Chapter 13. Happy Place

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The next morning I left the hotel room to go find Alex. Nikki was still sleeping, and I needed to talk to someone about what happened last night. I knocked on the door of the room Alex and Tommy were in, no answer. I opened the door and it was unlocked, so I slid in making sure I was quiet and shutting it behind me. I carefully stepped over all the shit that was on the floor, it looked like a bomb site. They sure do know how to have fun! I walked into the bedroom and saw both Tommy and Alex fast asleep in bed, Tommy's hand was handcuffed to the bed. I frowned and didn't even give it a second thought as I went to wake Alex up. 

'Alex?' I whispered shaking her, she didn't even stir. After countless times of trying to wake up her quietly, I resorted to the only other option. 'ALEX WAKE THE FUCK UP!' I screamed in her face, smacking the pillow over her head. 'I'm up!!' She yelled, sitting up straight. She looked at me confused and then realized what had happened and punched me in the arm. 'Ow you fucking bitch!' I yelled. Tommy hadn't even stirred through this commotion. 'Why the fuck did you wake me up?!' She half whispered and yelled. 'I need to talk to you, now!' I hissed back. She looked around for some pants and shoes, chucking them on. 'Well come on then.' She smiled. 'Uh Alex?' I asked her, pointing to Tommy and his handcuffed hand. 'I'll explain later, it's not what you think.' She laughed.

We walked out to the balcony and she handed me a smoke while she lit her own up. 'So what's up?' She asked as she inhaled her cigarette. 'I slept with Nikki last night.' I said straight up. 'What?! Oh fucking hell.' She said shocked. 'How the hell did that happen? You just disappeared from the club last night.' She added. 'Yeah I left cause Nikki dragged me out of there after he pulled me away from that guy I was hooking up with.' I told her. 'Ohh Sixx got jealous did he?' Alex smirked. 'Yep, but so did I, that's why I hook up with that guy.' I replied. 'Hmm yeah I remember something about seeing a girl on his lap. So what happened when you guys left?' She asked, curious. 'Well we had a massive fight and I told him I was allowed to do what I wanted, then he just kissed me, one thing lead to another and here we are.' I said, smiling. 'You seem happy about that.' She grinned at me. I half smiled and then suddenly put a serious look on my face. 'What's up H? Something bothering you?' She asked, concerned. 

'I told Nikki about Paddy, and what happened with Daniel back home.' I told her. 'Shit Hailie, you haven't told anyone that but us. He must really mean something to you.' She said looking at me seriously. 'Yeah, he opened up to me about what he's being through so I figured I should do the same. Now he understands why I got so upset seeing him shoot up.' I replied. 'He could tell how much I miss Paddy and told me to try and contact him.' I added, looking up at her, rubbing my hands together waiting for her response. Alex lost her shit at Paddy when I found him, that day we planned to get away and move to L.A.  'H, you know I will go to the end of this earth protecting you from everything until the day I die, but he is you're brother and it wouldn't have being his intentions to hurt you.' She answered truthfully. 'Thank god, I can't wait to talk to him again.' I said breathing a sign of relief. I smiled, I was letting go of the past and I was happy I was gonna talk to him again. 

'So, are you and Sixx together?' Alex asked, interrupting my thoughts. I went to answer and frowned instead. I had no idea what the hell we were. Instead I told her the one thing I was scared to say to anyone. 'I'm in love with him, I realized it last night.' I said. 'Does he know?' She asked. 'Nope, and I ain't telling him either, and to answer you're other question, he never said anything about being together now that I think about it.' I told her. 'Well there's no turning back now. When you love someone, you love harder then anyone I know and I've never seen you so head over heels for someone.' She said grinning at me. 'Wait.. you knew?!' I asked, surprised. 'Hailie I know you better then you know yourself, I've known for ages.' She laughed. 'Damn it.' I muttered smiling. 

I left Alex with the mess Tommy was in and walked back to my hotel room. I walked in to Nikki making an omelette. 'Hey! Where did you go?' He smiled, walking up to me and planting a kiss on my cheek. 'Just to see Alex, Tommy's a mess. He's hand cuffed to the bed.' I answered, laughing. 'Oh yeah that's normal, Doc does that so he can't cause anymore mayhem while he sleeps.' Nikki chuckled. I smiled largely, I didn't care if Nikki and I weren't together. This was nice and I was happy, I wish this would last forever. 'You gonna ring you're brother today?' Nikki said, interrupting my thoughts. 'Oh yeah!' I snapped out of it, running over to the phone to ring Vicky. 

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