Chapter 52. Sorry isn't good enough

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I dragged Izzy to the exit to leave. I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, all I wanted was to get Nikki back for all the hurtful shit he's done to me. 'Excuse where do you think you're going?' Vicky asked, stepping in front of us blocking the exit. 'Leaving.' I said adamantly, still holding onto Izzy's hand. 'Nope sorry, you gotta stay till Motley and Guns leave. It's in the contract.' Vicky reminded me.

I groaned and rolled my eyes before walking off towards the outdoor area, Nikki's eyes still on us as Vanity tried hard to get his attention. I sat down and signed as Izzy handed me a cigarette. 'You weren't actually going to sleep with me were you?' Izzy asked. I looked up at him and realised what I had just done. 'Oh my god I'm such a fucking bitch, Izzy I'm so sorry!' I gasped. 'No Hailie trust me it's fine, I'm more then happy to be the guy that you kiss to make Sixx jealous cause it's clearly working.' He chuckled. 'Wait what?' I asked confused, I knew he liked me and I had just kissed him surely I ruined everything. 'Look, I've accepted that it's always gonna be you and Sixx. I'm okay with it, doesn't mean I won't help you get back at him for all the asshole things he does.' Izzy explained.

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. 'I don't know what I'd do without you Iz.' I cried, getting up and pulling him into a hug. 'Always H.' He answered. Just as I pulled away, Slash, Alex and Tommy walked out. 'Hey dudes what's going on here?' Tommy laughed. 'Nothing interesting.' I chuckled. The boys started chatting and Alex pulled me down to sit next to her. 'Now really, what was that?' Alex asked with a smirk. 'I saw you kiss him at the bar.' She added. 'That was because Nikki has Vanity on his lap making out with him so I regretfully turned around and kissed the closest person I saw which successfully pissed Nikki off.' I laughed.

'Well that makes sense. What about Izzy though?' Alex asked curiously. 'He said he's accepted the fact we'll never be together but he's happy to make Sixx jealous.' I giggled. 'Just be careful alright H?' Alex replied. I signed, I knew she was right. I can't lead Izzy on too much or else I might lose him. We made our way back inside and went to the bar for a drink, the coke was still making me feel electric but I can't turn down some vodka. 'Here you are mi lady.' Slash joked as he handed me a drink. I took a sip as Izzy put his arm around my waist. 'Sixx is watching at 3'oclock.' He whispered in my ear. I looked over slightly and indeed there was Nikki same place as before, with Vanity glaring at us.

'I think you're outdoing yourself H.' Paddy chuckled as he came up behind us. 'She knows how to stir the pot and cause trouble.' Alex laughed. 'Trouble's my middle name.' I joked which made everyone laugh. 'He deserves it, he's being a dick to you lately.' Tommy expressed. 'Thank you Tommy.' I told him. We carried on drinking and dancing like we normally would, Izzy stayed close and Nikki's dirty looks didn't fade. I realised I needed to pee and made my trip to the bathroom.

I heard the door open as I did my business but didn't think anything of it. I noticed nobody went into the stalls so I quickly finished up and opened the door to the stall to find Nikki standing there. 'What is it with you finding me in bathrooms?' I chuckled. He didn't say anything, just kept glaring at me. 'If you keep frowning you're gonna get wrinkles.' I joked, washing my hands. He still didn't say anything and I rolled my eyes. 'What? Spit it out Sixx.' I groaned. 'Oh I'll spit it out alright.' He growled as he walked towards me.

I didn't move, he didn't intimidate me because I knew he could never hurt me. He walked right up to my face and stared into my soul. 'You and Izzy Huh?' He spat. 'You and Vanity Huh?' I replied sarcastically. 'This isn't funny Hailie.' He said sternly. 'I'm not trying to be fucking funny. You were with Vanity before I was with Izzy!' I yelled. 'Oh but you were with Sebastian before that!' He yelled back. 'Oh what so I can't even talk to a guy otherwise you'll bring out some dumb slut to make out with you and break my heart?' I ranted as tears spilled down my eyes. 'But you kissed Izzy!' He exclaimed. 'To get back at you for kissing you're fucking ex girlfriend!' I cried. I started walking away, I didn't want to deal with this anymore.

'No Hailie we are not done!' He yelled as he ran in front of me blocking me from the door. 'What Nikki?! What do you fucking want?!' I screamed. 'You.' He said quietly. We stood there in silence for a few moments before anything was said. 'Nikki, I can't keep doing this! It's exhausting, you can go fuck some chick against you're hotel room door but I can't even talked to somebody without you seeking revenge.' I ranted. He signed and leaned up against the door looking up at the ceiling. 'I know Hailie. I'm sorry, I'm gonna try to be better for you.' He told me. I looked into his beautiful green eyes that were fixated on mine. Then I kissed him, hard and passionately. I pulled away before it got more intense and started crying some more. 'Sorry isn't good enough anymore, I'll believe it when I see it.' I told him, before walking past him and leaving the bathroom.

I walked out of the rainbow and straight back to my house, I didn't give a fuck about the contract I just wanted to be away from everyone. I changed into one of Paddy's t-shirts before taking a Valium and getting into bed, putting the covers over my head and crying myself to sleep.

I can't keep doing this anymore.

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