Chapter 23. New York

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(Smut Warning! ;)

A week had past since the events with Nikki and Vanity happened. I was still fuming mad but had got past it and forgiven Nikki, and promised to help him beat the addiction. As for Vanity, her day was coming. I don't like little lying snakes. 

The boys however, kept giving me shit and making jokes about the whole situation. 'Hey don't fuck with H! She's bad ass!' Slash yelled as the girls and I walked into the room everyone was hanging out in at the venue. We were in Buffalo, New York. The biggest show we had to play yet. 'You think this is funny? She messing with the wrong bitch, she's got no idea.' I said half joking and half serious. 'We know, that's why no one fucks with us cause they'd have you to deal with!' Izzy replied, grinning up at me. 'That's right!' I answered, pointing at Izzy and hi fiving him. 'We're lucky to have you.' Nikki said smiling at me as he pulled me into his lap. 'Of course you are Sixx.' I giggled as I kissed him on the lips.

'Seriously though, I wish I had of seen you with Vanity, that shit would have being so hot.' He whispered in my ear. 'I was gonna kill her Sixx.' I replied seriously. 'Even better.' He said grinning. 'Psst, Hailie.' Someone whispered in my ear. I turned to see Alex crouched down beside me. 'Come with me.' She said grabbing my hand and pulling me in the direction of the bathroom. 'Okay, I'll be back soon babe.' I told Nikki, kissing him on the cheek. 'No worries princess.' He replied with a smile. 

Alex pulled me into the bathroom and shut the door before pulling out a bag of something I had never seen before. 'What the fuck is that?' I asked, curiously. 'Zombie dust. Keeps the body awake but shuts the brain off.' She replied with a mischievous grin on her face. 'You gonna try it with me?' She asked. 'Uh maybe after the show, who gave it to you?' I asked concerned. 'Tommy, duh!' She laughed. 'Well I'm gonna hold you to it, after the show okay!' She said ecstatically before opening the door and walking out. I just decided to shake it off and walked out sitting down in between Slash and Paddy.

'Hey what's up dude?' Slash asked as Paddy handed me a cup of Vodka. 'Not much, just getting pumped for the show! 30.000 people, I'm nervous.' I answered honestly. 'Ah you got nothing to worry about H, you'll kill it like you do every time. You're one hell of a show to watch.' Slash told me with a chuckle. 'Seriously, I'm so proud to have you as my twin sister.' Paddy cut in. 'Aw you guys!' I blushed, putting my arms around their shoulders and pulling them in for a group hug. I caught Nikki's eye and his eyes looked over at the door and then back to me. I frowned trying to figure out what he meant before I realized. I smirked, as I got up and walked out of the room waiting for Nikki to follow. I walked over to a door down the hallway and opened it to find a small closet, Nikki came out and I motioned for him to come over with my finger and a flirty smirk on my face. 

He ran over as I disappeared into the closet, he came in and shut the door before grabbing my face and kissing me hard, pushing me up against the door. 'I want you so bad.' He mumbled as he tried to catch his breath after making out with me for ages. 'Take me then.' I answered with a smirk, staring straight into those green eyes. Before he could do anything, I pushed him onto the ground and got on top of him, straddling him and moving back and forth just a little bit on his dick, it drove him crazy and I loved his reaction. 'You like that?' I asked as he moaned and threw his head back. I took the opportunity to leaned down and kiss and nibble his neck, moving up to his ear and then to his lips. I got lost in his eyes and before I knew it, Nikki had flipped me onto my back as he leaned over me.

'You like being a little tease don't you?' He growled. 'What do you mean?' I asked innocently, battling my eyelashes at him. 'That's it.' He whispered so low I could barely hear him. He pulled my leather skirt up around my waist, pulled his leather pants down that expose his huge member and thrust-ed into me as hard as he could making me scream in pain and pleasure. Nikki quickly put his hand over my mouth as he pounded me, every thrust hitting the g-spot over and over again. Nikki began moaning which turned me on even more and I began to feel the familiar intense feeling at the pit of my stomach. 

My legs started shaking as I became close and I started whimpering. 'That's it baby, let it take control.' Nikki whispered in my ear, as he kept thrusting in and out of me. 'God you're so tight.' He moaned, he then groaned really loudly and I felt myself explode. I let out a really big moan as I orgasm, Nikki didn't even bother trying to cover my mouth. 'Jesus christ ughhhh!' He moaned as he climax right after me. He collapsed on top of me, both of us panting trying to catch our breath and then laughing. 'That was fucking good.' Nikki said with a smirk. 'More like fucking amazing.' I replied. 'Right.' Nikki chuckled. 'I love you.' He added, grabbing my hand. 'I love you too Sixx.' I answered, smiling at him. He kissed me and helped me up, before fixing ourselves and going back to everyone. 

'Hey where were you guys?!' Tommy yelled as we walked back into the room, looking sweaty and puffed out with Nikki's arm around my waist. 'Really T-Bone you can't tell?' Mick asked Tommy with chuckle. 'How was she Sixx?' Vince asked laughing. 'Hey enough! I don't wanna hear it!' Paddy yelled at everyone. We all laughed as we sat back down with everyone. Not long after, it was time to get ready for the show. I kissed Nikki goodbye and went down to the dressing room to get changed with the girls. 

I decided on a red tartan skirt with a white cropped Aerosmith t-shirt and doc martins with white tube socks. Alex decided on her usual black skinny jeans with rips at the knees, black cons and a black Ramones crop t-shirt, she looked good in absolutely anything she wore, I was jealous of that. Ash picked a black dress with a tight plain white t-shirt underneath and Docs, Imogen wore black leather pants, red cons and a black studded bra, Surprisingly, it didn't clash with her pink hair.

We headed back stage and waited nervously to go on. I could see all the people out there, it was packed to the brim. My nerves were going nuts! 'How crazy is this!' Imogen said in my ear. 'Ahhh I'm so nervous!!' I cried. 'Me too! Don't worry we'll play the roof of this place like we always do.' She replied, winking at me. 'Oi Hailie, don't forget you're promise to me.' Alex reminded me. 'Yes Al.' I chuckled, remembering the zombie dust.

 'Hey baby.' I heard behind me, as arms found their way around my waist. I looked up and saw those green eyes again. 'You're gonna be fine, just do what you always do, be like Freddie.' Nikki told me. I chuckled, Freddie Mercury was my idol and I looked up to him so much, it really did help when I thought about him on stage. 'Thanks babe.' I said before standing on my tippy toes to kiss him, I was a lot shorter then Nikki. 

'Pretty Poisons let's go!' Vicky yelled. 'You ready?' Alex asked me. 'Let's fucking do it!' I yelled. 'Hands in!' Ashleigh yelled. We all put our hands in and chanted 'Pretty Poisons!' before running on stage in front of 30. 000 people. I couldn't believe my eyes, I looked around at all the people screaming and cheering for us, I look over at all the guys who were also cheering. Paddy gave me a big thumbs up while Nikki winked at me and mouthed 'you've got this.' I looked over at Alex who greeted me with the biggest smile I've ever seen. 

This is what it's all about. 

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