Chapter 53. Music video

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*above is Hailie in the music video.*

I woke up feeling like absolute shit. I laid there rubbing my head as memories of last night flooded my mind. I groaned realising Nikki and I are still not in a good place and sat up. Paddy laid beside me snoring and drooling all over the place 'Yuck.' I chuckled. I didn't even hear him come in last night.

I got up and walked out to the kitchen where the girls all sat eating breakfast. 'Hey where did you run off to last night H?' Ash asked. 'Here.' I replied flatly. 'What's up girl? You look a little down.' Imogen asked concerned. 'It's Sixx.' Alex told them, putting her plate in the sink. 'Just the same thing over and over again, it's exhausting.' I signed. 'It'll be okay H, you'll get through it.' Imogen smiled. 'Yeah, are you excited about today?! It'll be good to get you're mind off things.' Alex said cheerfully. I looked at her confused then realised today was the day we were shooting our music video. 'Oh fuck! That's today??' I asked excited. 'Yep!' The girls cheered.

'Have we figure out what we wanna do for the video?' I asked. 'We were thinking grungy punk rock type of setting.' Ash told me. 'Yeah but we not sure what yet.' Imogen said. I leaned back and thought about it for a second. 'How about we perform in an alleyway with band posters everywhere and people surrounding us?' I asked them. 'That's not a bad idea actually.' Ash said. 'We could do like a fight club!' Alex chirped up. 'Why would we do that?' Imogen asked her chuckling. 'Well the title of the song is I always get what I want so we can show that we will fight and won't stop until we get what we want.' Alex explained. 'Yeah alright that sounds good actually.' I replied. 'We should start the song by running a muck on the streets.' Imogen laughed. 'Get you're leather on girls, it's gonna be a rad one!' Alex yelled as Vicky beep the horn outside.

I quickly got changed and left Sleeping beauty (Paddy) snoring away, I wrote him a note and ran out the door. 'We're all in good shape I hope?' Vicky asked as we climbed in. 'Good as gold V!' Imogen beamed. We arrived to the studio and started talking to the director about what we wanted. 'I can make that happen girls, there's an ally way out the back with posters everywhere, and I'll make some calls to round people up. We'll start shooting you guys running around on the streets now, so go get changed!' He exclaimed.

I was so excited, I found my outfit which was a studded leather jacket matched with high waisted laced up leather shorts, with a black bralette, sheer tights and black Doc martins to complete the look. I got in the makeup chair next to Alex and we keep trying to think of things we could do when we hit the streets. 'Let's just go with the flow.' I told her. 'Yeah things work out best when we do that.' She chuckled.

*two hours later*

We came back from filming down the sunset strip and it was fucking awesome. Just doing random shit while I sang to the camera, getting a lot of weird looks from people and fans chasing us. 'Alright girls, scene 2 let's do this!' The director yelled as we followed him to the back of the building. We were greeted by a fucking sick setup and also Vicky and Tommy. 'Hey babe!' Alex called out as she ran up and kissed him. 'Thought I'd stop by and watch you kill it as usual.' Tommy chuckled. 'We ready girls?' Someone called out. We ran over to the set and got in our positions. As I was going over my plans with the director, I saw out of the corner of my eye somebody leaning against the wall having a cigarette. I stopped and looked at the person realising it was Nikki. 'Fuck me.' I mumbled to myself. The director looked back at Nikki and then asked me if I wanted him to leave. 'No it's okay, let's just do this.' I groaned.

I stood at the microphone stand, Nikki's eyes are now on me as he had realised I saw him standing there. I smirked a little, knowing I looked good. We filmed the alley way scene with people everywhere around us, singing along and jumping around like mad. Now we're on our way to our last shoot, the fight club, set up further down the alley way with cars surrounding the 'pit'. I sat down in the chair again so the make up artist could paint fake blood and cuts on my lip, same with the other girls. 'Woah this is bad ass.' Tommy said cheerfully. 'That's us in a nutshell.' Ash chuckled.

'Hey H.' Nikki said from the other side of me. 'What you doing here Nikki?' I signed. 'I wanted to come watch you film this, plus Tommy was already coming.' He said shrugging. 'You know what would really make this video?' I asked him. 'What?' He asked, curiously. 'If you put every single girl you've ever hooked up with in front of me, in this ring for me to fight.' I said sarcastically. 'Then there would be real blood shed, none of this fake shit painted on me.' I added. Nikki laughed nervously as I gave him a dirty look. 'Hailie you're up first!' The director yelled. 'Or maybe I'll just imagine these are the girls you have being with.' I said with a smirk. Nikki's smile faded away as he watched me walk to the pit.

'And that's a wrap! Well done girls!' The director called out as every one started clapping and cheering. 'Thank god, I need to sleep I'm exhausted.' I groaned, as I pulled off the fake blood on my knuckles and my mouth. 'That was awesome girls! I'm really proud.' Vicky said cheerfully. We got to keep the clothes we wore for the video so we just jumped in the van waiting to be driven home. That took us 12 hours to shoot and we have a show tomorrow, I'm gonna die. Nikki and Tommy jumped in the van with us too and I rolled my eyes. Guess they were coming back to our house. Nikki didn't say a word to anyone, just kept glancing over at me as I looked out the window.

We made it home and I was the first one to jump out and go inside. 'You gonna stay up and have a drink with us?' Alex asked as Nikki looked up eagerly waiting for an answer. 'Nah I'm exhausted.' I replied. 'Hey guys!' Paddy called out as he walked into the kitchen with just a towel on. 'Please tell me you did not just wake up.' I asked him. 'Yeah like half and hour ago.' He replied with a chuckle. 'Well there's my replacement, good night guys.' I laughed. 'Good night!' Everyone replied before going back to their shenanigans. Nikki looked at me sadly as I walked into my room and shut the door. I was so tired I didn't even take my clothes off, just crawled into bed and fell asleep straight away.

Of course, dreaming about Nikki as usual.

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