wandered to the night before and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Did it mean anything? Surely not, it was just a kiss... right?

I pull up to the studio and walk in to greet the girls. 'Well well well look what the cat dragged in' said Ashleigh, smirking. 'Who's t-shirt is that??' Imogen asked, confused. 'It's fucking Nikki's isn't it! You slept with him??' Alex yelled across the room. 'No I did not fucking sleep with him. I stayed the night after that guy at the club tried to pull up my skirt.' I said annoyed. 'Sooo nothing happened?' Ashlee asked curiously. 'We may have kiss but that is it and all it ever will be!' I said sternly as Alex started jumping up and down grabbing me. 'Aww Hailie you guys are cute!' Imogen told me smiling. 'No way in hell.' I replied smiling back.

'Well Alex has some news she'd like to share with you.' Imogen told me, smirking at Alex. 'What did you do?' I asked Alex giving her a look. You never know with her, it can be from one extreme to the next. 'I uh well.. I hooked up with Tommy last night. It was cool.' She told me, grinning from ear to ear. 'Oh my god you fucking didn't??' I asked her shocked, jumping on her. 'Hey hey calm down, he's a pretty cool guy, it was just a hook up!' Alex blushed. 'That's so cuteee' Ash and I cooed. 'Oh shut up idiots.' Alex smiled at us.

We got right into rehearsal, practicing the songs on our album for the tour. I'd say Bad Reputation was probably our most popular song. Less then two weeks until we go on tour with Motley Crue, this is fucking crazy. I can't believe they are giving us an opportunity like this. We were halfway through our song 'I can do better' when Motley walked in. I was so confused, then I remember that they rehearsed here as well.

Nikki keep looking at me with a smile on his face while I sang. I keep giving him weird looks, like what are you looking at? I also noticed Tommy getting into Alex's jamming. Honestly, those two are perfect for each other. We finished up the session and went to greet them. 'Fuck you can really sing!' Nikki told me. 'Oh shush I'm not that good.' I replied. 'No seriously, wow.' He told me with a straight face. then he hugged me and kissed my cheek. 'You girls wanna stay and watch us rehearse?' Asked Tommy. 'Yeah sure!' Alex replied smiling at him. 'Then we can go grab something to eat after.' Mick told us, smiling.

They set up their equipment and started jamming, god they're so good. They played for about 40 minutes. Just as they had finished up playing Live wire and starting packing up, the doors opened to reveal some chick with long brown hair, dark skin and a gorgeous smile. 'Nikki!' She squealed! She ran over to him and jumped on him, kissing him all over. I watched absolutely shocked. I was giving them the biggest greasier look.

'Uh Sixx who is this?' Alex asked looking at me. 'Uhh...' Nikki started, looking at me. 'Oh gosh I'm so sorry, I'm Vanity. Nikki's girlfriend!' She said smiling at him, with her arms wrapped around him. I looked down at the floor. My stomach dropped. I could feel his eyes on me. I felt sick. I am the biggest fucking idiot, this is so awkward. 'Nice to meet you.' I said, as I stood up grabbing Alex's hand to go wait outside.

Seriously, what game does he think he's playing with me?

(I know bad reputation is sang by Joan Jett, but this is a fiction story and I couldn't think of anything else)

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