Chapter 26. Forgiveness

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I woke up with a huge headache and feeling nauseous. I whined as I tried to move my head, then I felt an arm grip tighter around my waist. I looked over to see Nikki sleeping behind me, his hair was a mess and he was dribbling. I laughed at the sight until I realized I was still mad at him. I pulled his arm away and got up to head for the bathroom before I puked on the floor. 'Where you going H?' He mumbled. I couldn't even answer, the vomit was coming up now. 

I ran over to the toilet and instantly hurled into it, after what felt like hours, I stood up and walked over to the mirror. I looked like absolute shit, my face was all puffy, my eyes were red and I was a lovely shade of yellow. Something wasn't right, I didn't feel like myself. I felt so out of place and weird. 'Why the fuck did you do that to yourself? Nikki was right.' I scolded myself in the mirror. Although he is a major hypocrite, but Paddy's mad at me too.

Oh my god Paddy! I had to find him before he could leave or something worse. I ran into the bedroom and instantly started getting dressed into black jeans, docs and an over sized hoodie.  'Where are you going?' Nikki mumbled as he watched me. 'To find Paddy, I'm not going to lose him over this.' I answered. 'Maybe it's best if you just leave him alone for a while.' Nikki responded. I turned around and glared at him. 'Don't start telling me what to do with my own family Sixx.' I spat. He didn't reply and stared at me until I walked out.

I walked down the hallway to Paddy's room and knocked on it softly. There was no answer but the door was open so I let myself in. I could see him sitting on the balcony and quietly slipped out the balcony sliding door. 'Hey.' I mumbled. 'Hey.' He replied, not even looking up at me. I signed and sat down opposite him. 'Paddy please look at me.' I begged. 'What do you want Hailie?' He said harshly. 'I want to apologize, I am so sorry I ever did that. I never should have, not only do I feel like complete shit, I upset you and I was being a major hypocrite and for that I'm so sorry. Please don't leave.' I explained. The thought of losing Paddy again was too much to bare. 

'Hailie I'm not leaving.' He chuckled. I breathed a sign of relief, 'Thank god.' I said to myself. 'I am disappointed though, especially after the coke incident the other week I thought you would have known better.' He added. 'I know I'm an idiot.' I whined. 'Look I don't care if you want to do drugs, just let me know so that I can watch over you. Definitely no zombie dust again though, who knows what's in that shit.' Paddy told me. 'So you forgive me?' I said smiling. 'Of course, can't live without my twin.' He answered. I got up and gave him a big hug. I was so happy that I wasn't losing him again. 

After talking to Paddy, I walked back to the room Nikki and I shared and plonked down on the couch. 'How did it go?' Nikki's voice came from behind me. 'He forgave me.' I said, smiling to myself. 'Of course he did, he's you're brother and you're best friend.' Nikki chuckled. He handed me a cup. 'What's this?' I asked him. 'Peppermint tea, helps with headaches. I feel better drinking this is if I'm coming down.' He answered. 'Thank you for taking care of me.' I smiled at him. 'Always H. Listen about last night, I am a hypocrite and I'm sorry. I just want you to be okay.' He explain. 'Nikki it's okay, I'm sorry too. I never should have touched that stuff.' I replied.

I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. Nikki smiled against it and I knew he was happy we were okay. Suddenly, Tommy and Alex walked into our room. 'Man I am never doing that shit again.' Alex complained. 'Me either, I feel terrible.' I replied. 'I told you that you couldn't handle it.' Tommy said laughing. 'Shut up T-Bone,  there's something really wrong with that stuff. I'll just stick to coke from now on.' Alex replied. 'I'll get you some peppermint tea, it helps.' Nikki said. 'Cheers Sixx.' Alex smiled as she propped herself next to me. Nikki got up and walked to the kitchen with Tommy following. 

'The high was amazing but the come down is sooo not worth it.' Alex whined. 'How are we gonna play a fucking show tonight?' I asked. 'Well I'm backing it up with vodka, I need something to take the edge off.' She said. I laughed and agreed with her. Nikki came back with the tea and we all chatted for a bit before we had to head to the venue again. This time we were all going together, Doc and Vicky were in the hallways gathering everybody. We walked out into the hallways and saw Slash slumped up against the wall. 

'How you feeling dude?' I asked as I approached him. 'Not good, I'm hoping it doesn't effect the show tonight.' He replied. 'Yeah me too, worst drug ever!' I exclaimed as he chuckled at me. 'Come on I'll help you to the tour bus.' I said as I put his arm around my neck. He put all his weight on me and I realized I needed more help. 'Uh Nikki? A little help?' I called out to Nikki. He came over and grabbed Slash's other arm, we both walked him out to the tour bus. 'Big night man?' Nikki asked with a grin. 'You know it.' Slash chuckled. 

'Jesus man, you look rough.' Paddy said to Slash as we approached him at the front of the tour bus. 'Yep I feel it.' Slash replied. 'Can you look after him today while we rehearse?' I asked Paddy. 'Yeah sure thing.' He answered. We all loaded onto the tour bus, I sat down next to Nikki, while Alex and Tommy sat beside me and Vince and Mick sat opposite us. 'Okay I'm having some shots, I need a buzz.' Alex told us, grabbing a full bottle of vodka behind us in the bar area. I did two shots and felt a little better after a while as we pulled up to the arena. I leaned into Nikki's chest and he wrapped his arm around me. 

We got off the bus and I decided to ruffle Nikki's hair as we did so, which is a BIG no no. 'Oh hell no H, I'm gonna get you for this!' He yelled as I ran off the bus with a grin on my face. Nikki chased me all over the place while the others watched, I shrieked with laughter as I ran away from him. I was too quick and he couldn't catch me so he gave up. 'I will get you Hailie, you just wait.' He sniggered. 'Good to see that you two are back on.' Mick said to us. 'Oh we're always on.' I replied rolling my eyes and giggling. 

We all walked into the venue to see the guys from Skid Row sitting there waiting for us. 'Rachel!' Ashleigh squealed as she ran and jumped into his lap. 'Woah when was that a full on thing?' Tommy asked. 'Good question.' Alex laughed.  I saw Sebastian Bach sitting there, I remember him from the club in Detroit. He finished up greeting Izzy and turned to me, 'Well well well, how you doing Hailie?' He asked, kissing me on the cheek. I blushed. 'Good thanks, why are you guys here?' I asked. 'Oh we're touring as well, we have a show here tomorrow night so we were rehearsing before you guys got here.' He answered.

Suddenly he looked behind me and I knew immediately that Nikki was standing there. 'Hey Sixx, how's it going?' Sebastian asked. 'Real good, thanks for asking.' Nikki replied, wrapping his arm around my neck and kissing me on the head. Sebastian watched and took the sign to wrap it up and walk away. I turned around to scold Nikki for being so rude but I saw him glaring at Sebastian. 'I saw him kiss you're cheek, I don't like that.' He whispered in my ear before I could say something. I rolled my eyes with a smile. 'I'm yours baby, remember that.' I replied. Kissing him on the cheek. 

'Hey you guys wanna come out with us tonight?!' Vince yelled out. 'Fuck yeah man!' Sebastian yelled as everyone cheered. 'See you there.' Sebastian winked at me before walking off. Oh my god why did he do that?! I turned around to see Nikki fuming, his face had the dirtiest look on it.

This was not going to be good.  

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