Chapter 48. I need you now

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(Warning: smut)

We kept running for ages and Nikki decided the hotel was too far away. He spotted a house nearby with a window open. 'Wait here I'll suss if anyone's home.' Nikki told me. 'No we can't break in! Let's just go back to the hotel.' I replied. 'I can't wait for the god damn hotel, I need you now.' He growled.

He quietly opened the window wider and looked around before getting in side. 'This is fucked.' I whispered to myself. After about 30 seconds, Nikki gave the all clear that no one was home and grabbed my arm to pull me in. I fell in and giggled then had a look around the room. It was huge, a massive king sized bed nearly took the whole room up with a tv and spa bathroom ensuite. 'This is fucking nice.' I told Nikki. 'Only the best for you baby.' He winked at me before kissing me and pushing me onto the bed.

He made his way down to my neck and started sucking on it while pulling my jeans off. I was getting so turned on, it's unbelievable how good this man can make me feel. He got them off then retreated back to my lips before taking off my shirt. He took a step back and realised I still had the marks and bruising on me. 'I'll be careful, I promise.' He whispered, looking into my eyes. 'You know how fucking hot it is to see my name on you?' He added as he traced the tattoo on my ribs. I pushed him off me and started undoing his leather pants, his member just itching to get out of there. He took his shirt off and I pulled his pants down exposing him. 'That's better.' I whispered standing up towards his face.

I started kissing him again as he pushed me down on the bed and held my arms back behind my head. 'You want this?' Nikki whispered in my ear, rubbing his dick against me. I moaned in response. 'Excuse me I can't hear you baby.' He said softly. 'Nikki just fuck me!' I yelled at him, getting more aroused with the teasing. He immediately rammed into me and I felt the pleasure rip through me once again. 'Jesus fucking Christ.' I moaned, grabbing the sheets from under me and stuffing it in my mouth. 'You can be as loud as you want, there's no one around. Let me hear you scream.' Nikki whispered into my ear as he pulled the sheet away while he repetitively fucked me.

I couldn't help myself, it had being a while since I had sex and I forgot how good it felt with Nikki. I was moaning and groaning louder and louder every time Nikki thrusted into me. 'Fuck Hailie you've got no idea how fucking hot that is!' He groaned before making out me with heavily, still fucking me at a fast pace. By the end of it I was screaming which was enough to make Nikki cum. He let out a high pitch groan as his dick itched inside me letting me know he had came. He laid there on top of me for a few moments, trying to catch his breath, his dick still throbbing inside me which felt absolutely amazing.

Finally he rolled over next to me. 'We need to do this more often.' Nikki finally said, looking at me with a grin. 'Maybe, if you're lucky.' I winked at him before getting up to get changed. 'You really are something H.' He laughed before joining me. We got changed and quickly got out of the house, not bothering to clean up the mess. 'I can't believe we just broke into somebody's house and fucked, that's fucking crazy!' I laughed as we made our way back to the bar. 'That's just how we do.' Nikki chuckled, putting his arm around my neck and pulling me closer. We made it back to the bar and everyone had seemed to notice we were gone. 'Hey where did you two go?!' Vince yelled as Tommy started screaming 'ohhh shit!' 'Shut up man, we just went to get some food.' Nikki lied through his teeth. I giggled knowing damn well that was a shitty lie.

'Yeah yeah we believe you Sixx.' Slash laughed. Paddy was giving me a look but I ignored it, I looked over at Izzy who was staring at me with sadness painted all over his face. I frowned as I looked at him but he rolled his eyes and walked off. What the fuck? I looked at Slash and mouthed 'what's up with Izzy?' Slash just shrugged his shoulders and gave me a sympathetic look. Thank fully Nikki didn't see it happened but I decided I was gonna chase after him. 'I'll be back, just going to the bathroom.' I told Nikki. 'Okay.' He smiled before turning his head back to Tommy. I raced after Izzy who disappeared upstairs to the upstairs deck and found him alone smoking a cigarette in the corner. I marched over to him, as he looked at me he realised he didn't have anywhere to go.

'Izzy what the hell was that?' I asked him as I crossed my arms. 'What was what?' He mumbled, taking a drag of his smoke. 'Don't play dumb, you're one of my best friends tell me what's up!' I demanded. 'That's just it isn't it Hailie! I'm one of you're best friends and that's all I ever will be!' He yelled. 'Izzy-' I started. 'No Hailie, I like you so much and I don't know what to do about it. I know you don't like me back but when you come back from fucking Sixx who keeps breaking you're heart over and over again I just don't understand what you see in him and not me.' He ranted. I stood there frozen, not knowing what to do or say. Tears started forming in my eyes. 'Izzy I'm so sorry.' I said quietly. He signed before putting out his cigarette. 'I know, you can't help who you love. I've heard it all before.' Izzy said bluntly before walking off.

I watched him disappeared and sat down trying to take in everything that just happened. Did I just ruin my friendship with Izzy? I can't lose him.

(Thank so much for reading guys! What do you think will happened with Izzy btw?! Also, let me know if you want pictures of the characters and I'd be happy to put them in! X)

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