Chapter 32. Contagious

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I woke up the next morning around 8.30am, and felt fine. No hangover for once! I looked over at Nikki who had his arm draped loosely around my waist snoring his head off and smiled. Every day I can't believe how lucky I am to be with him. After a while of just laying there I thought I'd better go check on Paddy before coming back to pack up our stuff.

'Hey Sixx wake up.' I whispered, shaking Nikki a little. 'Huh?' He mumbled as his eyes half opened and he looked around the room. 'I'm gonna go check on Paddy, I'll be back soon. Remember the tour bus leaves at 10am so you gotta get up soon.' I told him. 'Yeah yeah I will, bye gorgeous.' Nikki replied, kissing my check before rolling over to go back to sleep.

I quickly chucked on some black mom jeans and my Aerosmith hoodie with black cons before quietly slipping out of Nikki and I's hotel room and heading down to Paddy's room that he was sharing with Slash and Izzy. I knocked on the door loudly knowing that those boys could sleep through anything but before I could knock for a second time, Paddy answered the door. His left eye had a dark purple bruise all around it and his nose was busted and crooked, he had a cut on his upper lip and a small patch on his eyebrow where it had being split open. 

'Jesus Paddy you look like hell!' I said, shocked. 'Geez thanks.' He replied, chuckling as he let me in. 'I feel so bad, this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't of let you come on this tour.' I groaned as I slumped on the couch. 'Hailie are you kidding me?! I'm having the time of my life, fuck those guys I'm fine! It's just a couple of bruises.' Paddy exclaimed. 'God if Mum and Dad could see you right now I'd be dead.' I said, laughing. 

'Actually speaking of Mum and Dad, they rang this morning. They haven't being able to reach you but they wanna talk to you.' Paddy told me. 'Shit, I've being meaning to ring them. I've just being so busy.' I replied. 'I know, I told them that. Also, they know about Sixx. They were asking a lot of questions.' Paddy said, giving me a look. 'Like what?' I snapped. 'Uh I'll let them ask you instead.' Paddy replied, uncomfortably. Before I could say anything, Izzy walked in the room. 'Good morning Hailie!' He sang while Slash staggered out from behind him. 'What you doing here H?' Slash asked with a smile. 

'Just thought I'd come check on this butchered up brother of mine.' I grinned. 'Man you look rough as guts.' Izzy laughed, getting a good look at Paddy's face. 'I'm fine! Seriously, stop worrying about me H.' Paddy groaned. 'Don't scare you're sister like that again man, she was an animal last night I could barely stop her from getting involved in the brawl.' Izzy warned him. 'Yeah man she's nuts!' Slash agreed as I laughed and rolled my eyes. 'I won't.' Paddy huffed.

I left the boys to gather their things and headed back to the room to get ready to leave for Pennsylvania. When I walked in, Nikki was already up and ready to go. 'Come on Hailie chop chop let's go!' Nikki yelled with a grin as he hurried me to get my things. 'Jesus it's the other way around this time.' I laughed. 'How's Paddy?' He asked as I started packing my things. 'He looks rough but he insists that he's fine.' I replied. 'I'm sorry for getting involved, I know how much he means to you and I wasn't letting him get ganged up on.' Nikki explained. 'I know baby thank you, I appreciate you looking out for him.' I said, walking over to him and kissing him on the cheek. 

After a final check around the hotel room to make sure we didn't forget anything, we made our way down to the lobby to check out. Alex and Tommy were in the elevator which is a first because they are always late to everything. 'Hey how'd you guys pull up?' Nikki asked as the elevator doors closed. 'Dude I'm fine, she's feeling it though.' Tommy laughed pointing to Alex who looked like she had being up all night puking. 'Shut up T-Bone!' She said smacking his arm. 'Here babe, drink this.' I said, handing her my bottle of water. 'Thanks H, you're my savior.' Alex said with a grin.

We got settle on to the tour buses, Alex and I on the Motley bus of course and Ash and Imogen on the Guns bus, Vince went on their bus too because he wanted to make sure Axl didn't go near Ash but I've got a feeling something else was going. 'Hey I'm gonna go take a nap.' Nikki said to me, kissing me on the cheek before heading to the bunks. 'No worries Sixx.' I replied smiling. 'Oi what's going on with Vinnie and Ash?' I asked Alex. 'Oh Vince has a major crush on her but Ash doesn't want anything like that because of Rachel.' Alex explained. 'Doesn't stop him from trying though, Vince usually gets what he wants.' Tommy chuckled. 'Yeah, I'd give it another week and they'll be fucking.' Mick said with a grin.

I laughed and shook my head before grabbing my acoustic guitar. I had being writing  a song about Nikki, but because we had being so up and down I had never got to finish it, until now. 'What you got for us today H?' Mick asked. 'This one's called Contagious.' I replied with a grin. 'Oooh I wonder who this is about.' Tommy said sarcastically. 'Go on H, show us what you got.' Alex told me, ignoring Tommy.

I started strumming and off I went:

When you're around, I don't know what to do
I do not think that I can wait
To go over and to talk to you
I do not know what I should say

And I walk out in silence
That's when I start to realize

What you bring to my life
Damn, this guy can make me cry

It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind

It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high all the time

Uh, oh
Uh, oh

They all say that you're no good for me 
But I'm too close to turn around
I'll show them they don't know anything 
I think I've got you figured out

So I walk out in silence
That's when I start to realize
What you bring to my life
Damn, this guy can make me smile

It's so contagious
I cannot get it out of my mind
It's so outrageous
You make me feel so high

All the time

I finished up and looked to Alex for approval. 'What do you guys think?' I asked nervously. 'Hello to our next big hit!' Alex said with a massive grin. 'Yeah dude that was sick!' Tommy exclaimed. 'Not bad kiddo, not bad at all.' Mick told with with a smile. 'I'm glad you guys like it.' I said smiling. 'Wait till Sixx hears it, he'll love it.' Tommy told me. 'We should make it a surprise for him, put it on our next album and make it our first single.' Alex said. 'Yeah I like you're thinking Al.' I said, smiling at her.

Suddenly there was a big thump from bunks where Nikki was. 'You alright Sixx?' Tommy called out, no answer. We all got up to check it out, I went first and opened the door to find Nikki had fallen out of his bunk, knocked out cold with a needle hanging out of his arm. 'Jesus christ!' I yelled in anger. 'Nikki are you okay?! Come on wake up please.' I said in frustration as Tommy and I rushed over to him. 'Man he was doing so good not doing this shit.' Tommy said, pulling the needle from his arm.

I had Nikki lying against my chest, slapping his face trying to get him to wake up but it wasn't happening. 'He's still alive!' Tommy called out as he checked Nikki's pulse.  'Watch out!' Alex yelled as she came towards us with a glass of water, she splashed it in Nikki's face, getting it all over me and Tommy in the process. Nikki woke up instantly with a gasp, 'Thank fuck man! You scared us.' Tommy exclaimed as I signed in relief. 'I'm - s-s-sorry I -d-d-didn't m-mean to-' Nikki stuttered. 'It's fine, we'll deal with it later.' I signed, as we all helped him get back into bed.

'I l-l-love y-ou.' Nikki managed to get out as I tucked him in. 'Just rest up okay.' I said signing, leaving the door to the bunks opened so I could keep an eye on him from the lounge area. 'And to think you just wrote a song about the guy.' Alex scoffed. 

I looked over at Nikki as he sleep peacefully. 'What am I going to do with you Sixx?' I said to myself. 

(The song Contagious is by Avril Lavigne, I don't own it in anyway xoxo)

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