Chapter 9. I always get what I want

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After lunch the girls and I jumped in on the tour bus and headed to meet the guys at sound check. We got there and Crue had already done theirs, while Guns were just finishing up. We went to get our equipment ready to set up and found the guys back stage. 'Well hello again!' Vince smiled at us brightly. I looked around the room, there was an unbelievable amount of coke on a sliver tray sitting on Vince's lap before he then passed it to Nikki. Tommy was half way through a bottle of jack and Mick was already drunk on vodka. Ash rolled her eyes smiling, 'Have fun with this girls, we're gonna go watch Guns.' She said before dragging Imogen with her. 'Come here love.' Tommy grinned at Alex pulling her into his lap and putting the bottle of Jack to her lips. Nikki did a line before looking up at me. 'You want one H?' He grinned up at me. 'Uh not really, maybe later.' I said half smiling. He could tell I was uncomfortable and frowned but before he could say anything I walked out of the room.

I went down the hall and into the bathroom, leaning over the sink and looking at myself in the mirror. I had to get a grip, everything Nikki did had an effect on me. Every word, every smile, every facial expression.. even just looking at me. I had never come across this in my life and I didn't know how I felt about it. There was a knock on the door but I stayed silent. 'Hailie?' I heard Alex called on the other side of the door. I opened it and let her in. She immediately became concerned when she saw the tears running down my face. 'What's wrong babe?' Alex said rubbing my back. 'Oh I'm just being stupid Al. I'm getting so caught up in all this Nikki shit! He making me feel something I've never felt before and I don't know what to do with it. I've always being in control now it's the other way around, and I don't want to give him my heart because I don't even know if he just wants to have fun or if he genuinely likes me.' I cried dropping my arms in defeat. 'You're not stupid H, don't think too much about it. Just enjoy the time you have with him, if it's meant to be it will be.' She told me giving me a sympathetic smile. 'Have fun but also be careful, he obviously hasn't made his intentions fully clear. I'm doing the same with Tommy.' She added. 'Thanks Alex, guess we're in this together.' I laughed wiping my tears. 'Forever and always.' She winked. 

We walked back to the dressing room and joined the boys again. 'Where did you go?' Nikki asked me frowning. 'Just to the toilet darl.' I replied smiling. Before he could say anything, Vicky called out. 'Hailie, Alex! Soundcheck c'mon let's go!' She yelled. 'I'll see you guys after.' I told the guys before giving Nikki a kiss on the cheek. 'Can't wait.' He replied winking at me. As Alex and I walked out, a bunch of groupies walked in. I rolled my eyes, I can trust Nikki. I think..

We walked out to soundcheck and set up. 'Ah there are our other half of poisons.' Imogen beamed at us as we walked in. 'Pretty Poisons.' Alex corrected her winking. Imogen started pounding on the drums and off we went. We decided to add 'I always get what I want' to our set list, a new song Alex and I had written about a month prior to the tour. Vicky and Doc hadn't heard it before and when we finished, they ran on stage swarming us like bees. 'Oh my god girls that song is amazing! You have to play it tonight!' Vicky exclaimed. 'That sure is gonna be a hit! Can't wait for the boys to hear it, keep it a surprise for them.' Doc told us. 'Wow you really like it?' Ash asked. We hadn't expected it to be a hit, we just wanted to see how it sounded on set. 'Yes I'm telling you, it's great!' Vicky beamed at us.  'Pretty Poisons are gonna be massive soon and you girls have yourselves to thank by working hard and producing top quality songs.' Doc said smiling. 'Couldn't have done it without you guys booking us tours and giving us amazing opportunities.' I told them grinning. 'Anything for you dolls, alright sound checks over. Now go get ready for an amazing show!' Vickie squealed. 

We packed up and walked back stage to where the guys were, I scanned the room for Nikki. He was no where to be found. 'Hey do you know where Sixx is?' I asked Tommy who was sitting at the bar with Duff. 'Nah dude haven't seen him in a while actually.' He frowned. I scanned the room one more time before leaving to go find him. I walked down the hallway and saw Vince coming out of another room. 'Hey have you seen Nikki?' I asked, smiling at him. 'Uh... no sorry,' He started 'why don't you come back to the bar and start drinking with me.' He said as he tried luring me away from the door. I knew better then to believe Vince. I frowned at him before pulling away quickly and opening the door. 'No Hailie wait!-' Vince called out as I opened the door. 

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