Chapter 16. Perfect night

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We drove down to Ohio and decided it was easier just to stay in the tour buses this time at the back of the venue. We didn't have a show until tomorrow night so we had today off. Nikki wanted to go out for lunch with Alex and Tommy then go check out some record stores and do some shopping. Before we went, Alex and I went to check in with Ash.

She had being staying on Motley's bus with us since the whole Axl incident and hadn't being herself. We walked to the back of the bus and walked in on her snorting coke with Vince. 'Hey guys! You want some?' Vince offered as Ashleigh giggled. 'Uh.. I'm fine thanks.' I said, declining the offer. 'Me too.' Alex said and smiled but you could tell she was concerned.

'Can we have a chat with Ash?' Alex asked Vince. 'Sure thang, let me just get outta here.' He replied, getting up and walking out of the room. We sat down on either side of Ash and she was absolutely coked out of her mind. 'Ashleigh how often have you being doing this stuff?' I asked her. 'Uhhh.. a couple times a day.' She giggled. Alex and I both looked at each other before signing. We had gone through this before with her, every time she breaks up with a boyfriend she self inflicts and destructs herself. It breaks our heart to see her hurting and not being able to do a thing.

'Just remember that we are always here for you, even just to sit in silence.' I told Ash. She looked at us with tears in her eyes. 'I'm sorry guys, I'm just going through a rough patch. It'll get better eventually, the music really helps.' She told us. 'Well maybe you should look into seeing other guys. What about the one from the bar the other night?' Alex asked. 'Rachel? Oh yeah, I've being calling him a fair bit actually.' She smiled. 'Wait isn't that Sebastian's band mate??' I asked. 'Yeah!' Ash smiled up at me. 'Well he seems like a cool dude to me.' Alex told her. 'Yeah, I approve!' I agreed, winking at her. 'Just as long as he treats you the way you deserve to be treated.' I added. 'It's early days guys, I'm just having fun.' Ash told us before snorting another line. 

We left her in the state she was in and let Imogen know who was hanging out with Mick on the bus to watch her. 'You love birds have fun.' Mick winked at us while strumming his guitar. 'Wait till you get a girlfriend Mars!' Alex teased. We left the bus and walked over to the car that Nikki and Tommy were leaning against waiting for us. 'You ready?' Nikki said grinning at me as I approached him. 'Let's go!' I yelled, jumping in the car. 'I'm bloody starving.' Alex complained.

We went to a burger place and had the feast of our lives. We were telling jokes and laughing hysterically, I looked up at Nikki and realized how happy I was. I was with someone that I loved to death, faith bringing us together, we were with our best friends, on tour together and enjoying life. This is what it's all about, I wished that we could stay like this forever. After lunch, we went shopping at the record stores like Nikki wanted. We strolled down the aisles hand in hand, looking at all kinds of records. Nikki picked out the new Aerosmith album and I picked out an old Rolling Stones one. 

Tommy and Alex decided to head to a bar together and left Nikki and I. 'What do you wanna do?' Nikki asked me. 'It's a beautiful day, let's take a walk in a park somewhere.' I said, smiling. Nikki chuckled before saying, 'Whatever you'd like princess.' I loved it when he called me that. We drove around until we found a botanical garden with lots of flowers and bushes. We walked up the path hand in hand again, just making small talk and enjoying each other company. He picked a rose out from a rose bush and handed it to me. 'I'll keep this forever.' I told him, and meant it. 'Even when it goes all dead and yuck?' He asked surprised. 'Yep, it means something to me so I'll always keep it.' I said. Nikki stopped me and looked me in the eyes. 'I've never met someone like you.' He told me. 'Someone like me?' I asked, frowning. 

'Yeah, you're so different from any other girl I've being with. You actually care about me and take the time to get to know me or do things for me, no one's ever done that before. You're absolutely gorgeous but have a heart of gold, I love everything about you, from when we're in bed cuddling to watching you perform on stage or even listening to you write songs. I can't get enough of you.' He explained. I blushed and looked away, 'Nikki you're gonna make me cry.' I said chuckling, then looking back up at him. 'I mean it.' He said, pulling me in closer. 'Nikki' I whispered, tears in my eyes. 'No one's ever said such nice things to me before.' I added. 'You deserve to know.' He replied. I leaned up and kissed him. These feelings I have for Nikki are so strong that I generally believe that I can never stop loving him, no matter what happens. 

We pulled away and keep walking, with a stupid grin on both our faces. 'So what do we wanna do tonight?' Nikki asked. 'I'll let you decide this one.' I grinned up at him. He was quiet for a moment, obviously thinking about what to do. 'Okay, I've got an idea. It's a surprise though. I'll drop you off back at the tour bus and pick you up at 6pm.' He told me. 'Oooh okay!' I said, excited. 

He dropped me off at the tour bus, kissed me goodbye and drove off to wherever he was going. I smiled to myself before walking onto the tour bus, I wasn't prepared for the scene I was walking into. Ash sat on the sofa, hysterically crying while Mick and Imogen sat on either side of her trying to calm her down. I looked around the bus and shit had being thrown everywhere. 'What happened! Ash are you okay?' I said concerned, rushing over to her and kneeling down it front of her. She had her head in her hands and was rocking back and forth, crying. 'Vince gave her too much coke to snort and now she's paranoid and having a panic attack. She keeps having flash backs of Axl hitting her.' Imogen explained. 'Hai-li..e' Ash stammered, reaching out for me. Imogen and Mick moved aside as I jumped up next to her and pulled her into me, just holding her and rubbing her arm. 'Shush it's okay, we're all here, nothing bad is gonna happen to you.' I cooed. 

After 20 minutes, Ash finally calmed down and went to bed to sleep it off. 'Well that was nuts.' Mick said after she shut the door to the bunks. 'She does that a lot actually.' Imogen said, signing. 'Yeah, we've had to do that a few times. Ash and drugs don't mix well.' I explained. Mick shook his head and signed. I heard a toot outside and realized the time was 6pm. 'Okay guys I gotta go!' I yelled, grabbing my jacket and running out door. 'Sixx you are whipped!' Mick yelled as I ran over to Nikki and hugged him. 'You just wait for you're turn Mars, it'll come!' Nikki yelled back, grinning. We jumped in the car and Nikki started driving. 'Where are we going?!' I asked, excitedly. 'You'll see baby.' He grinned at me.

After about 10 minutes of driving, Nikki pulled off to the side of the road into this remote area with loads of bushes. He finally drove into an opening of a lookout on a cliff that you could see the whole town on, with the moon and stars shining down on the town. 'Nikki this is absolutely beautiful, I love it!' I exclaimed. 'I knew you would.' He said and smiled down at me before kissing me. 'Cmon jump up on the hood.' He said, motioning me to get up on the hood of the car. As I did so, he went to the back seat and pulled out some takeaway bags and a blanket. 'Sorry I know it's not the best.' He said, looking away after I didn't say anything. I grabbed his face so that he had to look at me. 'This is perfect Sixx.' I told him, smiling. He smiled back and handed me a burger and fries. After we ate our food, we wrapped the blanket around each other and I leaned into Nikki's chest while he wrapped his arms around me, just looking at the view. 'I love you Hailie Darcy.' Nikki whispered in my ear. 'I love you too Nikki Sixx.' I replied, before kissing him.

Today was amazing and this moment was perfect. I could spend the rest of my life with Nikki and wouldn't complain or change it for anything. 

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