Chapter 8. Bunking

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We arrived to the hotel in Phoenix and started gathering our stuff. Mick and Vince went back to their bunks to get their bags. I was tucking my lyric sheets away when they walked back out. 'Sixx said he's bunking with you H.' Mick told me as he walked past. 'Like hell he is.' I replied annoyed. 'Sorry kid, Sixx gets what he wants.' Mick smiled at me as he walked off the bus with Vince who had a sympathetic smile.

'Hell yeah that means I'm bunking with you!' Tommy grinned as he nudged Alex who had a smile from ear to ear. They all started to get off the bus leaving me who was still gathering my stuff. 'You gonna be okay?' Alex asked as she moved past me. 'Yeah I'll be fine, I can handle Sixx.' I winked at her. She smiled before walking off the bus with Tommy. I signed and grabbed my things to follow them when Nikki called my name.

'Hailie.' He said walking out from the bunks looking straight at me. 'Yes?' I replied flatly, not bothering to look up. 'I'm...uh...I'm sorry about what I put you through this morning. I didn't know you were close with Hillel.' He told me as guilt washed over his face sincerely. 'It's okay but don't do it again. You also have to promise me to get help.' I replied firmly. 'I will I promise, after the tour.' He said. I groaned. 'We're here for 6 months Nikki!' I grunted at him. 'I'll cut down I won't do it as much I swear! I'm not gonna lose you over this H.' He said as he moved closer to me.

I didn't make any movement to push him away, just kept looking at the ground. He took a step closer and wrapped his arms around me. He was a lot taller then I was, 6 ft 1. I was 5 ft 3. He bent down to my eye level looking straight in the eyes. 'I'm so sorry, I never want to put you through something like that again, you don't deserve it.' He told me quietly as he caressed my cheek. 'You really mean that?' I croaked looking up at him, with tears in my eyes. 'More then anything.' He replied. He then leaned in and kissed me. Again I was in awe. I could spend the rest of my life kissing Nikki Sixx and it would never compare to anything else I've ever had. 'C'mon we better get going.' He smiled at me as he pulled away. We grabbed our things and left the bus.

Nikki and I walk up to reception and Izzy and Slash were waiting for their key. 'Hey dude! Where you being?' Slash asked me as he hugged me. 'I heard about this morning, you all good?' He whispered in my ear shooting a look at Nikki who wasn't looking thank god. 'Yeah I'm fine, we sorted it out.' I replied smiling as he let go. 'Just let us know if you need anything kid.' Izzy told me warmly as he hugged. 'Anything, we mean it, I'll talk to you later about it.' Slash said firmly. 'Will do guys, love yas.' I told them as they walked away to their room. 'Love you!' They replied before disappearing into the elevator.

I walked back up to Nikki who was talking to the receptionist. 'Room for Nikki and Hailie.' He told her. 'Yes, I'll just get the key.' She smiled at us. 'The room's already being organised for us?' I asked him raising my eyebrows. 'I have my ways.' He winked at me. 'How come you wanted to room with me?' I asked him confused.

He looked around the room before answering. 'I don't know, I feel like the only way I know you're safe is if you're with me. I don't ever want anything bad to happen to you. I guess I'm just getting overprotective.' He mumbled. 'I don't mind.' I said smiling at him and grabbing his arms. 'Okay good cause I thought saying that would make me look like an idiot.' He laughed while shaking his head. 'Well Tommy was definitely happy you let him room with Alex.' I laughed. 'Oh yeah, I reckon Tommy's falling in love. That can be our little secret.' He said as he placed a finger over his mouth. I smiled big. I'm so happy for Alex, she's deserved somebody to love her exactly the way she loves them for so long.

We got our key and walked to our room. The three bands had the top floor to themselves. As we continued to our room, I walked past Ash and Axl trying to open their door. 'Sixx.' Axl called giving him the thumbs up. 'Axl how you doing?' Nikki replied. 'Ah so you're rooming with your guy too.' Ash smirked looking at me and Nikki. 'Shush I'll talk to you about it later.' I winked at her smiling. 'Where's Imogen staying then?' I asked her puzzled. 'With Steven.' She grinned. 'Wow I really have to catch up with you guys today, see you at soundcheck.' I answered kissing her check. 'Will do babe.' She said before disappearing into the hotel room with Axl.

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