Chapter 65. Meet and greet

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I woke up in my room with Nikki's arms wrapped around me. Remembering the events from last night, I smiled. Nikki was mine again, and it felt so damn good. The sun was seeping through the curtains straight into my eyes and it was bugging me. I turned around and got a good look at the attractive bass player sleeping next to me.

'Hailie??' Paddy's voice came from outside my bedroom door as he knocked on it. I groaned as Nikki woke up, the knocks disturbing his peace and quiet. 'Vicky's outside waiting to take you to that meet and greet so hurry up!' Paddy called out. 'Oh shit!' Nikki and I both said at the same time as we scrambled up to get ready quickly.

Motley, Guns and us had a meet and greet today at a record store on the sunstrip strip, and we were running late as per usual. I chuck on some leather pants and a crop AC/DC shirt with cons while Nikki ran across the road to his house to get ready. 'See you there babe.' He said cheerfully, walking past and kissing me on the cheek before leaving. It was so good to see Nikki back to himself, the Nikki I knew.

'Finally man it's being 15 minutes!' Alex groaned as I jumped in the van with the girls and guns. 'Saw Sixx run out of the house, doing the walk of shame was he?' Slash chuckled, teasing me. 'Shut up moron!' I said smacking him playfully. 'Actually we're back together.' I announced quickly. 'Wow we didn't see that one coming.' Axl called out, rolling his eyes. 'Yeah man what a big surprise!' Steven replied sarcastically. 'Yeah yeah I know.' I laughed. 'Finally H, as long as you're happy, so are we.' Alex said smiling, along with the support of everyone else.

We turned the corner on the sunset strip and saw hundreds of people all lining up down from the record store. 'Holy shit.' Izzy managed to get out as we all looked on, gobsmacked at the sight. The car stopped out the front and the fans started screaming and going nuts, I could also see paparazzi and cameras everywhere, ready for us to get out. 'Fuck this is amazing!' Axl exclaimed. 'You can say that again.' Alex said agreeing. Slash and I looked at each other with smiles on our faces, this truly was amazing.

'You ready?!' The driver called out from the front. 'Fuck yeah let's do this!' Alex yelled back. The driver got out and made his way to car door, opening it. The screams and cries got louder as Izzy and the rest of Guns got out first. Finally it was our turn, Imogen and Ashleigh stepped out first followed by Alex and I. Alex held onto my arm as the flashes from cameras were going off in our face and the screams were louder then before.

'Alex where's Tommy?!' A reporter yelled out. 'Hailie, is it true you're dating Nikki Sixx again?!' Another one yelled out. We started dating last night, how the fuck do they know that already? They repeatedly asked us a million questions as we walked past them, only a bodyguard separating us. Finally we got inside away from the chaos and started getting ready for the meet and greet. It wasn't long before we heard loud screams again and the sound of cameras flashing. I looked up to see Motley walk in.

'Hey dudes!' Tommy said cheerfully. 'How crazy is it out there?!' Axl asked him ecstatic. 'Uhhh yeah it is.' Tommy chuckled nervously. We all looked at them funny. 'What?' Nikki asked us confused. 'We're used to that kids.' Mick told us smiling. 'Sorry, forgot you guys were big shots.' Alex teased, elbowing Vince in the ribs. 'That's us.' Nikki beamed as he put his arm around me. 'Now let's do this!' Alex called out excitedly.

After an afternoon of chaos and meeting so many amazing fans I was exhausted. Don't get me wrong I love what I do but it was a long day and I was looking forward to bed. I hugged everyone goodbye as Nikki and I got in his car and went back to my place. Sweet home Alabama was on the radio and we sang it as loud as we could the whole way back, it was so fun.

We got back to my house and I walked through the front door, expecting to see Paddy pigging put on the couch. Instead I was greeted by Paddy sitting with our Mum in the lounge. 'Hello Hailie.' My mother said bluntly. 'Hi...?' I asked. Nikki walked in behind me and she looked him up and down, already judging him. 'So this is the rock star boyfriend?' My mother asked. 'Hi I'm Nikki, it's nice to meet you.' Nikki told her, smiling. 'Yes I know who you are.' She replied coldly with a scowl on her face.

'Oh my god.' I whispered under my breath, getting angry at the nerve of this woman. 'So when did you get back with him?' Mum asked. 'What are you doing here Mum?' I interrupted, cutting her off. 'I've come to take Patrick back home.' She stated quickly. 'Like hell you are.' I shot back. 'Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to?' She asked, getting up and walking over to me. 'Not somebody I'd wanna call my mother that's for sure.' I spat, getting angrier by the second.

'Patrick is coming home with me whether you like it or not, I won't let him be around you and you're disgusting shenanigans.' She ranted. Nikki had joined Paddy on the couch as they both watched on in shock at what was happening. 'Disgusting shenanigans?! I'm touring the world, making a lot of money, I brought my own house, and provide Paddy with everything he needs and you call that disgusting?!' I roared. 'Yes! The way you present yourself, you're definitely not my child!' My mother yelled back in my face.

'Mum that's enough!' Paddy yelled as he stood up and walked over, standing behind me. 'Enough of this nonsense Paddy, let's go. NOW!' Mum barked. 'No, I'm more then happy here, and I'm not leaving Hailie.' Paddy replied adamantly. 'Excuse me?' My mother asked. 'You heard him, get the fuck out of my house.' I growled at her. It felt so fucking good to say that. She looked at Paddy then back to me with a look of disgust, then walked out without saying a word.

'Woah.' Nikki said, catching Paddy and I's attention. I sat down on the couch, trying to take everything in. 'You okay H?' Nikki asked. 'Yeah, I am.' I smiled. 'I'm so fucking proud of you Hailie, standing up to her like that.' Paddy told me. 'So am I, she had it coming.' I said smiling before hugging him.

Later that night I couldn't sleep, Nikki snored next to me and I just stared out the window. I couldn't help but think about all the things she said to me and then I suddenly realised.. I've lost my mother. The one relationship every girl in her life should have and mine doesn't want to know me. Tears fell from my eyes, it fucking hurt. All I ever wanted to do was make her proud but I've done the opposite.

Nikki woke up and saw me sobbing, immediately coming to my side. 'Hey hey shush it's okay baby.' He whispered, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me in. I just laid in his arms as he held me and fell apart, everything that I had being bottling up inside about Mum was coming out.

'I'm here baby, I'm here.' Nikki whispered over and over again as I struggled to breath. Times like this I'm thankful Nikki ever came into my life, he also had a similar relationship with his mother so he could relate.

I guess we're both lucky to have each other.

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