Chapter 47. Guess who?

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After a long 12 hour bus ride and we finally arrived in Denver. It was 1am and I was tired as shit. The guys entertained themselves with all the cocaine in the world of course but Alex and I decided it was probably best to stay away from it tonight. Nikki kept sneaking off to the bathroom and I knew exactly what he was doing, but I wasn't with him anymore so what could I do about it? He'd come back, completely out of it and I'd look away because I hated seeing him like this.

Doc had already checked us all into the hotel since it was late and started pairing us up for sharing rooms. 'I'm sharing with H!' Nikki who was clearly strung out yelled from behind the group. 'Hailie and Paddy! You're in room 507, here's you're key.' Doc called out. 'Oh sweet!' Paddy said grabbing the key. I smiled and we walked off to our room, Nikki frowning and pouting his lips. 'Did you wanna room with Sixx?' Paddy whispered into my ear as we walked past Nikki. 'No way I can't deal with his shit right now.' I whispered back.

We got into our room and I picked the biggest bedroom then immediately got into bed, getting some much needed sleep. The pretty poisons have an interview at 10am and I wasn't looking forward to it at all.

*next morning*

I got up at 8.30am which is something different. I could hear Paddy snoring away, I chuckled as I headed into the bathroom for a shower. After I had finished, I put my makeup on and walked out to see the girls all sitting in my hotel room. 'Hey guys what's up?' I asked nervously. Ashleigh and Imogen hasn't spoken to me since our meeting with Vicky and I had assumed they were mad at us. Alex sat there uncomfortably looking at me. 'Sit H.' Ash told me. I sat down curiously waiting on what they were gonna say.

'We just want you to know that we 100% support you, we want you to tell you're side of the story today about the brawl in Dallas.' Imogen told us. 'Do you think they'll ask us about it?' Alex asked her. Ashleigh signed as she turned on the tv, the news was on and they were talking about the brawl. 'Jesus is it really a huge deal?' I asked annoyed. The news reporter asked the viewers to call the station and voice their thoughts. Alex and I watched on to see what people were gonna say, she squeezed my hand because we knew this was gonna be bad.

'Hello Tracy? You're on the air. What do you think about all this?' The news reporter asked. 'It's absolutely disgraceful, who do those girls think they are coming into our town and trying to start a riot? We need to make it known that they are not welcome back ever again!' The caller ranted into the phone. 'It doesn't help they're touring with Motley Crue who are no doubt rubbing off on them.' She added. 'Why bring them into this, they had nothing to do with it!' Alex yelled. Ash turned the tv off. 'So yes, they'll be asking about it in the interview.' Ash answered our question from before.

'We gotta be professional about it.' I told Alex. It was time to go and I got dressed quickly, I choose black mom jeans and vans with my runaways shirt and leather jacket. We walked down to the lobby and found Vince and Nikki standing there with Doc. 'Where's Tommy?' Alex asked. 'Still sleeping doll.' Vince answered, putting his arm around Ash. 'Good luck with the interview Hailie, we'll be watching.' Nikki told me. 'How will you be watching it?' I asked curiously. 'Oh yeah, it's gonna be live on MTV.' Imogen cut in, like this wasn't a big deal. 'Oh great, fuck my life.' I mumbled. 'You'll be fine, just tell you're side of the story.' Nikki told me, as he hugged me goodbye, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

We got in the van and I groaned, this was gonna be bad. 'You back with the sixxter?' Ash asked with a smirk. 'Hell no!' I replied with a grin. 'Nah it's just how they are.' Alex told Ash. 'I'm not back with him, but I can't seem to stay away from him. For now, we're just good friends but it won't be anything more.' I explained. 'Yeah yeah whatever H.' Imogen laughed. She was right, I had no fucking clue if I would take him back. I still loved him more then anything and he was looking so god damn good everyday I could barely keep my eyes off him. I signed and looked out the window, dreaming about the things I'd do to him if we weren't in the situation we were in.

We arrived at the studio and were getting ready to go on. 'H come here.' Alex half whispered from the bathroom. I walked in and looked at her, she was pointing to 2 lines on the sink. 'Just to make things a little better.' She grinned. I immediately did the line with no hesitations. I needed a hit before going to do this stupid fucking interview and so did Alex. Finally it was time to go on.

The interviewer started off asking questions about the album and us as a band. Imogen and Alex did most of the talking, I was waiting for the brawl to come up. 'Speaking about the tour, what happened with this brawl that happened at a night club in Dallas Hailie?' The interviewer asked me, there it was. I saw the cameras zoom in on me and my face went red. 'There is no excuses for what we did, we were simply standing up for ourselves but things escalated and got out of hand.' I explained. 'What do you mean standing up for yourself?' The interviewer asked. 'Somebody threw a drink at Hailie's head while she was on stage and hurled abuse.' Alex told her. 'Oh so you didn't started the brawl for nothing?' The interviewer asked again. 'No way! We would never go out of our way to start something like that for no reason.' I told her. 'Sounds like the people of Dallas should be looking at their behaviour as well.' The interviewer replied. Alex and I smiled at each other, that didn't go so bad.

Finally it was over and we got to go back to the hotel. It was 9pm and we didn't have a show tonight, so we were meeting the guys at a bar. The girls and I did more coke on the way there, we didn't wanna be sober when we got there. That familiar feeling came over me and I felt amazing as usual, I will never stop loving cocaine. We got to the bar and I got myself a drink before heading over to the guys with my gals. Ash and Alex immediately went over to Tommy and Vince while Imogen sat on Steven. I scanned the room and found Nikki getting a drink at the bar. Fuck me he looked hot tonight. He had leather pants on ripped at the knees with combat boots and a black shirt that was only buttoned up half way showing off his tanned skin and long sliver necklace on his bare chest.

I decided I was gonna go over there, fuck it. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him kissing his cheek. 'Guess who?' I asked with a smile. 'Hey H, what brings you over here?' He asked. 'You look fucking good tonight.' I accidentally slipped out. 'Oops.' I added as a big smirk spread across his face. 'Is that so?' Nikki asked. I looked at him, noticing how his hair wasn't teased and just looked amazing sitting around his face complementing his tanned face, green eyes and smile lines. I did the first thing that came to my mind, I leaned in and kissed him.

He kissed me back hard as he wrapped his arms around me, deepening the kiss. I put my hand on the back of his neck pulling him in even more. Suddenly he pulled away and looked into my eyes. 'I need you right now.' He whispered. 'Let's get out of here then.' I replied, smirking.

He grabbed my hand and we ran out of there, racing back to the hotel as fast as we could.

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