Chapter 78. One thing after another

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We have now being sitting out the front of Nikki's house for about 15 minutes now in complete silence. I was trying to get my shit together and get out of the car but I had failed to do so.

'H, are you gonna go in?' Alex asked, breaking the silence. 'Y-Yeah I'm just preparing myself.' I stuttered. 'You're our only hope now.' Tommy said sadly. 'He needs you H.' Mick said beside me.

'Alright I'm going.' I said, taking a deep breath and exiting the car. As I walked up the long foot path to Nikki's front door I started to get really emotional. 'Come on Hailie get you're shit together!' I scolded myself.

Finally I reached the front door and without much thought, I knocked loudly. A couple of moments went by and no answer. I knocked a couple of more times but still nothing. By now I was getting really frustrated and was getting ready to kicked the door in when I realised it was unlocked.

I slowly pushed opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind me. The whole first floor was dark and gloomy, like it was out of a horror movie. I looked around in shock, noticing shit was thrown everywhere like someone had an angry fit. So Nikki must be here somewhere.

I was about to make my way to the bungalow down the back when I heard a grunt come from upstairs. My head immediately snapped up towards the stairs and I backtrack and walked up them. I reached the top of the stairs and as I got closer I made a note to myself to be extremely quiet so that not even I could hear my foot steps.

I turned the corner to where Nikki's room was, the door was shut but I could see the light underneath the door. 'This is it Hailie.' I said to myself. I walked over to the door and quietly pushed it open and stepped inside. I looked around Nikki's bedroom which looked like a bomb had hit it. Somebody had definitely being in here but there was no sign of Nikki. I was about to walk out when I noticed a leg sticking out of the closet.

I walked over to the closet to find out that the leg belong to a very strung out and fucked up Nikki Sixx. 'Nikki?' I asked as my eyes went wide looking straight into his eyes, I barely recognised him. He looked back at me dead in the eye and then groaned. 'Get outta here H.' He mumbled. 'Nikki are you okay??' I asked hysterically as I ran over to him, pulling the needle out of his arm and grabbing a shirt to stop the bleeding.

'I'm fine Hailie just leave me alone.' He groaned. 'No I'm not fucking leaving you alone.' I said adamantly, applying pressure to the wound and trying to give him a hug with my other arm. At first he tried to fight it but then gave up and hugged me back lightly. 'I'm sorry.' He whispered so lightly I could barely hear him. 'Let's get you cleaned up.' I told him, pulling him up with all my strength.

Nikki leaned against me as I lead him downstairs with a lot of difficulty. Eventually I got him on the couch, I noticed he had the cold shakes so I covered him with a blanket and went to get him a glass of water. As I came back, I handed him the glass of water. 'Drink.' I demanded. He looked at me intently as he took a big gulp and handed the glass back to me.

'Why are you with me?' Nikki asked. 'Because I love you.' I replied honestly. 'You should not be with me, all I do it hurt you.' Nikki responded. 'You're battling you're own battle.' I signed. 'No Hailie don't you get it! You cannot be with me anymore!' Nikki yelled. 'Yes I can stop being fucking stupid Nikki.' I clapped back, getting annoyed. 'If you're not gonna leave then I'm breaking up with you!' He said harshly.

'What? No Nikki you don't know what you're saying.' I answered, trying to grab his hand. 'Yes I do Hailie! How can I love you like you deserve when I can't even get my shit together!' He said in frustration, ripping his hand away from mine. Tears started to form in my eyes, this was all getting too much for me. 'So you don't talk to me for the entire time you're in Japan and now you're breaking up with me?' I asked trying not to cry.

'I'm sorry Hailie, I love you but I don't want to keep hurting you.' He said quietly, looking away. 'We can still be together Nikki, it doesn't have to be like this! You can go to rehab and get help and I'll be there waiting when you get out and-' I started babbling, trying to say anything to get Nikki to stay. 'No Hailie I need to do this by myself. If you love me, you'll let me go.' Nikki stated.

I looked at Nikki and I could tell he was so serious about this. I broke down crying and put my head in my lap, trying to get myself together. 'I'm sorry H, maybe after I get better we can try again and I can be the man you deserve.' Nikki explain, putting a hand on my back to comfort me. I thought about what he said and looked back up at him again.

'Promise me, when you get sober that you'll come back to me.' I stated, looking straight into his eyes. 'It's gonna be a really long time before I get completely sober.' Nikki replied. 'I don't care how god damn long, just promise you'll come back.' I cut in quickly. He took a deep breath and stared at me for a few moments. 'I promise.' He answered. 'Good.' I responded. I couldn't believe this was happening, but I had to make sure I hadn't lost him completely.

He reached his arms out to me and I jumped into them immediately. 'I don't want you to leave.' I cried into his arms. 'I know baby, but I have to do this for myself.' He replied, rubbing my back. I nodded, I completely understood why he needed to do this I just wish he'd let me be there with him. After a few more minutes of hugging and kissing him goodbye, he walked me to the front door.

'Take care of yourself H.' He said, kissing me goodbye. 'I love you.' He added. 'I love you too' I cried, running my hand along his arm before pulling away. I cried even more walking down the foot path to Tommy's car as Nikki watched on. Doc pulled in the driveway as I reached the car, to take Nikki to rehab. I got in the car and didn't dare to look at anyone, I didn't want to cry even more then I already had.

'What happened H?' Mick asked after watching Nikki and Doc pulling out of the driveway and driving away. 'He broke up with me.' I said quietly. 'What?!' Tommy and Alex both said at the same time. 'Yeah, said he needs to get better on his own.' I told them. 'Shit.' Mick said under his breath. 'Did he say anything else?' Alex asked. 'I made him promise to come back to me after he was better, who knows if that's gonna happen though.' I groaned, looking out the window to my place.

Tommy started the car and pulled into my driveway, I felt so fucking drained, it still hadn't fully hit me that Nikki and I weren't together anymore. 'Paddy's home!' Alex yelled out, running into his arms where he stood waiting on the front deck. Paddy locked eyes with me and I knew instantly there was something up by the way he was looking at me.

'One thing after another.' I said to myself, as I got out of the car and followed the others in.

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