Chapter 46. Poisons go wild

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I wake up and realise I'm lying in my bed. How the heck did I get here? I groaned and stretched my legs noticing someone's arm was draped across my waist loosely. I looked over to see Nikki, snoring lightly and looking like an angel. Suddenly I remembered being punched in the face and being carried out by someone before blacking out, it must of been Nikki. I smiled a little and kissed the top of his nose before getting up, he didn't even stir.

I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, getting a little surprise. I had a black eye and bruising along my jaw, fuck how am I supposed to go out in public like this?? I walked back out to where Nikki laid and woke him up. 'Huh?' He mumbled looking over at me, then his eyes went wide. 'Fuck Hailie, that brawl did a number on you.' Nikki told me. 'Thank you for carrying me out of there.' I said quietly. 'Uh it's not problem.' He replied nervously. 'I'm gonna go find Alex, see if she's much better.' I chuckled. 'At least you're other bruises will match now.' Nikki said with a small sympathetic smile. I realised he was right and didn't bother covering up my summer pj set.

I kissed Nikki on the cheek and made my way downstairs to where Tommy, Paddy, Vince and Alex all were. 'Jesus fucking Christ Hailie are you okay?!' Paddy screeched. I looked down, the bruises on my chest and neck were still fresh even though the attack happened a couple of nights ago, which worked in my favour so I didn't have to tell anyone. 'Yes I'm fine, just a little sore.' I chuckled as everyone looked at me in shock. I sat down next to Alex and pulled her towards me, studying her face. Her lip and nose was busted and her eyebrow had being spilt opened. 'We really outdone ourselves last night.' I laughed which made Alex chuckled. 'I fucking know right! See Tommy, we are fine!' Alex assured Tommy who gave us concerning looks before going back to his breakfast.

'You guys really need to go get looked at.' Vince told us. 'No way Vinnie we are fine!' I told him adamantly. 'Hailie will you listen for once? You both need medical attention.' Paddy told us seriously. 'No!' Alex and I both said together and started laughing. 'Lighten up P, it's not the end of the world.' Alex told him cheerfully. The phone rang in the kitchen and Tommy got up to answer it while Paddy gave us disapproving looks. Tommy came back and looked at Alex and I concerned. 'That was Vicky, she wants you guys to come in for a meeting at 12.' Tommy said quietly. 'Fuck.' Alex replied, then we both started giggling. 'We're in trouble.' I sang sarcastically.

A few hours went by and everyone was up now. I had packed everything ready to go to Denver before I had to go see Vicky, it was finally time to go and I ran downstairs after Alex called my name out numerous times. 'Alright let's go!' I called out, grabbing her arm. 'We're coming.' Nikki said adamantly as he and Tommy walked behind us. 'No it's okay we'll be fine.' I replied politely. 'You don't get a choice Hailie.' Nikki answered bluntly as Alex gave Tommy a look.

The car ride to Vicky and Doc's apartment they were staying at was awkward, Tommy and Nikki didn't say anything. Like they knew something bad had or was going to happen. 'Geez you guys are quiet.' Alex told them. 'Nah baby just tired.' Tommy replied smiling at her but it wasn't convincing at all. We arrived and knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer. 'Hello girls.' Doc stated as he opened the door. 'Vicky's waiting for you in the lounge.' He added, before walking outside with Tommy and Nikki. 'Good luck.' Tommy called out to us, Nikki didn't say anything and I frowned a little. 'There's something going on.' I whispered to Alex. 'You think?' She whispered back.

We made our way to the lounge where a clearly very annoyed Vicky sat. 'Sit down.' She demanded. We sat opposite her and waited for her to say something. 'You guys look like hell.' She finally said after staring at us for a few moments. 'Listen Vicky, we're really sorry. It was stupid and it won't happen again.' I told her sincerely. 'Yeah you better be sorry.' She replied as she slammed down magazines and the local newspaper on the coffee table. 'Fuck.' Alex said quietly as we could clearly see us on every front cover fighting in the brawl. 'Pretty poisons out of control!' 'Poisons go wild in Dallas!' They read and loads more. 'Well shit.' I said, shocked.

'What the fuck is wrong with you girls?!' Vicky yelled at us. 'Some chick threw her drink all over Hailie, we weren't just gonna let it happen!' Alex yelled back. 'I don't care! You should be mature enough to walk the fuck away, do you know how bad this publicity is for the band?!' Vicky screeched. 'You're lucky I'm not kicking you off the god damn tour!' She added. 'Motley and Guns have being in countless brawls you've never pulled them up!' I yelled at Vicky. 'Cause they aren't stupid enough to let the press see!' She hissed at me. I groaned and leaned back in my chair. This was bad, we really fucked ourselves over.  'Don't even let something like this happen again, and I'm sending you both to the hospital for check ups. No ifs or buts!' Vicky raised her voice as Alex tried to intervene.

We walked outside to where Tommy and Nikki sat and sat down waiting for Vicky to take us to the hospital. 'Sorry girls.' Tommy said quietly. 'Yeah thanks for the heads up!' Alex said sarcastically. I looked at Nikki who hadn't said anything, he was fixated on my hand. I looked down and saw he was staring at my promise ring he gave me, I quickly tucked my hand in my pocket and looked away embarrassed. 'Okay let's go!' Vicky yelled from inside.

We got in the van and Nikki sat next to me. 'You still got the tattoo and the ring?' He asked with a smile. 'Well its a pretty ring, and I can't get rid of the tattoo obviously.' I told him. 'Please don't, it looks good on you.' He winked. I looked at him with a sneer and poked my tongue out at him. 'Thank you again for saving me last night.' I said quietly. 'I will always look after you H.' Nikki told me, kissing me on the cheek and wrapping his arm around me.

We got to the hospital and immediately got in to see a doctor so that we weren't harassed by anyone. Alex and I went together and she was examined first. 'Okay, You've got a fracture in you're nose and you'll need stitches for you're lip and eyebrow.' He said to her. Next up was me, I was nervous. I took off my clothes, standing in my underwear waiting for Alex's reaction. 'Fuck H, they really got you.' She said from behind me.

The doctor started examining me and stopped to studying the bruises around my neck all the way down my chest and under my ribs. 'Did this supposedly happen last night?' He asked us. 'Yes.' We both replied. 'Well Hailie, these bruises are forming a green colour around them which means that from the neck down, you already obtained these bruises from another event.' The doctor told me. I froze, I didn't want to see Alex's face. 'H?' Alex asked quietly. 'You're okay, you'll just need a couple days for all these bruises to heal.' The doctor spoke up.

'Hailie look at me!' Alex exclaimed as I put my clothes back on. I stopped and looked at her with tears in my eyes. 'Who fucking did this to you?' She demanded. I broke down and told her everything that happened the other night. 'Oh my god Hailie, I'm so fucking sorry.' Alex cried as she hugged me and held me tight. 'I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just wanted to pretend like it didn't happen.' I answered honestly. 'I wondered why you were wearing baggie clothes, I knew something wasn't right at soundcheck too.' Alex told me. 'I love you so much H, we're gonna get this asshole.' She added. 'We have no idea who he is but I appreciate it.' I chuckled.

We left the hospital and were driving back to the house for everyone else to leave for Denver. I leaned against Nikki and put my head on his shoulder. 'Alex found out about the other night.' I told him quietly. 'Good that means we can plan our revenge.' He answered. I knew he was serious but I hoped they wouldn't find him, I didn't want Nikki and Alex on a murder charger and I just wanted to put it behind me.

A weight had being lifted off my shoulders now, I didn't have to hide it from my best friend anymore.

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