Chapter 43. Nightmare

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I got up the next morning in absolutely agony. I had basically no sleep, and the sleep I did get resulted in nightmare terrors which scared me even more. Izzy was still sleeping so I gently moved away and went into the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and what I saw I couldn't believe with my own eyes. I had blue and purple bruises and marks all over my neck. I took my shirt off, terrified to find what was underneath and found more bruising all over my stomach and a very big deep purple bruise around my right ribs. I also noticed marks all over my legs, I looked like I had being hit by a bus. How the fuck am I supposed to hide this?? I started bawling my eyes out at the sight of me. Before I was this badass confident girl who wasn't afraid to hold back but now I looked like a pale, vulnerable pushover.

I put the t-shirt back on and pulled myself together before going back into Izzy's room. I found him sitting upright on the bed, waiting for me. He looked at me, noticing the tears in my eyes and then trailed down to my neck. 'Hailie, pull up you're t-shirt.' Izzy told me adamantly. 'Izzy please, no.' I pleaded. 'Hailie, do it now.' He said again bluntly. I looked away and closed my eyes as I lifted the tshirt and heard gasps come from his mouth. 'Fucking hell.' He whispered. 'I can't believe this happened to you. What happened Hailie?!' He begged.

I signed before telling him everything. 'Where the fuck is that cunt?!' He yelled as he stood up to walk out. 'Izzy no please! Sit down!' I pleaded. 'You can't make a scene and you can't tell anyone about this I'm begging you.' I told him. He looked at me like he was about to cry and sat back down defenceless. 'I'm so fucking sorry this happened to you, we were right here and we had no idea.' Izzy sobbed. 'Please don't blame yourself, I made it out alive didn't I?' I chuckled. 'Even in the worst situations, you can make a joke out of it.' He replied, with a small smile. 'So this stays between us okay?Don't tell anyone especially Paddy and Sixx.' I said sternly. 'Only for you Hailie.' He answered, sadly.

I went back to my room while Izzy did a quick look around the house to kick out any strangers. I was in so much pain so I put on grey trackies with an oversized black hoodie with my cons. I made sure to pull the strings of my hoodie really tight and tie them together so that none of my bruises were showing. I didn't have the energy to do anything today, all I wanted to do was lie there and cry. How the fuck was I gonna do a show tonight?! Unfortunately not going wasn't an option so I decided to go downstairs.

I walked downstairs where everyone sat in the lounge. 'Hey surprise she's late again!' Vince yelled out. Normally I would have a smartass answer but I just gave him a small smile. Everybody including Nikki gave me a look of concern as I retreated to the kitchen for some water. 'H, are you okay?' I heard Alex's voice from behind me. 'Yeah babe I'm fine, just not feeling too hot today.' I replied quietly. She patted my shoulder and I winced at the pain. I was getting weird looks from everyone. 'What the hell?' Alex asked. 'I must of slept on it.' I half chuckled as I went to go outside. I couldn't deal with everyone's questions and looks, just leave me the fuck alone.

Nikki frowned at me as he looked me up and down but I ignored it with a straight face and walked outside. The fresh air hit me and I felt a little better. 'Hailie, what's going on?' Paddy asked, coming outside while everyone watched on. 'Nothing I'm just feeling a little sick, Geez will everyone get off my back?!' I snapped as Nikki walked outside. 'Oh great.' I said rolling my eyes. 'Let me guess, you're gonna ask me what's wrong too?' I sneered. 'Hailie, if it's about last night with that chick I was with then I'm sorry.' Nikki said, sitting down from across me. 'You think I give a flying fuck right now about you and some chick?! No I've gotta bigger things to worry about!' I yelled at him, getting up to head inside. 'What do you mean bigger things to worry about Hailie?!' Nikki yelled after me. I ignored him and everyone else's looks as I ran upstairs and back into my room.

I laid there until it was time to go to soundcheck. 'Hailie? It's Izzy. We've gotta go.' He said gently. I slowly got up, still in so much pain, fixed myself up to make sure my bruises were covered and walked downstairs with Izzy's help. I jumped in the van, trying to make it look like I was fine but it obviously didn't work. Everyone gave me worrying looks but didn't say anything except for Nikki. 'Can you please tell me what's going on?' He whispered to me as everyone carried on with their conversations. 'I told you, I just don't feel well.' I said bluntly. He leaned back in his seat defeated, with an unimpressed look on his face and just looked at me the whole way to the venue while I stared out the window.

When we finally got there, I went to get up and my neck must've being showing because Nikki immediately caught on. 'What's all that?!' He asked with a frown on his face. 'Nothing, probably just my make up from last night.' I lied through my teeth. I jumped out before he could say anything else and cling onto Izzy who was far more then okay with it.

The girls and I did our soundcheck, my worst soundcheck ever based off the account that I couldn't even move properly nor sing the way I wanted too. The girls couldn't figure out what was wrong with me but I still didn't want anyone to know. I dragged my feet to the bathroom after Vicky lectured me telling me I've gotta lift my game. I stared in the mirror once again and signed. I was more pale then ever and my undereyes were sunken in. I looked like a dead person. I sat down on the toilet with my head in my hands when I heard the lock on the door being picked and opened.

I looked up to find Nikki appearing, shutting the door behind him. 'We're not leaving until you tell me what's going on.' He demanded. 'Why do you care? All you cared about last night was getting laid.' I replied coldly. 'Hailie, tell me right now.' He said. I knew he wasn't joking and signed. 'Somebody tried to rape me last night.' I told him flatly. 'They fucking what?!' He raged. 'Calm down they didn't do it!' I hissed. 'What did they do then?!' He asked. I stood up and took off my hoodie. Nikki stared at all the marks and bruises all over me and stood there in absolute shock. 'They they-' he stuttered. 'He belted the absolute fuck out of me, yes.' I groaned.

'Who the fuck was it?!' He demanded, getting angry all over again. 'I have no idea, he was part of the group YOU invited!' I yelled at him. 'Oh my god Hailie, I'm so sorry I'm so fucking sorry.' Nikki started saying as he panicked. 'This is all my fucking fault.' He said to himself. 'No it's not Nikki, you didn't know this would happen!' I told him trying to calm him down. 'I mean you could have helped me when I was in you're room but whatever.' I added with a little chuckle. 'Fuck that's when it happened?!' He asked me in distress. 'Nah mate, I was just in you're room in my underwear with bruises everywhere crying because I felt like it.' I said sarcastically.

'Why didn't I realise?! Jesus Christ I can't believe I let this happen.' He yelled in frustration at himself as he hit the wall. 'Nikki calm down! I'm okay, I'm here aren't I?' I told him. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and embraced me in a hug, wrapping his arms around me and holding me tight. 'I will never let anything bad happen to you again.' He promised as he kissed my forehead. I instantly felt better as he held me. 'You're an asshole.' I said smiling. 'I know.' He answered.

'Wait till Paddy finds out.' Nikki said with wide eyes. 'No, nobody is going to find out. Especially Paddy, not till I want him to at least.' I told Nikki. He signed before saying 'fine.' 'Believe me I'm going to find the asshole who fucking did this.' Nikki growled.

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