Chapter 17. Addiction

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It was back to reality today, soundcheck and rehearsals were underway. After our soundcheck and fighting with Vicky once more about what songs to sing, we headed back to the tour bus when Slash stopped me. 'Hey I'll come see you after I'm done.' He told me. 'Me too! We miss you H!' Izzy called out. 'No worries guys!' I yelled back and quickly caught up with Ash as she had to walk past Axl. He look at her and then to me and looked to the ground. 'Coward.' Alex spat at him. He ignored her and kept walking.  Motley were in the dressing room having a meeting with their manager, I decided to catch up with Nikki later and headed towards the bus. I was hanging for a cup of vodka. We hopped on and started pouring each other shots.

'So how is everyone feeling about the tour?' Imogen asked us. 'Honestly, one of the best things we've ever done!' Alex replied. 'Agreed!' Ash and I said in sync. 'A shot for making good choices!' Imogen yelled. We all cheered and down a shot of vodka. Ash brought out a bag of coke and did a bump again. 'Anyone want one?' She asked. 'Nah I'll have one after the show.' I replied. 'I'll have one!' Slash said, suddenly coming into view. 'Don't forget me!' Izzy yelled behind him. They sat down and Ash made up a line for them both. Alex look at me and shrugged. 'Might as well.' She said to me, before snorting her own line. Imogen had already had one. 'Fuck it.' I said, grabbing the baggie while every one cheered. 'Here's to getting fucked up!' Slash slurred. 'Mate you're already wasted!' Alex said chuckling. 'Wow you sure are Australian mate.' Izzy teased.

We sat there teaching them Aussie slangs for what felt like hours. The coke was making me feel so awake and alert. 'Let's have an adventure!' Alex yelled. Before I knew it, we had all hopped off the bus and ran into the venue while Motley were doing soundcheck. Slash and Izzy lit a pair of shorts on fire and Alex and I locked Vicky in the room she was doing an interview in. Laughing hysterically as she was trying to get out. The shorts on fire had set the fire alarm off and every one had to evacuate.

When everyone ran outside and realized it was us, everybody was so annoyed, including Motley.

'What the fuck was that guys?!' Vicky spat at us. 'Oh come on have a little fun V!' Alex laughed. 'Hailie.' Nikki said coming up to me and looking into my eyes. I was so out of it that I was giggling and couldn't stand up properly. 'What the fuck, why would you do that shit during our soundcheck?' Tommy yelled at us. 'Oh fuck off you literally do the same shit all the time.' Alex yelled back. They started arguing before people dragged them away.

Nikki was still staring at me with a stern look on his face. 'What?' I asked with an attitude. Nikki just shook his head before walking off, not saying a word.

'Whatever.' I said to myself before running after Izzy, Slash and Alex back to the bus where we had to stay until the show. 'Dude that was so much fun!' Slash exclaimed. 'Fuck yeah it was, everyone needs to find a sense of humor.' I said laughing.

We were locked in the tour bus until it was time for our show. By there, the coke had worn off but I was still a little buzzed from the vodka which was good for me cause it made me less nervous. The girls and I made our way into the dressing room, not seeing Motley anywhere which I thought was odd and put our outfits on. Alex still hadn't made up with Tommy and judging by the bottle of vodka she was sculling, she didn't give a Fuck about it.

'Pretty Poisons, let's go!' Someone yelled. 'Let's do this!' Ash yelled out. We ran out of the dressing room and past Guns onto the stage. Still no sign of Motley Crue.

We had finished our set and passed it off to Guns n Roses before heading back stage. It wasn't our best show but it was still a lot of fun. The Crue still weren't anywhere to be seen and I was a little curious but didn't ask. Just sat down and pour myself another cup of vodka with Alex while Ash and Imogen went and did more blow in the bathroom.

Suddenly Tommy appeared, and he looked angry.

'What is it Tommy??' I asked him. Alex didn't say anything, just glared at him. 'Fucking Sixx!' He yelled, strutting around the room trying to calm down. 'What do you mean, what's wrong?' I asked him, concerned. 'We go on in 15 minutes and he's too fucking strung out to even get up.' He told me. 'We need to find another bass player.' He added. 'Where the fuck is he?' I demanded as I shot up. 'In our dressing room.' He replied. I walked out of the room and to their dressing room with Tommy and Alex following me. I was angry, he was letting drugs interfere with his band now.

I opened the door and Mick shot his head up, while he stood in front of who I assumed was Nikki. 'Uh Hailie it's probably best you don't see this.' Mick mumbled. 'Outta my way Mars.' I grunted. He moved out of the way as I walked forward and saw the sight in front of me. Nikki was so strung out he couldn't even move. I didn't say anything, just checked his arms for fresh track marks. There was two on his left arm. 'Nikki.' I said sternly. He looked up at me, his eyes barely reaching mine. 'What the fuck are you doing with you're life? You have the best opportunity to play music in front of the world on tour but instead you choose to take it to far and do this.' I yelled. He probably didn't even understand what I said. He just managed to mumbled 'I'm sorry' under his breath. 'I'll get Ash for you, who is also drowning herself with drugs.' I muttered to the band. 'Hailie!' Nikki called out after me. I didn't even look back, just walked out of the room. I was so mad with him and couldn't even talk to him about it, he said he was gonna take it easy.

I grabbed Ash from the bathroom while she was still snorting coke. 'You gotta play for Motley tonight, Nikki's all fucked on drugs and too strung out to play.' I told her. 'No worries, I know the bass line for most of their songs.' She said smiling. I rush her to the band who were reassuring her how the show was gonna go. I thought about how embarrassing it was for them to have to tell the audience that someone else was playing instead of Nikki tonight. Guns came off stage confused as Vince introduced Ash as the bass player for the night.

'What happened to Sixx?' Slash asked. 'Decided to stick with heroin instead of the show tonight.' I said, rolling my eyes.

Doc came out of the room that Nikki was in and called me over.

'Will you stay with him if I put him in bed on the tour bus?' He asked me.

'Nope, sorry can't do that tonight.' I said adamantly. I wasn't going to not have fun because my boyfriend decided that getting strung out on drugs was a better idea. 'Come on H, he only wants you.' Doc complained.

I signed before saying 'fine.'

Doc managed to carry Nikki over to the tour bus with some help while I said good night to everyone and dragged along behind them.

'Good luck.' Doc said to me, as he tucked Nikki into bed, who was sound asleep.

I signed and leaned against the wall just looking at Nikki when everyone left. 'What are we going to do with you?' I said out loud. I took off his shoes and a baggie fell out with a needle. I picked it up and got angry all over again, I went into the bathroom and flushed it down the toilet. Then I sat down on the floor and cried, this was a much bigger problem then I thought.

How can you have a normal relationship with someone who's addicted to heroin? I just didn't know the answer to that. 

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