Chapter 61. Don't give up on me

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It's being a couple days since the cruise and we're about to head off to Canada for the tour after finishing our shows in California. I slept with Nikki that night and spent all of the next day with him, which made me really happy.

We were just enjoying each other's company until Nikki decided to board himself up inside his house and shoot at things that weren't there during one of his drug induced states. It breaks my heart that I can't help but Doc and Vicky strictly forbid me to go over there in fear I might get shot or something else, not to mention Paddy won't let me out of his sight.

I sat at my bedroom window looking over at Nikki's house, every window had the curtains drawn and I wondered how much drugs he was actually doing in there. 'What do you wanna do today?' Paddy asked, startling me. 'Are you looking at Sixx's house again?' Paddy added rolling his eyes. 'Uhm no. I kinda just want to relax today, we have to leave for Canada early tomorrow.' I replied, not in the mood to do anything. There was a long pause as Paddy eye's were focusing on the roof.

'How about we get tattoos?' Paddy suddenly asked. I went to go ahead and say no but something stopped me as I thought about the idea. 'You know what, let's do it!' I exclaimed, now excited about it. 'Woah what a mood change.' Paddy chuckled as I hurried him out of the room so I could get changed.


'You know what you wanna get?' Paddy asked as we walked into one of the many tattoo studios down the sunset strip. 'Your name.' I replied with a smile. 'Shit! I was gonna get your name!' Paddy laughed. We were greeted by the tattooist who seemed a little star struck at first but eventually came out of his shell. 'Alright where do you want this Hailie?' He asked.

'Down the side of my wrist please.' I answered cheerfully. 'Alright you're up first!' He said, patting the chair. I sat down as he put the stencil on my arm and got the tattoo gun. I was nervous, the only other tattoos I had was of Nikki's name and the little rose tattoo and I was drunk for both and don't remember much. He started tattooing me and I relaxed, it was nowhere near as bad as what I thought.

'Do you like it?' Paddy asked as I looked at the finished name tattooed down the side of my wrist that read 'Paddy.' 'I love it!' I exclaimed. 'Heaps better then Sixx's name.' Paddy chuckled. 'Wait you've got Nikki Sixx tattooed on you?!' The tattoo artist asked excitedly. Paddy laughed as I rolled my eyes and pulled up my shirt to show him the tattoo. 'Wow that's fucking sick!' He said ecstatically. 'Trust me it's not all that great.' I replied flatly. I got back in the chair after deciding I wanted a few more things tattooed on me, I got roses across my shoulder and sheet music on the back of my arm above my elbow.

We drove back to the house after Paddy got his tattoo of my name done on his hand and I saw Doc's car out the front of Nikki's house as we pulled up. 'That's a good sign I think.' Paddy said. I signed before getting out of the car to head inside, and went straight back to my bedroom window. Two hours past before I saw Doc leaving the house, with Nikki, helping him into the car. As they drove off I leaned back and let silent tears fall down my cheeks.

I felt helpless I had no idea what to fucking do, someone please tell me what to fucking do! After a while I decided to give Doc a ring, I dialed his number and took a deep breath waiting for him to answer. 'Hello?' Doc's voice came from the other side. 'Doc? It's Hailie.' I said. 'Oh hey, are you okay darling?' He asked. 'Can I come see Nikki please?' I croaked, struggling to hold the tears back. There was a long pause while I waited for him to answer. 'Oh course you can, I think it will do him some good.' Doc finally replied.

I hung up and quickly chucked on some shoes, running to the car. All I wanted was to see him, to make sure he was okay. I pulled up to Doc's house and quickly walked to the front door, knocking impatiently. 'Hey H, he's upstairs in the room on the left.' Doc told me. I thanked him before making my way upstairs.

I got to the room Nikki was in and took a deep breath before knocking on the door and making my way in. Nikki sat on the floor against the bed, looking up at me, his hair was a mess, his skin was pale and he looked fragile. 'Hailie?' He asked, surprised. 'Yeah it's me.' I replied with a small smile. I walked over and sat down next to him. 'How you doing?' I asked him, looking into his tired eyes. 'Better now.' He chuckled a little. He put his arm around me and I immediately adjusted to his embrace, laying my head against his and my hand on his knee.

'I want you to promise me something H.' Nikki said after a moment of silence. 'What is it?' I asked him. He paused before turning his head to look at me. 'I want you to promise that you'll never give up on me. No matter what we're doing or where we might be in our lives.' Nikki stated, looking at me intently.

'Nikki you don't need me to promise that, you already know I will never give up on you.' I told him assuringly. A smile spread across his face as he looked down at the ground.

'I love you Hailie.' He said quietly. 'I love you too.' I answered honestly as he pulled me in closer.

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