Chapter 37. King's cup

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'We are The Pretty Poisons, thank you so much for having us Madison! Now here are Guns n Roses!' I screamed into the microphone as our set ended. The crowd went crazy as Guns ran on stage. 'Thanks H!' Axl called out as he ran past me, I gave him a small smile. 'You rocked as usual babe!' Izzy also called out as Slash gave me a high five.

The girls and I went back stage and Motley Crue was no where to be found. 'They're probably in their dressing room having a meeting.' Alex told us. 'Yeah probably. So Ashleigh, anything going on with Vinnie?' I asked Ash with a smirk. 'Nah just hooking up. I had to cut things off with Rachel though, it's not fair to him.' She said. 'Good girl, you're not the type to break hearts.' Alex winked at her. 'Hey guys!' Paddy called out as he walked into the room taking a seat next to me. 'Motley are having a meeting.' He added before we could ask.

'Alright well let's pick up where I left off at lunch!' I said with a smile, picking up a bottle of vodka from the table. 'Do you ever drink anything else?' Paddy chuckled. 'Nope, this is my poison.' I replied, as I poured Alex and I a drink. We started playing a drinking game called kings cup that seemed to go forever, Imogen lost and had to drink the cup in the middle which was mixed with everyone's drinks. I felt sorry for her, it looked disgusting.

Motley walked past as they were about to go on stage, Nikki walked up to me and gave me a kiss but I could tell something was up. He was about to walk off when I pulled him back again and looked into his eyes. 'How many drugs have you mixed together?' I asked him worried. 'Nah babe it's all good, I'll see you after the show.' He said smiling, as he pulled away. Mick gave me a look of sympathy as he followed Nikki. 'Geez Sixx didn't look so good.' Paddy said once they left the room. 'It's getting to the point where I don't know how the fuck he's doing these shows anymore, he's always too strung out or getting locked up.' I complained, shaking my head.

'Well there's only one way to forget about it.' Alex said with a small smile, holding up the vodka bottle. I grabbed it and poured more of it into my drink. 'Guess I'm babysitting tonight.' Paddy signed. 'Nah Paddy, you're getting smashed too.' Alex replied, pouring him a shot. Guns then walked in and sat down, psyched up from the show. 'Wanna play kings cup?' Alex asked them. 'Yep!' Slash, Izzy and Axl all called out. Steven and Duff went to the bathroom probably to do some coke.

I ended up losing and having to drink the cup and by the time Motley finished their set, I was a loose cannon. I couldn't see properly nor couldn't even speak. We had just finished up another game that resulted in Paddy losing when the Crue walked in. 'Okay let's go!' Tommy yelled as he ran over to pick Alex up bridal style. 'Where w-we g-going?' I struggled to say. Nikki started laughing hysterically at me and ruffled my hair. 'To the club cherry bomb.' He replied with a smirk. As everyone got up, Nikki helped me up and I could barely even stand so he threw me over his shoulder and walked out with everyone. 'Man I nearly forgot you've got Sixx tattooed on you're ribs.' Paddy said to me rolling his eyes, my crop must be showing it off but I didn't care.

Nikki put me down and quickly ran to the bathroom. 'Oh what the fuck?' I called out. 'Come on man, I'll help you.' Izzy said, pulling me up and putting my arm around his neck. I started to find my feet again but still needed help. We got in the van and I sat in between Paddy and Izzy, Nikki got in not long after and gave Izzy and I a look but I didn't really care in that moment. He sat down the back with Tommy as the van took us to the club.

I sobered up a little bit by the time we got there and pulled Izzy with me to the bar for a drink straight away. 'I'm losing my drunk ness!' I shouted. 'Woah easier there, you'll get it back in no time.' Izzy chuckled. We joined Slash and Alex on the dance floor and dance for what felt like forever until Paddy came up to me. 'Yeah so I don't want to ruin you're night, but I just saw Sixx walk into the bathroom with some chick.' He told me. Everyone started paying attention as he said it. 'He fucking what?!' I screamed as I made my way to the toilet. 'Izzy, Paddy go with her!' I heard Alex yelled from behind me.

I slammed opened the women's toilets and checked every stall, no one was in there, Paddy and Izzy standing at the door. I walked straight past them as I headed into the men's toilets. One of the stalls was closed and I heard moaning from the inside. 'Stand back.' I told Paddy and Izzy as I kicked the door in which hit Nikki and whatever fucking slut was on top of him. 'What the fuck?!' Nikki yelled before he realised it was me that did it. I pulled the door off of them and just stared at them. 'Hailie-' Nikki started. 'You've got to me fucking kidding me right???' I yelled at him as I ran at them both. Nikki managed to squeeze past me but I got the slut and dunked her head in the toilet water. 'Hailie that's enough!!!!!' Paddy yelled as Izzy pulled me off her.

'Yeah that's right whore fucking run!!' I screamed as she ran out of the toilets while Izzy held me back. 'Hailie please.' Nikki pleaded. 'Don't even fucking talk to her Sixx, you've just ruined the best thing you'll ever have.' Paddy told him. 'Come on let's go.' Paddy said motioning for us to leave. 'I bet you're fucking loving this.' Nikki spat at Izzy as we walked by. 'He would never do me wrong.' I spat back at him as we left the bathroom.

(Thanks so much for reading and voting guys, I've got some pretty good stuff planned for this story so stay tuned. Much love xxx
P.s google kings cup if you're not sure what it is x)

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