Chapter 2. Killer Queen

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Vicky and Nikki had organised everyone to go out for drinks the next night, we were going on tour with everyone for 6 months it can't hurt to get to know everyone better. We were already pretty tight with Guns because we had the same manager. So Axl and slash were coming over for pre drinks before heading off to the rainbow bar and grill. I sat down on the couch with a bottle of jack and took a swig before passing it to Alex. I was wearing a Ramones crop t-shirt with a leather skirt and some black platform boots.

'I still can't believe that we're going on tour, let alone with Motley. This is crazy!' Imogen stated. 'Yeah it's gonna be crazy alright, those guys are absolutely mental.' Ash replied. 'Not as crazy as us, I can definitely outdo them!' Alex said laughing. Now that I do believe, if anyone could beat crue or guns at their craziness it's Alex.

There was a knock on the door. 'Woohoo they're here!' Alex yelled walking over to the front door. 'Hailie, does my hair look okay?!' Ash asked me in a panic. 'Uh yeah its perfect why is that?' I asked. Before she could replied, Axl and Slash walked in. 'Hey girls!' said Axl and sat right next to Ashleigh. She giggled and her face went red. Am I missing something here?

'Hey dude what's up!' Slash greeted me with a hug. We were close friends, he was like a brother to me. 'Do shots with me!' I said excitedly. 'Sure thing let's do it!' he replied before pouring two shots for each of us. After we downed them, I gave the bottle of Jack to Axl.

As I did so he asked, 'So Hailie, you excited to see Sixx tonight? I know he's keen to see you.' He smirked at me. 'What the hell are you on about Rose?' I asked him very confused. 'Well word on the street is you got very close with him the other night, actually Duff saw you with him" replied Axl. 'Oh god I don't remember a thing from that night, what did i do?' I asked Axl. 'Ohh yes please do tell us!' Alex said smirking. I rolled my eyes.

'Duff saw you making out with him and sitting on his lap all night.' Axl told me. 'Oh for fuck sakes, of course I did and I can't even fucking remember it.' I said annoyed at myself. How could I let this happen? I'm an idiot. 'Well tonight is definitely gonna be interesting to say the least.' Imogen said laughing. I groaned. "Let's get this night over with.' I said with a low tone. Now I have to face Nikki and tell him I don't remember anything. 

We all arrived at the Rainbow and saw the rest of Guns waiting for us. Motley wasn't there yet, thank god. 'Hey darlin how you going?' Izzy greeted me. "Come on let's get a shot.' I said to him, dragging him to the bar. 'Woah what's gotten into you?' Izzy asked me as I down my third shot of vodka. 'I just wanna get drunk as fuck tonight.' I told him.

I couldn't face Nikki sober. I would have a panic attack on the spot. 'Ah so this is over Sixx right?' Izzy asked me. 'How did you know?' I replied surprised. 'Come on H, everyone knows about the other night.' Izzy replied smirking. 'Great, fuck my life.' I replied groaning. Why was I making a big deal out of this? If it had of being any other guy I wouldn't have cared. But Nikki has got me nervous as hell. I started to feel the buzz from the vodka and was letting loose. 'Look, you can hook up with him all you want, but don't fall for the guy. He's not the ideal boyfriend and I don't wanna see you get hurt. Slash would kill him.' Izzy told me. I knew what Izzy was saying was true. 'I'm not gonna fall for him, I promise.' I told Izzy, I thought I had meant it too.

That was until Motley Crue walked in. Vince, Mick, Tommy followed by Nikki all come over one by one. And I caught Nikki's eye once again, I get so lost in them. Like he has a trance on me. I hadn't realized I was staring until Mick whispered in my ear, 'Take a picture it'll last longer.' 'Fuck what am I doing?' I said to myself. 'You're not the first girl to stare at Nikki, he's used to it.' Mick told me. 'Geez thanks' I replied laughing. I better go talk to him, I thought.

I walked right up to Nikki at the bar who was talking to some slutty blonde chick and interrupted them. 'Hey Nikki, can I talk to you? I asked confidently. The alcohol was taking over my body and it felt lovely. 'Sure.' He replied and grabbed my arm leading me to a booth, leaving the blonde standing there with a dirty look on her face. Slag. Oh my god why am I thinking like that?

'So look about the other night,' I started. 'Yes?' Nikki replied with a grin on his face. 'I don't remember anything from that night at all. I don't even remember seeing you, or anyone else except for Alex.' I told him. 'Oh so you don't remember sitting on my lap or kissing me?' Nikki asked, his face dropping. 'No I don't and too be honest I don't want to remember.' I replied. 'Oh right.' Nikki said, he look hurt by what I said. 'No not like that, I just mean it would be awkward for us if I did remember because now we're going on tour together.' I explained.

God what is wrong with me? I wish more then anything that I remember kissing Nikki Sixx. But I have to keep this professional. 'That's fine.' Nikki replied with a sad tone. Before I could say anything else. he got out of the booth and walked back to the bar. What the fuck is wrong with me?

I walked over to Alex with misery written all over my face. 'What's wrong H?' She asked concerned. I told her what had happened with Nikki. 'It's okay babe let's drink it off! Everything will be fine.' She said handing me a drink of vodka. 'Looks like Ash is enjoying herself.' Alex said. I looked around to see Ash in a booth with Axl's arm around her, making out. 'Wow there you go, there was something happening there.' I laughed.

45 minutes went past and I was so drunk. I was on the dance floor with Tommy, Slash and Alex doing some killer moves... or so we though haha. The song ended and I looked up towards the booth to see Nikki with the same blonde from earlier, all over him. I felt a little pin of jealousy and started glaring at them. Nikki looked my way and I turned away back to the dance floor. I decided to have some of my own fun. Slash and Tommy had gone off to the toilets, and Alex went to get another drink.

This guy came up and started dancing with me so I started dancing with him back. He keep going and tried to pull my skirt up. I turned around and pushed him. 'You put you're hands on me again you'll fucking regret it.' I spat at him. I turned around and started dancing again, just for the same guy to grab me and put his hand up my skirt. I turned around to slap him, but somebody already beat me too it, knocking him out cold with a single punch. I turned around to see Nikki standing there. 'Let's go.' He said before dragging me out of there.

'Where are we going?' I asked him. I had sobered up a little bit now. His hand hadn't let go of my arm. 'To my place. You'll be safe there I promise.' He replied. I didn't fight it. I just let him take me to his house. I knew I was safe no matter where he took me.

We got to his house, and I sat down on the rug while he sat in front of me. Killer queen by Queen was playing in the background somewhere.  'You okay?' He asked me. 'Yeah I am. Thank you, but you didn't have to do that.' I told him. 'You were in trouble, I just wanted to help.' He replied 'I'm a big girl Sixx I can take care of myself.' I told him. 'No you can't, you've got no idea what guys can do to you here, if I didn't help you god knows what would have happened!' He yelled, his green eyes staring into mine.

'Don't you fucking dare try to control me, I can look after myself and do what I want. I would have being fine!' I yelled at him. 'Ha, you think you know Hollywood.' He sniggered. 'Did you really mean what you said back at the rainbow?' He asked before I could say anything. 'About what?' I asked him. 'About not wanting to remember kissing me?' He asked, staring into my soul with those gorgeous eyes. 'I uh....I..I don't know.' I stuttered. 'Maybe I'll remind you how it felt.' He said. Before I could do anything, he grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss.

I had never felt anything like it. Fire works went off, his lips and tongue worked so well with mine. Every touch he placed on my body sent sparks through me. After what felt like forever, he pulled away. 'Now do you remember?' He asked me, with his forehead against mine. 'I'll forever remember this one.' I replied, absolutely speechless. 'Good.' He smirked and planted a kiss on my forehead before walking to the fridge to get a beer. What just happened?

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