Chapter 59. Inglewood

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I woke up in bed and realised I was in Izzy's room next to Izzy not remembering much from the night before which was becoming a regular occurrence. I was scared for a moment that I might have slept with him but relaxed when I saw our clothes were still on.

I fixated on Izzy's face as he snored away lightly and smiled. I looked around for a cigarette and as I put it to my mouth to light it, the reflection from the sun seeping through the window caught on the ring that was on my finger, the one Nikki had given me.

I had moved it from my wedding ring finger to my index finger once Nikki and I had broken up, it was too pretty to throw away and not to mention the fact that I still loved him. I looked intently at the diamond as I took a drag and suddenly remember Nikki last night with Vanity. Rage and anger immediately filled my mind and I was gonna bottle that bitch. Nikki was gonna end up dead because of her!

I got up, leaving Izzy to snore away and walked out to the living room where Slash and Duff were sitting. 'Hey H.' Duff said politely. 'Top of the morning to ya.' Slash smiled as I chuckled. 'Morning boys, ready for another show tonight?' I asked them. 'We were born ready.' Axl's voice came from behind me as I turned around to face him and Erin. 'That makes two of us.' I replied. 'Alright guys I better head back home, tell Izzy I said good bye.' I added, making my way to the front door.

'I'll walk you home H!' Slash called out, jumping up from the couch and following me. The sun hit my face and I embraced the warmth as we started walking on the foot path. 'So what did Sixx get up to last night?' I suddenly asked Slash before I realised what came out of my mouth. 'Uh I think he left with Vanity half way through the night.' Slash replied looking at me sadly. I just nodded and looked ahead, not replying.

'He's going in a downwards spiral.' Slash suddenly said. 'What do you mean?' I asked him, worried. 'The drugs, he's- you know what never mind.' Slash finished. 'Saul you tell me right now.' I demanded. 'It's not my place H, I just think he needs you right now.' Slash told me. I nodded in agreement and knew he was right, I had to try and put all the shit he's done aside and just be there for him.

We finally got to my place and I hugged Slash good bye before making my way into the house. All the girls, Steven and Paddy sat in the living room when I entered. 'Where have you being?!' Paddy yelled. 'Chill I was at Izzy's.' I replied rolling my eyes. I saw the smirk Alex was giving me but I shook my head immediately. Paddy decided to lecture me on my drug intake so I walk off and had a nice hot shower and relaxed.


We're all back at the venue in Inglewood for another show. It was just us and Guns, Motley weren't here yet and I was nervous to see Nikki. Plus I was sober and Izzy didn't have any drugs on him so I was on edge. We finished our soundcheck and I sat down, nervously biting my nails when Motley suddenly walked in one by one. Nikki came in, looking like hell but was sober. Someone else came in behind him and as I saw them grab Nikki's arm I realised it was Vanity again.

I saw red and the rage I felt this morning came back, Mick caught my eye and went to stop me but it was too late. I charged at her and pushed her up against the wall, I don't know why I just couldn't help it! She makes me so mad. 'Get the fuck of me you stupid bitch!' She screamed at me as I held her against the wall with one arm while searching all her hiding spots for drugs with the other. Mick and Paddy were trying to pry me off but they obviously weren't trying hard enough.

I reached down into her bra not giving a fuck what it looked like while she was still screaming at me and pulled out a baggie and two needles. 'Bingo.' I said, letting go of her and walking away. 'Give that back to me you fucking whore!' She yelled at me, walking towards me. 'Come any closer and I'll stab this needle in you're fucking eye.' I growled at her. Nikki stood behind her, watching it all unfold, not knowing what to do.

She charged me but Tommy was too quick for her and stepped in front of me, blocking her from getting to me. I laughed in her face as I walked past her but then she decided it was a good idea to spit right in my face. That's it, this bitch is dead. I smacked her right in the jaw as she grabbed a fistful of my hair, Tommy still in the middle of us managed to drag her away and kick her out. I was beyond angry and turn to Nikki. 'Don't fucking bring her around me EVER AGAIN!' I yelled at him before storming off to the bathroom.

I went to flush the drugs down the toilet when Nikki came charging in and stopping me. 'Hailie give me that right now' He demanded, looking me straight in the eye. 'Since when do I listen to you.' I shot back, dropping it in the toilet and flushing it. 'What the fuck!' He screamed at me, as he ran over to the toilet and put his hands down there trying to get the drugs I had just flushed. 'Nikki what the fuck are you doing, they are gone! How desperate are you??' I yelled at him. 'FUCK YOU!' He yelled at me, pushing me to the ground and running out of sight.

I sat there on the ground in shock as Izzy and Paddy came to my side. 'Hailie are you okay?' Izzy asked frantically. 'What happened to him? Where's the Nikki I know?' I asked still in shock. 'We're all asking the same thing H.' Tommy replied sadly. Tears fell down my face as I realised what drugs were doing to him. This wasn't the Nikki I knew or loved, this was somebody completely different. He was breaking my heart without even meaning to because he was too busy chasing the other love of his life.

I took a few moments before getting myself together, we still had a show to put on! But not before getting my hands on some sort of drug to make me forget what had just happened with Nikki.

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