Chapter 14. All or nothing

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We finished our second show in Detroit with a bang, we all killed it again. We had the next three days off so we were also staying another night before driving to Ohio on the tour buses.

We were all hanging out back stage waiting for Motley to freshen up before going out again. I was waiting for Nikki to appear when Izzy and Slash approached me. 'We're gonna have fun tonight.' Slash grinned at me as Izzy showed me yet another bag of coke. I looked at Ash who hadn't left my side all night and asked if she wanted to do some with us. Axl had left the set as soon as he finished, probably too afraid to stick around. Little fucker.

'Sure, anything to make me feel better.' She grinned at me. We got up to go to the bathroom and I called Alex over to do some too. Imogen was making out with Steven so I just left her to do her thing. We all squeezed into the tiny bathroom, Izzy started making lines for us all on the counter. We took it in turns, doing two bumps each. As soon as the coke hit me, I was instantly buzzing. 'Fuck man this is good.' Slash smiled as he slumped up against me. He was drunk and I could smell the liquor on him but I was in too good of a mood to care.

We left the bathroom and saw that Motley had returned finally. 'Where were you guys?' Mick asked. 'Just having some fun with our friend here.' Izzy laughed as he held up the bag of blow. I looked at Nikki smiling and he returned it with a frown. As the group started chatting, he grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. 'Are you sure you should be doing that stuff?' Nikki asked. I immediately got defensive, 'Are you serious? You can do any drugs you want, including heroin and take it as far as you like but I'm not even allowed to have a bump?' I scolded him. 'I just want you to be careful, you could overdo it.' He replied. 'Fuck off Nikki, don't ruin the night. Hasn't anyone told you that you can't control me?' I said bitterly, walking off and leaving him standing there.

We loaded onto the bus to take us to whatever club Vince had picked out and I saw Tommy doing the rest of Izzy's blow on the table to catch up with Alex. I decided to sit down next to Mick at the back and guzzle some vodka before getting there. 'How's Sixx going?' Mick asked me as I sat down. 'Why don't you fuckin ask him?' I said harshly, downing the cup of vodka in my hand. 'Wow what's gotten into you?' Mick asked surprised as I watched Nikki join in with Tommy and do a line. Fucking hypocrite. 'Just sick of Nikki trying to control me. I can't even do drugs, or go near anyone when we go out.' I groaned. 'Ah, yeah I saw this one coming.' Mick answered. 'What do you mean?' I asked, still looking over at Nikki.

'Sixx is a control freak, he doesn't mean to do it. Lately his own life is getting out of control and he thinks if he can control something or someone, then he's in full control of everything. He controls everything we do on the album.' Mick told me. 'Yeah well he's in for a real shock if he thinks I'm the one for him to boss around.' I muttered. Mick chuckled, 'Oh Fuck yeah he is. I'm not sure why he'd even try.' He replied.

We finally arrived at the club and the coke and vodka had taken full effect, I was a drunken mess. I staggered off the bus holding onto Slash trying to make it in. I'm surprised they let me in. We finally made it to a booth and Duff handed me a water. 'Pace yourself kid, you ain't going home early.' He grinned at me. I sat there for half an hour talking to him trying to sober up before I decided I needed another drink. He helped me up and walked me over to the bar even though I was fine. While I waited, he was telling some really funny jokes and I was laughing really loud. 'Someone's not happy.' Duff smirked at me, gesturing behind me. I looked around to see Nikki staring at us with a scowl on his face. Not this shit again. I turned back around and told Duff not to worry, I was too drunk and high to give a fuck.

After Duff and I had a shot, we met Alex, Slash and Tommy on the dance floor. 'Hey look over there!' Alex yelled grabbing me. I looked over to see Ashleigh sitting on top of another guy. 'Whooo go Ash!!' I yelled out.

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