Chapter 34. Izzy

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Tommy walked up to Alex as Nikki and I watched on and started a conversation like nothing was happening. 'Man is he gonna do it?' Paddy whispered in my ear as we all stood there waiting, but before I could say anything Tommy called out to everyone to crowd around. 'Hey what's going on man?' Slash called out. 'You'll see.' I said with a grin on my face, all of Gun's gave me a confused look. Especially Izzy who seemed to be coked out of his mind as usual before paying his attention back to Tommy.

'What's going on?' Alex asked as she looked around the room, she frowned when she caught my eye. Probably cause I was smiling at her like a freak. 'Alex' Tommy started. 'You know I'm a hopeless fucking romantic and the second I laid my eyes on you I knew I was in love. I see my future, and it's with you.' Tommy told her, then he got down on one knee and as Alex realized what was happening, tears starting falling down her cheeks. 'Oh my god.' Alex cried. 'Alex, will you marry me?' Tommy asked her, holding up a beautiful diamond ring in it's box. 'Fuck yeah!' Alex exclaimed, pulling Tommy up and kissing him all over the face. 

Nikki squeezed me tight as we watched Tommy put the ring on her finger. 'That'll be you one day H, can't wait.' Nikki whispered in my ear. I turned around and embraced him before giving him a kiss. 'I better go see my best friend.' I said, chuckling. 'Yeah me too.' Nikki replied smiling. We let go and I headed towards Alex who jumped on me and tackled me to the ground. 'Fuck Alex!' I yelled. 'Can you fucking believe this shit?? I'm getting married!! ME!' She yelled. 'I know Al, I'm so fucking happy for you!' I replied, hugging her tightly. 'We are going hard tonight!' She said with a grin before turning to hug Ash and Imogen. 

I walked over to Nikki and Tommy and gave Tommy a big hug. 'Congrats dude she's one of a kind.' I told him. 'Couldn't have done it without you guys.' Tommy replied with a massive grin. 'Let's get this party started!' Nikki yelled, holding a bottle of Jack up in the air while we all cheered. I ran over to the bar area and grabbed the finest bottle of vodka I could find and some shot glasses before sitting myself down on the couch with Slash, Izzy and Paddy. 'Alex, Imogen get over here!' I called out to the girls. They sat down and grabbed a shot glass each before I started pouring vodka into it. 'Where's Ash?' I asked concerned. 'She walked out with Vince, no idea where they went.' Imogen said, shrugging her shoulders. 

'Here's to Alex and Tommy!' Paddy yelled while we all cheered and downed the shot. 'What the fuck is that?!' Slash exclaimed. 'Man that's the strong vodka, Hailie brought it out for the special occasion!' Izzy explained. 'Does it get you black out drunk?' Slash asked us. 'Fucking oath it does!' Paddy laughed. 'Give us some more then!' Slash yelled as Izzy poured him another shot. 'Hey H, come here.' Alex motioned for me to come sit where Imogen just left. 'What's up?' I asked, sitting down beside her. 'Obviously there isn't another choice but I have to ask, will you be my maid of honor?' Alex asked me. 'Of course! I was going to be anyway whether you liked it or not!' I replied, nudging her arm. 'Thanks H, love you a billion.' She answered with a smile.

'Hey Hailie! You're l-looking extra g-good tonight.' Izzy stuttered from across me. I immediately see Nikki's head turn and pay full attention to Izzy and I. 'Oh shut up man, you're drunk.' I chuckled, trying to laugh it off. 'Nah seriously though, you're that fucking hot.' Izzy  slurred. 'Man are you trying to get you're head kicked in by Sixx?' Slash asked him as he pointed to a very annoyed Nikki Sixx. 'Whatever man.' Izzy said rolling his eyes and walking out of the room. Alex looked at me to Nikki who was about to go after Izzy but was stopped by Mick. 'He ain't happy.' Alex chuckled. 

I got up and walked over to Nikki who was being talked down by Mick. 'He was talking about my girl Mick so let me go.' Nikki muttered. 'Hey don't worry about Izzy, it's fine.' I said, trying to calm him down. 'What do you mean it's fine?! Does he always say that shit to you??' Nikki asked me, annoyed. 'Uh not really.' I answered, a little shocked at how mad he was. 'You know he likes you right? Come on Hailie, everybody can fucking see it.' Nikki complained. 'I don't give a fuck if he does or doesn't! I'm with you, don't ruin tonight for Tommy!' I hissed through my teeth. Everyone was watching us now, Nikki scoffed and walked off towards the bathroom. 'Can you follow him please?' I asked Mick. 'Sure thing darl.' Mick answered before taking off after Nikki. 

I sat down next to Slash and Paddy and let out a big sign. 'Hey don't stress about Sixx, it just means he loves you.' Slash chuckled. 'Yeah I know he does.' I replied with a smirk. 'Well bottoms up!' Paddy said, handing me a cup of straight vodka. 'Go hard or go home right?' I asked, laughing. 'Yep!' Slash and Paddy both said together before we took a swig of our drinks. 

A little while had passed and it was time to leave for whatever club we were venturing to tonight. Nikki and Mick still hadn't come out of the bathroom but I was piss drunk and having loads of fun of my own. 'Alright you two let's go!' Paddy said trying to pull Slash and I up together, who was just as drunk as I was. We stood up and made our way out of the venue, trying to lean on each other for support. 'How the fuck do we always manage to do this?' I asked Slash, giggling like crazy. 'You're-e my drunk b-buddy.' Slash slurred, while also laughing. We walked down the hallway arm in arm, staggering all over the place while Paddy was trying to make sure that we could even make it to the van.

We finally got in the van, with the help of Tommy and Paddy. 'Everyone in?' The driver called out. 'Nah we're still waiting on Sixx and Mick!' Tommy yelled out. Apparently Ash and Vince were already at the club with Duff and Imogen, no idea when they left. 'Where's Izzy?' Steven called out. 'I sent him back to the hotel before Sixx beat his ass up.' Axl chuckled. 'By the way, you should talk to Izzy when you get the chance.' Axl added. 'You really think that's a good idea?' Tommy asked while I rolled my eyes. 'She's one of his best friends, she gotta do it!' Axl exclaimed. 'Fine I'll do it! No one tell Nikki, I will.' I groaned. 

Finally the door to the van opened and in came Mick and Nikki. Mick took a seat down the back and Nikki plopped himself down next to me. 'Hey gorgeous, I'm sorry about what happened back there.' He said, looking me straight in the eyes. I was ready for a fight but I looked into his green orbs and decided against it. 'It's okay baby, let's have fun!' I exclaimed. 'You ready for more Slash?' Nikki asked Slash. 'Errr yeah-h!' Slash stuttered.  'Man I wasn't even gone for an hour.' Nikki chuckled, looking at the sight of Slash. 

We arrived at the club and Nikki wrapped his arm around my waist protectively while I held onto Slash so he could stand upright. That would have being a weird sight. The rest of the night, I drowned myself in alcohol with Alex while Nikki watched on because he wouldn't let me out of his sight. Not that I cared, my drunken self thought it was really cute how overprotective he was being. The last thing I remember is taking a shot of tequlia and then voila, I blacked out. 

No surprises there. 

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