Chapter. 31 Party Trick

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A couple of nights had gone by and we just finished our show in Uniondale, our last show in New York's suburbs all together. Nikki and I had being really good, being in New York with everybody and making memories is something I'll never forget. 

We all headed out after the show as usual routine to celebrate all the shows in New York. 'We can't make this a late one though, we're leaving for Pennsylvania again at 10pm tomorrow.' Mick told us all once we settled in the van. 'Yeah I agree, fuck driving 3 hours with a hangover.' Ashleigh groaned. 'Okay mum and dad we'll drop you two back home.' Tommy replied sarcastically as Nikki sniggered. 'Hailie, Alex! Feel like a drink off with Slash and I when we get to the bar?' Izzy yelled from the back of the bus. 'You're on!' Alex and I both yelled back at the same time. 'Oh I can't wait to see this.' Nikki said with a smirk. 'Yeah they're gonna lose alright.' Tommy said laughing.

'50 bucks say we win.' Alex said glaring at Tommy and Nikki with a smirk. 'Okay babe you're on.' Tommy replied, tickling her side. '50 each.' I added, looking at Nikki with a grin. 'Deal, prepare to lose.' Nikki answered. 'Slash, game face on!' He added. 'My game face is always on.' Slash replied with a cheesy grin. 'Oi guys wanna see my party trick?!' Tommy yelled ecstatically. He then proceeded to light up a cigarette, shoved it up his nose and took a drag, then exhaled it out of his mouth.  'How the fuck did you do that?!' I yelled shocked. 'He's being doing it for years babe!' Nikki laughed. 'Here let me try.' Paddy said from behind me, leaning over and grabbing the cigarette off Tommy. 'Oh fuck that burns my nostril!' Paddy complained as he did the same thing Tommy did. 'That's fucking sick though.' He added, nodding his head and grinning. 

We finally get the bar and pile out one by one and girls standing in the line waiting to get in started screaming instantly, calling out Nikki and Tommy's name as they ran towards us. Security were quick to block them off as Nikki put his arm around me and we walked towards the entrance. 'You don't deserve Nikki, you're just another wannabe slut that wants all his money!' One of the girls spat at me as we walked past her. 'What the fuck did you just say to me?' I yelled, getting as close to her as possible with only one security standing in between us. 'Hailie ignore her she's not worth it!' Nikki yelled, trying to pull me away. 'Come on Hailie let it go.' Izzy said suddenly standing in front of me and grabbing my arm trying to pull me away.

I walked away still glaring at the stupid bitch, when I get some vodka into me you do not want to start a fight with me. I'm already feisty enough as it is. 'God I swear to god some of these chicks want their heads kicked in.' I groaned to Izzy. 'It's only gonna get worse, you better start getting used to it.' Izzy replied, chuckling. 'What do you mean?' I asked him as we walked into the bar and headed to buy some drinks. 'Darling you're dating Nikki Sixx! Every girl in America wants him. You're the most hated chick at the moment.' Izzy laughed. 'Great.' I replied bluntly, rolling my eyes. 

'Don't worry, we still love ya.' Slash's voice came from behind me as he ruffled my hair and handed me a drink. 'And Sixx is really fucking in love with you.' He added 'I only ever need you guys anyway, all those bitches don't matter.' I said smiling. 'Exactly! Even if it doesn't work out with Sixx, you will still have all of us. That's a promise.' Izzy told me. 'Thank you it means a lot.' I replied with a warm smile as I kissed Izzy on the cheek and gave him a hug. I downed the drink slash got me and took another one that I had ordered previously and walked towards to Alex, Tommy, Nikki, Vince and Ash. 

'Hey baby you're looking fine.' Nikki said grinning as I jumped into the booth next to him. 'Aw stop it you'll make me blush.' I replied in a high pitch voice as a joke. 'Ugh get a room you two!' Vince yelled from across the booth as Nikki started kissing my neck. I noticed he had his arm around Ash, I look at Alex who mouthed 'I'll tell you later.' I gave her the thumbs up and took a sip of my drink. Suddenly there was a whole lot of commotion, I turned my head to see Paddy in a fist fight, he nailed the guy in the jaw and then all of a sudden three other guys jumped him and started belting the fuck out of him.

'STOP!' I screamed as I immediately jumped out of the booth to try and break it up but Nikki and Tommy beat me to it. Both Nikki and Tommy pulled the guys off and started kicking them in the stomach and punching them. Suddenly everything escalated really quickly and it had turned into a bar brawl with Vince, Steven and Axl joining. 'Paddy! Nikki!' I screamed as I saw them repeatedly punch and get punched. 'Tommy fucking stop it!' Alex yelled from behind me as Tommy went absolutely nuts. 'Girls come on let's get out of here!' Izzy yelled over the commotion, grabbing me. 'I'm not going anywhere without Paddy!' I yelled back. 'Hailie get here now!' Slash yelled at me as he grabbed Alex's and I's arm and pulled us outside. 

'Izzy please go get Paddy!' I pleaded once we got outside and they made sure Alex, Ash and I were okay. 'Okay babe just wait here, don't follow me.' Izzy said sternly. 'Stay here with them.' Izzy said to Slash. 'No problem.' Slash replied. Izzy ran back inside and I waited impatiently on the sidewalk for Paddy and Nikki to walk out. 'How come you didn't ask Izzy to get Nikki?' Slash asked me. 'Cause he's a big boy, he can look after himself. Plus he jumped into that brawl.' I replied. 'And Paddy can't?' Slash asked again. 'I don't know, I've never seen him fight. It's just if anything happened to him while he's over here with me I'll never forgive myself.' I replied, with a tear rolling down my face.

'You're doing a good job looking after him H.' Alex told me, wiping the tear away. 'Yeah you guys have being a great help too.' I replied with a smile. Suddenly Izzy appeared out the front of the bar with my bloodied twin brother. 'Paddy!' I yelled and ran over to him, pulling him in for a hug. 'I'm okay H, I'm sorry I scared you.' Paddy winced. 'What happened?!' I asked. 'Some guy jumped me because he thought I was someone else, then it just escalated.' He explained. 'Fuck sakes, can't even go out without getting randomly jumped.' I complained. 'Thanks Izzy.' I added, patting him on the shoulder. 'Anything H.' He replied with a grin. 'By the way, you owe us a drink off.' Izzy added, winking. 'Of course, next time!' I replied.

I saw Nikki walking out with Tommy behind Izzy and started walking towards him. 'You okay Sixx?' I asked, concerned. 'Yeah babe, I'm sorry I just saw red when I saw them ganging up on Paddy.' Nikki explained. 'Well better you then me.' I laughed. He chuckled as he pulled me in for a hug. 

'Please don't scare me like that again.' I whispered in his ear. 'I won't, love you a billion.' Nikki replied kissing my cheek. I let go and grabbed onto Paddy to help him walk back to the hotel and clean him up.

It's always eventful with these boys.

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